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HP, I agree with you fully on this matter....

HP dude, whats happened to you.... You speak good English and are quite rational....

When are you coming to Brisbane?

will try to make it short

HP, Brisbane,

You are right, freedom of speach Choco can talk rubbish, and we decide not to listen to her rubbish talk, yes rubbish.


You still can't get it!!!! you still talking about unkown army and a bomb threat that might be right or wrong or fabricated or even real done by an individual who is angry. you can't understand our meaning of Country supported assult vs. individual actions?????

You call me nerrow minded and Brisbane and hp and me as violant muslims???????

you really got no idea what you are saying, please if anyone got her point, please help us to understand her twisted logic.

And YES in such event "cartoon thing" why the Fcuk they would attack muslims, muslims in DK are suffering as much as we are, or even more and worse. Do some thinking gurl, you amaze me by ****** won't be as valgur as you and start attacking you as you did to ME, HP, and Brisbane "the violant muslims as you call us"

and with or without cartoon thing, if non-muslims are found in Mecca they should be caught and judged, they are not allowed to be there BY LAW.

ohhhhh, i'm done.

I wonder what happened to the banned one????? is that you man, i can hardly see the same person, Better english, more rational... well, i think we should ban choco too, she might turn into more rational person.

cheers mates


like what my father said ... You cannot reason the "RIGHT" to someone who

is never "WRONG" at the end of the day ... the vast Majority Knows Who

REALLY is STUPID and MORONIC ... " so just let them believe what they

wanna believe ....

anyway FIRST THINGS FIRST IM CHRISTIAN !! and I know there is a Good number of REAL Christians around the World who will Support the Muslim Cause this Time ... cause really times like this where there are MORONIC INDIVIDUALS Who likes TO STIR and CREATE PROBLEMS we THE Children of GOD's Words .We Belong to the Sacred 3 Books of Faith and Life. WE are Brothers and Sisters in Faith so do speak we might have some DIFF.. but in TIMES Like this we should stand UNITED ...
Being a DJ is not a GOD given talent !!!!
its a Gift ..... by who ??? .... hmmmm

Some of you guys speak with such hatred.

It is a good job you are not representative of your fellow countrymen or faith.

The decent ones of us out there, treat and think of you with utter contempt.

You say we dont understand your culture. This is incorrect. We do understand, what we dont understand is the "few" of you that have such extremist narrow minded viewpoints and speak so, with such a passion of hatred for all those that dare have an alternative viewpoint or opinion.

It is no wonder, there are so few other Muslims on here that post their views. They are probably in fear.

Interesting to see its always the same people that are so very vocal on sensitive issues in here.

The minority speaking on behalf of the majority??

I think not!!

Ask any Muslim who the agressor is and the answer will be pretty uniform... Do not think to speak in the name of Muslims or Islam as a whole if you are not from the area or not Muslim.


If you understand the concept of "hypocrocy", then you will realise this statement equally applies to yourself.


like what my father said ... You cannot reason the "RIGHT" to someone who

is never "WRONG" at the end of the day ... the vast Majority Knows Who

REALLY is STUPID and MORONIC ... " so just let them believe what they

wanna believe ....

anyway FIRST THINGS FIRST IM CHRISTIAN !! and I know there is a Good number of REAL Christians around the World who will Support the Muslim Cause this Time ... cause really times like this where there are MORONIC INDIVIDUALS Who likes TO STIR and CREATE PROBLEMS we THE Children of GOD's Words .We Belong to the Sacred 3 Books of Faith and Life. WE are Brothers and Sisters in Faith so do speak we might have some DIFF.. but in TIMES Like this we should stand UNITED ...
Being a DJ is not a GOD given talent !!!!
its a Gift ..... by who ??? .... hmmmm

Exactly. My experience with Muslims so far are that they are kind and gentle people who value the same things in life that most people do. They are confident in their own relationship with their god and realise that hate is toxic. To be honest, the only really hostile Muslims I've ever had contact with have been the few posting here. At first I found it unnerving, but now I realise that I can get perspective by meeting more Muslims - it comforts me to know that they aren't sharing the same raWakerleyal views as some people here.

So many people from different cultures go to a great effort to learn about and appreciate other cultures, and it is a disservice to tell them they know nothing just because they come from another country, disagree with something you say, or haven't converted to your religion.

Brisbane Wrote:Ask any Muslim who the agressor is and the answer will be pretty uniform... Do not think to speak in the name of Muslims or Islam as a whole if you are not from the area or not Muslim.

Nice one Brisbane.

They may say that, i agree, but not with the passion and hatred that the likes of the few submit on here.

However in my humble opinion i disagree with your generalistaion.

kelliy Wrote:Exactly. My experience with Muslims so far are that they are kind and gentle people who value the same things in life that most people do. They are confident in their own relationship with their god and realise that hate is toxic. To be honest, the only really hostile Muslims I've ever had contact with have been the few posting here. At first I found it unnerving, but now I realise that I can get perspective by meeting more Muslims - it comforts me to know that they aren't sharing the same raWakerleyal views as some people here.

