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HEY YALL, coming to Brisbane for 6 months, it better be fun!
hey wasap people from brisbane! howz life.. a gal from Denmark, the land of butter( Lurpack) ..its located north of germany and south of sweden..a tiny petit country..
im coming soon to stay for 6 study and work..thats if i can find a job..anyways..there better be some fun waiting for me..yall could throw me a welcome party (wink wink)..

:occasion7: anywayz i expect to study and stay at the American if there is anyone who studies there..drop me a line..

ya u r right...i am proud to say we have Carlsberg! hehe though i dont drink and i hate beer..and about the pork..i dont know much about dat...but we also have H.C. Andersen..he is danish...i am more than happy to answer further questions.. :thumbright:

Hi danish! u also have danish butter cookies which we love down here in spain. won't be in Brisbane till february but try to enjoy ur time!

Des de València pensant en Brisbane

Hey Danish, where abouts are you from? My best friend is from Aarhus, get over to Brisbane though - its cooling off and there are tons of events piling up, going to be an awesome 6 months here!! Big Grin
Live life to the full, you probably won't even remember it.

hey name is Doha...and NO im not named after the capital of has another from Copenhagen ..the capital..

Quote:Niels Bohr was also from Denmark. Denmark is famous for beautiful girls
the only beautiful girl in denmark is me...hehe

and as for the Wallah thing.,..i know people in denmark tend to use it a BIT 2 MUCH..but it has become a slange..(though its not supposed to) ..
and trust me every time i hear a person say it i just want to :violent1:

Quote:its cooling off and there are tons of events piling up, going to be an awesome 6 months here!!

i sounds great ...I just might get in contact with u when im there..2 know more about the events..

Its going to be great, I work for a company in Agnes that requires me to attend night life events in Brisbane, cannot wait until the end of ramadam! (nothing has happened this month!) So when are you coming out Miss Doha?
Live life to the full, you probably won't even remember it.

Quote:Its going to be great, I work for a company in Agnes that requires me to attend night life events in Brisbane

that sounds great..i just might tag along when im there..i expect to come in january..hope they still have good events by then.

yea they will do, there should be some very famous faces attending events around january too.
Live life to the full, you probably won't even remember it.

what kinda famous faces r we talking Australian ones cuz that doesent interest me at all.. :usa2: only hollywood..

No names yet lol, they seem to like keeping secrets like that.
Live life to the full, you probably won't even remember it.

wazaaaap MS D

well if u r asking about any job here in brisbane i think it will not take u long time to find one ...when u come here u will have too much fun and u will forget how snow look like .. my friend study at AUD need some help tell us we will help ...peace

hey ya doin

how come u think that it will be easy for me to find a job?? i heard it was somehow difficult to find a good job...

and ya about ur friend in AUD..ask him/her to write me if they would be great cuz i have some questions...

take care..

[quote="kPax"]hey ya doin

how come u think that it will be easy for me to find a job?? i heard it was somehow difficult to find a good job...

and ya about ur friend in AUD..ask him/her to write me if they would be great cuz i have some questions...

take care..[/quote

hay thanx alot >>well i didt say it will be so easy i said it will not take u long time u can open any magazine or search in the internet about jobs or work and take wat u want but it will be butter to ask som1 who live in brisbane ..and if u have any Q about AUD u can ask me i will tell my friend or u can send him at and bye

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