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Why do I ALWAYS fall for the wrong type???
kat87 Wrote:
gangster Wrote:IMHO you are only 18 and appear somewhat immature. Your post is worded and would have more meaning if you were a lot older.

When you grow up, the answers you seek will come without having to ask them.

How dare you talk as if you know me. I may only be 18, but you can't just assume Im as immature as other 18 year olds. Age has nothing to do with what I feel. Just because Im not in my thirties doesn't mean that my feelings dont mean anything.

I agree somewhat with you.

The somewhat arises from the fact that you are 18, so you are not yet over the hill, even for Australians 18 these days is youngish... I would start to question things by 25 and be VERY WORRIED by 30... You still have a good 10 years. By 28, try to be married I think.

kat87 Wrote:
gangster Wrote:IMHO you are only 18 and appear somewhat immature. Your post is worded and would have more meaning if you were a lot older.

When you grow up, the answers you seek will come without having to ask them.

How dare you talk as if you know me. I may only be 18, but you can't just assume Im as immature as other 18 year olds. Age has nothing to do with what I feel. Just because Im not in my thirties doesn't mean that my feelings dont mean anything.

I dont know you, but i have read what you have written. End of....!

Well kat87, I want to ask u what age r u dating usually, cause maybe it is an age problem !!
for instance, I knew some girls that used to date older guys, and I mean older by 5+ years! so maybe it is an age problem, tat u can't get along with someone cause he is not thinking the same way u do !!!
have u thought about that ?!? :?:

Hiya all, it's true, girls always go for the bad boys and it defies logic :? I mean, if I think about all the girls that I've out with in the past, it's always been the times where I've been hollier than the pope himself where I have ended up being dumped, srcewed over or just ignored for no reason. A girl would go out with GOOD WILL :angel7: for a date or two and then BLAM..she disappears of the face of the planet???? No reply to my phone calls or texts, no sorry things didn't work out, nothing at all. And you know what?? It confuses the hell out of you because you just kinda slap yourself silly in disbelief, rewind the whole episode in your mind, from the moment you meet the girl until she suddenly gets abducted by aliens!! All the time trying to look for clues, to remember exactly where you messed up, and you just can't think of anything!

This last happened to me when I came here on holiday last year and I met this lovely girl that works for Australia as cabin crew, went out with her a couple of times, and was more of a gentleman than Lord Byron himself, because her friend told me she had a couple of bad experiences wirth bad boys in the past and I should just take it easy. So I did and I never made it past the 3rd date!

However, those times where EVIL WILL :twisted: takes over (not that evil really he's just a little misunderstood!) it's the completely opposite effect and the girls are usually the ones chasing after you (not to sound too chauvinistic!) and can't seem to have enough of your company. Now I'm a very laid back and sweet guy by nature :oops: but I found out that I have to go against my nature to get anywhere with girls (or human beings for that matter!)
"I finally found a job where I'm not lazy, stupid or corrupt; and now I'm going to be killed for it." - Homer Simpson

"The quality of an individual is reflected in the standards they set for themselves" -Ray Kroc

che78 stay away from cabin crew form my expereince they are so instable and messed up .. if you want a "f&ck buddy" or one night stand then go for them .. other than that forget it .. i know i am stereotyping and probably offending the decent cabin crew out there (and i am sure they exist ) but this is my conclusion after my few expereinces

we doods go for the bad girls too Sad

gangster Wrote:
kat87 Wrote:Im 18. You would think that I would have had some kind of a proper relationship by now, but know why? Because I always and I really mean always fall for someone I just know is gonna break my heart in the end.

What is wrong with me? I really need some help here longest relationship was less than 2 months!!! Im just so fed up and I can only blame myself. But no matter how much I wanna change, I always seem to fall back in the same trap.

I just dumped a guy today because he was so wrong for me, and I just feel so lost! Please tell me what to do...because I obviously dont know myself.

Sad Sad Sad

IMHO you are only 18 and appear somewhat immature. Your post is worded and would have more meaning if you were a lot older.

When you grow up, the answers you seek will come without having to ask them.

Well u r wrong arnie, not all 18 r olds are like u when u were in 70's. Some are much smarter and it depends on the environment u were brought up. Yes 18 is the age where u r border line of adolescent and adult and things can be really confusing. have patience and u will make the right decision.