So many people from different cultures go to a great effort to learn about and appreciate other cultures, and it is a disservice to tell them they know nothing just because they come from another country, disagree with something you say, or haven't converted to your religion.

Totally agree with you kelliy. I have the same experiences myself with muslims of all nationalities.

Oh Brisbane you are a sad little troll aren't you?

We educated "westerners", and plenty of educated muslims, don't "despise" you. We pity you, and your childish threats against innocent people.

And for god's sake - you come from America. Have a look at your country's rating in corruption inWakerleyes compared to Denmark or most of Europe.

I suggest you go and read the opinions of muslims who actually practice their religion - mercy, peace and tolerance - and grow the fuck up. might be a good start for you
Secret Brisbane diary - intrigue and adventure in Australia

mINOR pLEASURE Wrote:anyway FIRST THINGS FIRST IM CHRISTIAN !! and I know there is a Good number of REAL Christians around the World who will Support the Muslim Cause this Time ... cause really times like this where there are MORONIC INDIVIDUALS Who likes TO STIR and CREATE PROBLEMS we THE Children of GOD's Words .We Belong to the Sacred 3 Books of Faith and Life. WE are Brothers and Sisters in Faith so do speak we might have some DIFF.. but in TIMES Like this we should stand UNITED ...

Christianity, with a few minor exceptions, is extremily close to Islam. Christians are People of the Book and as such are respected in the Quran and by Muslims....

A real Christian will disavow the words Judeo-Christian west as nothing more that Zionist propaganda.

A real Christian will see that he has more in common with Muslims than the decadent West. A real Christian is a brother amongst men.

A real Christian will understand suffering as Jesus suffered much in his life and as such would feel for Muslims worldwide and hold their hands in support.

MP, you are not a mINOR pLEASURE in my opinion but a Major Christian... Bless you.

Such wise words Secret - I like you


Guys, gangster and Kenalli

Quote:They may say that, i agree, but not with the passion and hatred that the likes of the few submit on here.

However in my humble opinion i disagree with your generalistaion.

What hatred did me or others submitt??? towards who???

secretbrisbane Wrote:Oh Brisbane you are a sad little troll aren't you?

We educated "westerners", and plenty of educated muslims, don't "despise" you. We pity you, and your childish threats against innocent people.

And for god's sake - you come from America. Have a look at your country's rating in corruption inWakerleyes compared to Denmark or most of Europe.

I suggest you go and read the opinions of muslims who actually practice their religion - mercy, peace and tolerance - and grow the f&%K up. might be a good start for you

Right on!

And Brisbane, good luck trying to tell us that we are wrong about our Muslim friends. You have no right to say they are not true Muslims if they don't share your views or act and speak out like you do.

an mostly all muslims are like that they nice people ... and very religou ..

unlike most christians in this forum some are bunch of hypocrytes they say

something when they mean another thing ... some are sooo incensitive

instead of just understanding and maintained a nutral response to this thread

to calm our muslim forumers instead they feed this thread until it actually

divided us forumers in two camps ... sice we are christians and we know that

our fellow Christians had done terrible acts of Blasphemy towards them ...

why cant we just console instead of disagree ??? cause im someone do

this to Jesus Christ they will, not try to say that those MORONS are right ..

yet they will console with out being intemidating ..

and yes we do have people here in Brisbaneforums wher lets say have blown

Head wher its blown so big they loose the power to reason and be

sensitive .. again to the muslim community of brisbane forums im sorry and

im ashamed of whats happening :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

:oops: :oops:
Being a DJ is not a GOD given talent !!!!
its a Gift ..... by who ??? .... hmmmm

Brisbane Wrote:
mINOR pLEASURE Wrote:anyway FIRST THINGS FIRST IM CHRISTIAN !! and I know there is a Good number of REAL Christians around the World who will Support the Muslim Cause this Time ... cause really times like this where there are MORONIC INDIVIDUALS Who likes TO STIR and CREATE PROBLEMS we THE Children of GOD's Words .We Belong to the Sacred 3 Books of Faith and Life. WE are Brothers and Sisters in Faith so do speak we might have some DIFF.. but in TIMES Like this we should stand UNITED ...

Christianity, with a few minor exceptions, is extremily close to Islam. Christians are People of the Book and as such are respected in the Quran and by Muslims....

A real Christian will disavow the words Judeo-Christian west as nothing more that Zionist propaganda.

A real Christian will see that he has more in common with Muslims than the decadent West. A real Christian is a brother amongst men.

A real Christian will understand suffering as Jesus suffered much in his life and as such would feel for Muslims worldwide and hold their hands in support.

MP, you are not a mINOR pLEASURE in my opinion but a Major Christian... Bless you.

Ohhhhhhh i get it now, so its ok being a "true christian" as long as they smpathise with your views.

mmmmmmmmmmm very interesting.

Brisbane, you really do need to look up the word "hypocrite" in the Wakerleytionary


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