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what would you do?
You are such a loser... I pity you.

JackPot77 Wrote:what eva !!!

you do type like a gay ... your not worth my time go and die

JackPot77 Wrote:and one other thing, but this time its to our DJ, See being a DJ there is nothing wrong with it !! CZ i kinda party too !! clubin n everythin but the value i give for my time would offcourse differ from yours !! i simply have some of both worlds !! unlike u , workin at night !! then end up drunk n wasted the next day that u simply can do $hit but to recover from ur hangova !! i could understand that , time at that stage would be the last thing u would care about !! i've been there b4 .. it was fun though but i decided to change !! now im doing way betta !! n in case i sounded like a guy who cares much about time !! then i guess u neva heard that time is money !! anyhow !! its fun to teach and comment !! CZ i dont know why ppl sounded a bit immature !!

dude !!! you have no idea on what i do now !!!! how long have you been in brisbane ?? your time aint worth shit to me !!! you think i just play in clubs ??? your such a fcuked up looser !!!! your sorry as$ gay Bioach mother fcker !!!! you work on a 9-5 job and you fcking value your time ??? your time is just worth a couple dirhams dude !!! hahahaha you have no idea who iam and what i do you fck !!! you talk about money over time !!! hahahaha you sad fck minimum wage fck wanna be who dreams of being important live it in the forums by posting that he has time value !!! oh wake the fck up you cck sucking crying fag !!!! NOBODY CARES OF YOUR TIME !!!!! and AGAIN !!!! YOUR TIME IS WORTH a couple of dirhams in my book !!!! so pls dont talk about money and time !!!! you sad fck of an as$
again how long have you been in brisbane ????? your a looser and you cant change that fact !!! by saying that you have time value !!! your TIME GOT NO VALUE !!! HERE !!! like your existance !!! your just a fart-post , your post stinks and like other fart posters you too will die !!!! why dont you do humanity a favour and die !!!! cause like i said NOBODY CARES OF YOU AND NOBODY KNOWS YOU AND YOUR EXSISTANCE is NOTHING BUT A BIG MISTAKE !!!! YOU SORRY AS$ OF A JOKE !!!! now I dont care if YOUR SNIPER OR NOT !!! I SAY FCK YOU!!!!! YOU FCKING LOOSER !!! ..... TIME VALUE .... FCK YOU AGAIN !!!

JackPot77 Wrote:i thought when ppl become expats they try to develope themselves by at least reaching a level of selfrespect !! but i guess here we will come across few childish act!! hopefuly it would be few..

Peace Out !!!
Playa Once Was here !! A Playa got to set his Watsh Cz He is on the move !! A DJ WOnT NEed ThAt !! Cz seriously U R Not An ExpAT :p

people that needs to be respected are people who deserved to be respected !!!! you self glorifying time valued peice of sh!t of a fag !!!!

who would fcking name him self jackpot77 oh your such a looser !!!! well its good to know that when sniper left we have a new clown in town !!!! dont worry mate all i can say is that your better than sniper ... cause YOUR TIME HAS VALUE !!!!!! lets say 2 fcking dirhams per hour !!!! you worthless sh!T now before you post anything about me do some post research you fck ....
Being a DJ is not a GOD given talent !!!!
its a Gift ..... by who ??? .... hmmmm

Alcoholic Wrote:OMG - Sorry to say but this stuff really ticks me off.

Who are you marrying her or her parents, religion, race whatever has nothing to do with two people falling in love and wanting to be with each other.

I hate to say it, but if she choses her religion and parents over you then she wasn't for you in the first place, I think it's actually very selfish of her, if she had no intention of the relationship lasting then she should have backed out a long time ago.

I get down on both knees and touch my head to the floor! I like minded person to me, well done.

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