Thanks Hashman. Smile
Whatever is done from love always occurs beyond good and evil - Friedrich Nietzche

Why do I ALWAYS fall for the wrong type???

Tell me about it :!: :lol: :lol:
That's HoT :)

hashman Wrote:
gangster Wrote:
kat87 Wrote:Im 18. You would think that I would have had some kind of a proper relationship by now, but know why? Because I always and I really mean always fall for someone I just know is gonna break my heart in the end.

What is wrong with me? I really need some help here longest relationship was less than 2 months!!! Im just so fed up and I can only blame myself. But no matter how much I wanna change, I always seem to fall back in the same trap.

I just dumped a guy today because he was so wrong for me, and I just feel so lost! Please tell me what to do...because I obviously dont know myself.

Sad Sad Sad

Well u r wrong arnie, not all 18 r olds are like u when u were in 70's. Some are much smarter and it depends on the environment u were brought up. Yes 18 is the age where u r border line of adolescent and adult and things can be really confusing. have patience and u will make the right decision.

IMHO you are only 18 and appear somewhat immature. Your post is worded and would have more meaning if you were a lot older.

When you grow up, the answers you seek will come without having to ask them.

The above in bold is what i make reference to. At 18 the only "proper" relationship she may have come across was probably "at School".

Hardly a "whole life experience" dont you think?. When we start to attend "The School of Life" that is the time to start asking these questions, not when we are "at or just out of School". And with respect, very few TRUE "proper" relationship exist at this stage of life. It happens but rarely.

Just sell it, then atleast you can buy yourself a carton of icecream to console yourself with :o

I might get banned with that one... crap Sad

Well Ok I do have to slightly agree with Arnie on this one. Most of my girlfriends are in their late 20's early 30's and still have problems finding Mr Right! BUT these are intelligent, fun loving, strong minded, awsome women, who through their earlier experiences now know exaclty who they are and what they want out of life and relationships. There's definately something to be said about experience, you have to get to know who YOU are and what YOU want and that only comes with time.

So many of my old school friends married in their late teens early twenties and 99% ended within a few years, because other things like career, travelling, self exploration were put on the back burner and there came a point where they needed to do this stuff and the relationship suffered.

I think a person has more to offer once they are comfortable in themselves and know exactly where they're going in life, certainly I've never felt happier, more content, driven and comfortable than I do now and I'm 30! I'm not married and don't honestly think I ever will be, but I have a great boyfriend and I'm happy with that.

maybe you don't see that person like others do. u set your eyes to what you only wanted to see...

not all the men are the same.. there are good guys deserving your attention and time.
Brisbane, Oz

kat87 Wrote:Im 18. You would think that I would have had some kind of a proper relationship by now, but know why? Because I always and I really mean always fall for someone I just know is gonna break my heart in the end.

What is wrong with me? I really need some help here longest relationship was less than 2 months!!! Im just so fed up and I can only blame myself. But no matter how much I wanna change, I always seem to fall back in the same trap.

I just dumped a guy today because he was so wrong for me, and I just feel so lost! Please tell me what to do...because I obviously dont know myself.

Sad Sad Sad

Hi kat87,

Just relax - you're still young and have plenty of time. Don't rush into things. I'm 37 years old and I *still* haven't found a girl that I want to settle down and raise a family with. In fact, I didn't have a serious girlfriend until I was 23 years old.

You need to set yourself some standards both for yourself and the guy that you want to attract. What do you want from the relationship? What traits do you value in a guy the most that you'll want to go out with him?

What was 'wrong' with your last relationship? Did you sense what was wrong and attempt to correct it? Or did you just give up on it altogether without seeing it through with your man?

What should you do?

Well you could always try getting to know these guys before you start dating them? See if you like them and if you guys have stuff in common, all that.

Alternatively if these guys are breaking your heart then your clearly looking in the wrong kinds of places to meet guys. Try meeting some guys through things you like doing, for example if you really dig reading then just start chatting to some people at a library etc etc.

Also I am in no way trying to offend you but going by the girls that I know the majority of them tend to be pretty shallow when it comes to dating. In other words they go for looks over someone that actually cares / someone who actually has a personality. So maybe give some not so good looking guys a chance?

Although in saying that last part I am somewhat bias because I've been hurt by a lot of girls that I really did care about due to my looks...

Anyways, theres my advice...

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