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BOYCOTT Danish Products on this list
You fail to see your faults and from what I see here, its Westerners united against the Muslims on this list... GoodBai, Secret Dairy, kelliy, Alcoholic, and gangster against Brisbane, Yshimy and MP (a true Christian)...

This is going nowhere since the westerners here are united against the Truth, God, and the religion of the country that houses and provides for them.


kelliy Wrote:Yes, that is a shame isn't it.

Too bad everyone wasn't athiest like me - it would make the world a better place Big Grin

Will you have a good time when in Hell also?

I'm outta here.

gangster Wrote:MP

I will decide when this thread is locked and closed

End of.

yes very nice the great Moderator ... it only shows how educated you are .. giving such hostile remarks agains a very reasonable request :

Quote:no basically what my post ment is there is no use of us being hostile to

one another !! abviously there are alot of muslims hurt regarding this

matter ... thats why there is a massive bopycott ... cause if they are mot

hurt the boycott will not have taken place at the first place ... DONT YOU

WESTERN EDUCATED PEOPLE as what youve put it ... do you have

muslim friends ?? i and out of this forums ?? so why dont we just stop this

argument before it turns out to be a muslim vs Christian debate ... and

guys please dont stir this topic more ... for the past years before you guys

come to brisbaneforums .. we had managed to be civil and un hostile

regarding religious topics posted here .. apparently we have to respect

that ... so pls just dont stir this more and dont split the members of the

forum in to two .. i believe that this discussion has gone out of hand and it

should be locked and closed ... anyway all the things that needed to be

said has been said anyway .. we are just repeating ourselves and we are

not really resolving anything yet we are just now merely fighting .. and i

believe this is not what forums are supposed to be ... so if you are a just

educated and fair moderator arnie then i think you will lock this thread

and we all agree that we are all in draw ...

to all you reading this forum ... what do you feel isnt this a reasonable

request ??? was there any hatred in this ??? what do you think do you

think we should close this topic??? obviously our"EDUCATED" moderator seems to like to fight rather than to discuss ... very mature OH EDUCATED WESTERN ONE ...

I will decide when this thread is locked and closed

End of" very typical WESTERN very power hungry ... very childish ....

Being a DJ is not a GOD given talent !!!!
its a Gift ..... by who ??? .... hmmmm

Brisbane Wrote:
gangster Wrote:Millions of us "Westerners" are "Christians - you sad and ignorant person

Confusedhock: Confusedhock:

No, true Christians in the west are few and far in numbers.... Those not disapproving and admitting fault in Denmark are not Christians...

Your ignorance disappoints me Brisbane. What right do you think you have to Wakerleytate to me or anyone else as "too what constitutes a true christian".

Brisbane Wrote:You fail to see your faults and from what I see here, its Westerners united against the Muslims on this list... GoodBai, Secret Dairy, kelliy, Alcoholic, and gangster against Brisbane, Yshimy and MP (a true Christian)...

This is going nowhere since the westerners here are united against the Truth, God, and the religion of the country that houses and provides for them.


You are a rabid Muslim "I hate the West, they are at fault for everything" contributor to this board, but it is our fault if we bring up logical points about how destructive your attitude is, and how illogical your points are. THERE IS NO CONSPIRACY! Many of us have said we sympathise with many local/Muslim issues! You are outnumber even by many Muslims on this board - many are just sitting quietly and watching the fur fly. Notice how not many are supporting you very often? Now who has the warped perceptions here Brisbane? All I ask is for you to stop being so hateful or else go and hang out with people you feel are fit enough to share your company. If you aren't trying to educate us and have a real dialogue - only want to spew hate - then consider sitting on your hands before you post. None of us are posting hateful things about Islam or Australians! Do not mistake us disagreeing with some of your opinions on this site as further offence against Islam or Australians - that is completly illogical!

I wonder if Westerners here feel that the Cartoons, which were deliberately published with the intention of insulting the Prophet Mohammed, can be considered a form of free speech??

Why is a mutual respect for each other such a bad thing..... Why is an appology so difficult.....? Muslims never resort to such insults, and they never will.

calkoon Wrote:I've meet very few Westerners that are practicing Christians. A lost breed, yet many call them selves Christians as a conveniance.

I wonder if Westerners here feel that the Cartoons, which were deliberately published with the intention of insulting the Prophet Mohammed, can be considered a form of free speech??

