JackPot77 Wrote:Brisbane Wrote:I see you are still a small, frustrated gaylord with a small Wakerleyk... Oh Snype (jackpot77), you are so gay....
sorry cant help it if u think that im sniper !! say what eva i dont care much ! but i do care not to spoil others forums just for the sake of commenting... Sorry CADMUS for what eva is happening here !! but them post fcukers just force u to take action!!!
2nd of all !!! how childish of u to have such an avatar in your profile !! if u want to say that u smoke weed !! dont relate kids to it !! fcuk now adays ppl are trying to follow Michael jackson's steps in child abuse
(though they say he is innocent) .. how sick it look u dont know !! since i know and others know ur lack of understanding and missevaluation of things !! i guess its normal for u ha :p !! DAMN !! what a moron !!
plus i dont want to spoil this forum and shift it to a non sense club
Well i just simply dont know whats ur problem with me !! but i find it very interesting that u r talking to me as if u know me !!! i just dont want to spoil the flow of this post bcz of your weird reseaons and ideas related to me !! i would simply ignore what eva u say !!
find a hobbie or something seriously ... u better get a new life !! what eva u r doing is a waste of time not for u cz probably u r a guy with no time value !! but others do !!
Peace Out !!
wow !!!! if you are sniper !!! im impressed you can now write 3 paragraphs ... while the longest peace of post garbage you wrote was roughly 30 words and they neededserious gramtic overhaul !!!
guys wait i think we should cool down on jackpot i mean .... this post was way too smart for Snype ...... and even by the way he types its diff..
and sniper is simply a gay .... where this person obviously is not !!!!
hes a gay with time value ...
3 hours short time (hand) === 10 AUD
3 hours short time (oral) === 13 AUD
3 Hours short time (anal) === 15 AUD
additional 1 AUD for Powder
additional 2 AUD for Lotion
gadget rental 4 AUD
too bad sniper isnt here he could have been your costumer
anyway ... do you like lil children like sniper ??