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Religion really does brainwash, doesn't it? Such a shame.

gangster Wrote:We will just have to agree to disagree Brisbane. In any case i will let the silent majority form their own conclusions.

In that case I would hide my head like an osterich if I was you....

kelliy Wrote:Religion really does brainwash, doesn't it? Such a shame.

Spoken like a true kaffir.... Sad how your soul is damned...

Brisbane, if there is a god, you will be the first to burn in hell for how you judge others like you are more important than god. Leave the judging to god as it says in most religious texts, and keep your mouth shut if you are truly a faithful person.

kelliy Wrote:Brisbane, if there is a god, you will be the first to burn in hell for how you judge others like you are more important than god. Leave the judging to god as it says in most religious texts, and keep your mouth shut if you are truly a faithful person.

Thats funny how you say I will burn in hell and at the same time say I cannot pass judgement on others...


:lol: :lol: :lol:


Read a book on emotional intelligence, and spend a little less time in your brainwashing chamber.

kelliy Wrote:Read a book on emotional intelligence, and spend a little less time in your brainwashing chamber.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

kelliy Wrote:Read a book on emotional intelligence, and spend a little less time in your brainwashing chamber.

Yes my little non-beleiver, yes..... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Brisbane, you are an angry and unstable man who is searching for some meaning in his life. If you think you have found it in the Quran, that is great, but you are using your religion as an excuse to hate and judge others. This is pitiful and is a disservice to good Muslims everywhere. I don't need to be a Muslim to recognise this.

Yes, little one... Sure... :roll:

Quote:........ and EJ

You are wrong a lot of us do care. I for one agree that it was most dis-respectful what the Danes put in the paper.

Just because some of us disagree with certain periphery issues that have since come up in here, doesnt mean we "dont care".

Having an alternative viewpoint or opinion, doesnt mean that that i/we do not care.
Quote:gangster, it doesn't matter that many of us said the cartoons were really distasteful and shouldn't have been published. It doesn't matter that we tried to explain the importance of free speech in our cultures, no matter if it is abused or not. No one cares what we say!

Quote:Totally agree K.

I find it interesting that they, in all probability, truly do believe that the likes of you and i, Choc etc dont care.

Quote:Are you high? What is up with you?? what is this 'west west west' arguement for?? what is this division for? I know you don’t care, but sadly, your turning out to be less wise then I presumed.

urgh, this was purely meant for you (arnie). I was saying in a "I know you don’t care what I think..." TONE.
NOR that I meant, "you don’t care about this issue"

so can we kindly be careful in reading since it is earning bad sarcasm - Kenelli, NO- westerners are not automatically evil.

Again, nothing about east, west ... Its about Muslims. You sympathize with the incident - good enough, you don’t agree on the boycotts, Okay, cool.

I am an Indian, I come from a democratic country. I don’t see a point to discuss City News (although I agree on subject to restrictions part) cause I believe no one can proudly talk about how egalitarian our press/media is.
During the Iraq war all the news was controlled by the US govt.
I remember this funny incident during the time of war. The US media broadcasted images and clips of the US army playing football with kids and helping around in the country, when the truth was something else - inorder to earn a good image in front of their citizens. Poor Americans.
Few days ago, BBC broadcasted a survey in which it stated that 100 army soldiers have been killed from 2004-2006. Well hello? Fact is, if you open the news paper, there is at lest one suicide bomb which kills many soldiers in one day.
My point is, We all have right to accurate information. Its sad for many of westerners that they do not know what’s going on. I am obviously not talking about you guys which live in this part of the world. So when, people from the west, talk, honestly, I can say ‘we’ do not ‘expect’ you to understand.
Maybe I aint making sense But all I am saying is, Nothing is wrong with Brisbane & co. arnie. Cause we see it so much in the news papers/Tvs - the amount of Politics that goes against Muslims, it can certainly make any Muslim angry.

Quote:we all never like the cartoons ... period .. EJ is right .... and EJ FYI I WAS ON YOUR SIDE ever since...
Hey MP, I know.. so sorry that its getting you bad name.

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get in return.


sweetheart ,i am not coming to Brisbane ,i am having good job here hehehe .I will visit brisbane for week or two while on my way to Pakistan.......dont know when has been 2 years since i visited Pak. We will meet and remember chicken biryani for me Tongue

Today they said that they will make a Big church for muslims in Denmark and muslims deserve it hahahahahaha ....

They are losing lot lot of money and state is trying to calm down the sitution in DK.

News paper got 100,000 emails from all over the world .....well they have appologized and now PM ll address to local nations very soon on TV ....


Because of you ahmed bin abdullah is suffering from loss as you have made the people to boycott his product in entire world..........:0).

HP Wrote:Brisbane

sweetheart ,i am not coming to Brisbane ,i am having good job here hehehe .I will visit brisbane for week or two while on my way to Pakistan.......dont know when has been 2 years since i visited Pak. We will meet and remember chicken biryani for me Tongue

Today they said that they will make a Big church for muslims in Denmark and muslims deserve it hahahahahaha ....

They are losing lot lot of money and state is trying to calm down the sitution in DK.

News paper got 100,000 emails from all over the world .....well they have appologized and now PM ll address to local nations very soon on TV ....


Because of you ahmed bin abdullah is suffering from loss as you have made the people to boycott his product in entire world..........:0).

Thats a loss then to the world of fake watches and cement then

:lol: :lol:

hey hp !! its seems like your a totally new person when your using black colored font heheeheheeh we hope not to see the red colored font HP !!! and hey would to hook with you aswell when you come pass Australia !!!

=hey EJ no worries girl im kinda used to it !!! , some people gets to hate me , but all those people who hates me llistens to me !!! well i got paid really well back home in Phils to do such hahahahahaa!!! . hehehehe hey would love to see you in the meet though ill be bringing my girl with me that so that your not the only chick there hehehe hey CheckShoo wants to come aswell can you contact her ??

hey choco gir l .. *** post moderated because it's only purpose is to flame and is personal
Being a DJ is not a GOD given talent !!!!
its a Gift ..... by who ??? .... hmmmm

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