Why is a mutual respect for each other such a bad thing..... Why is an appology so difficult.....? Muslims never resort to such insults, and they never will.

AMEN !!!
Being a DJ is not a GOD given talent !!!!
its a Gift ..... by who ??? .... hmmmm

calkoon Wrote:I've meet very few Westerners that are practicing Christians. A lost breed, yet many call them selves Christians as a conveniance.

I wonder if Westerners here feel that the Cartoons, which were deliberately published with the intention of insulting the Prophet Mohammed, can be considered a form of free speech??

Why is a mutual respect for each other such a bad thing..... Why is an appology so difficult.....? Muslims never resort to such insults, and they never will.

AMEN !!!

MP - you are a serious hypocrite.

Just read back in fight club re : the comment you made about my mother who is sadly not with me, and has been gone peacefully for the last 26 years.

You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.

Muslim or Christian you are one of the rudest and disrespectful people i have ever had the dis-pleasure of encountering.

How do you know that Muslims wouldn't do it if there was a longer tradition of free speech and more religions present in the society?

Free speech is often abused, and cannot be policed. After all, who would be suitable to judge what could be said and what couldn't be? If there is no free speech, how can people express themselves on the important issues and have an open dialogue with the goal of effecting change? The bad must be taken with the good.

I think the publishing of the cartoons was very inappropriate, but I hold the newspaper editor and the people involved in creating the cartoons responsible for this crisis. They were the ones with the poor taste and obvious lack of respect, and they are the ones who should apologise and be held accountable.

Many citizens of nations that have a long tradition of free speech are used to it being used for shock value and can easily ignore what they don't like to see, and they do complain as well. This can partially explain why the average Dane probably doesn't see the cartoon issue as being that important.

Anyone here who thinks that the Danish people were at home thinking, "Yeah, the cartoons were great, to hell with all Muslims!" is seriously mislead and devoid of reason.

kelliy Wrote:I think the publishing of the cartoons was very inappropriate, but I hold the newspaper editor and the people involved in creating the cartoons responsible for this crisis. They were the ones with the poor taste and obvious lack of respect, and they are the ones who should apologise and be held accountable.

see we are all agreeing in one thing though ... the main reson that there was a spark on this conversatin is if you re-track ... you will find that there really was some insulting attack from your side (one of your debater) which actually tries to link this along side the Terrorist attack which we really believe is off the topic because Terrorist are condemnd in ALL local COUNTRIES .. Even Bin Laden was thrown out of his ouwn country by his own family ... while the newspaper is diff. because the GOv. is not only defending the paper but its actually saying that they apologiz because they have to not because they know its wrong ...

or is it really hard for western to sometimes admitt that they are wrong ??? you might be diff kenelli but please do read the whole thread then you will know and find out why this has been like this ... it started as a god thread ...
Being a DJ is not a GOD given talent !!!!
its a Gift ..... by who ??? .... hmmmm

kelliy Wrote:How do you know that Muslims wouldn't do it if there was a longer tradition of free speech and more religions present in the society?

Free speech is often abused, and cannot be policed. After all, who would be suitable to judge what could be said and what couldn't be? If there is no free speech, how can people express themselves on the important issues and have an open dialogue with the goal of effecting change? The bad must be taken with the good.

I think the publishing of the cartoons was very inappropriate, but I hold the newspaper editor and the people involved in creating the cartoons responsible for this crisis. They were the ones with the poor taste and obvious lack of respect, and they are the ones who should apologise and be held accountable.

Many citizens of nations that have a long tradition of free speech are used to it being used for shock value and can easily ignore what they don't like to see, and they do complain as well. This can partially explain why the average Dane probably doesn't see the cartoon issue as being that important.

Anyone here who thinks that the Danish people were at home thinking, "Yeah, the cartoons were great, to hell with all Muslims!" is seriously mislead and devoid of reason.

Kenelli with all do respect but that reasoning belongs to the other thread and i beilive its already dead ... this is a thread of US meeting up and having a BBQ .. so pls say you in and send info to me Brisbane or constantine ... well if you dont wish to come then just dont post and start a debate ... pls ...

but we would like you to come too with all honestly ... its just a forums so please lets be matured ..
Being a DJ is not a GOD given talent !!!!
its a Gift ..... by who ??? .... hmmmm

Brisbane Wrote:
Alcoholic Wrote:According to news wires this morning the Danish offices of the newspaper were evacuated last night due to a bomb threat - great so now another fantastic image for you to think about! This does nothing to undo the image that many muslims when faced with something they don't like, are violent and aggressive!

Once again - well done!

They deserve a fate much worse than a simple bomb threat....
For someone so anti freedom of speech, you might be interested to learn that this comment puts you seriously in breach of Australia anti-terrorism laws.

Anyway, Vive La France!

Guess y'all better start boycotting Geant and Carrefour now.
Secret Brisbane diary - intrigue and adventure in Australia

kelliy Wrote:I think the publishing of the cartoons was very inappropriate, but I hold the newspaper editor and the people involved in creating the cartoons responsible for this crisis. They were the ones with the poor taste and obvious lack of respect, and they are the ones who should apologise and be held accountable.

see we are all agreeing in one thing though ... the main reson that there was a spark on this conversatin is if you re-track ... you will find that there really was some insulting attack from your side (one of your debater) which actually tries to link this along side the Terrorist attack which we really believe is off the topic because Terrorist are condemnd in ALL local COUNTRIES .. Even Bin Laden was thrown out of his ouwn country by his own family ... while the newspaper is diff. because the GOv. is not only defending the paper but its actually saying that they apologiz because they have to not because they know its wrong ...

or is it really hard for western to sometimes admitt that they are wrong ??? you might be diff kenelli but please do read the whole thread then you will know and find out why this has been like this ... it started as a god thread ...

Well that's very nice of you to say MP and a nice sentiment, but a whole other ball game when Brisbane condons bomb threats against the paper!

Yshimy - sorry but you are totally narrow minded, you believe everything is a fabrication and against you which is not true, you like Brisbane have been listening to the wicked little whispers in your ears when you should have been ignoring them and you'll learn the error of that soon enough, although it'll be too late by then.

kelliy Wrote:I think the publishing of the cartoons was very inappropriate, but I hold the newspaper editor and the people involved in creating the cartoons responsible for this crisis. They were the ones with the poor taste and obvious lack of respect, and they are the ones who should apologise and be held accountable.

see we are all agreeing in one thing though ... the main reson that there was a spark on this conversatin is if you re-track ... you will find that there really was some insulting attack from your side (one of your debater) which actually tries to link this along side the Terrorist attack which we really believe is off the topic because Terrorist are condemnd in ALL local COUNTRIES .. Even Bin Laden was thrown out of his ouwn country by his own family ... while the newspaper is diff. because the GOv. is not only defending the paper but its actually saying that they apologiz because they have to not because they know its wrong ...

or is it really hard for western to sometimes admitt that they are wrong ??? you might be diff kenelli but please do read the whole thread then you will know and find out why this has been like this ... it started as a god thread ...

I said nothing about terrorism in relation to this topic.


kelliy Wrote:How do you know that Muslims wouldn't do it if there was a longer tradition of free speech and more religions present in the society?

Free speech is often abused, and cannot be policed. After all, who would be suitable to judge what could be said and what couldn't be? If there is no free speech, how can people express themselves on the important issues and have an open dialogue with the goal of effecting change? The bad must be taken with the good.

I think the publishing of the cartoons was very inappropriate, but I hold the newspaper editor and the people involved in creating the cartoons responsible for this crisis. They were the ones with the poor taste and obvious lack of respect, and they are the ones who should apologise and be held accountable.

Many citizens of nations that have a long tradition of free speech are used to it being used for shock value and can easily ignore what they don't like to see, and they do complain as well. This can partially explain why the average Dane probably doesn't see the cartoon issue as being that important.

Anyone here who thinks that the Danish people were at home thinking, "Yeah, the cartoons were great, to hell with all Muslims!" is seriously mislead and devoid of reason.

Kenelli with all do respect but that reasoning belongs to the other thread and i beilive its already dead ... this is a thread of US meeting up and having a BBQ .. so pls say you in and send info to me Brisbane or constantine ... well if you dont wish to come then just dont post and start a debate ... pls ...

but we would like you to come too with all honestly ... its just a forums so please lets be matured ..

You are in the wrong thread mINOR pLEASURE Big Grin No worries. :lol:

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