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Hi, am another newbie....Would really like to chat with other Aussies in Brisbane as my Family and I are thinking of moving to Brisbane after I have finished my nursing degree and would like lots of info hopefully make a few friends before we move so we know what its really excited about the move and cant wait for the time to come.... 8)
PS I live in Tassie
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WElcome another kitty avatar!
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Here kitty kitty kitty...
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Hey, yeah I love pussys (he he) what are you guys up to, what do you do for a bit of coin.......
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magic5 Wrote:Hey, yeah I love pussys (he he) what are you guys up to, what do you do for a bit of coin.......
Lol the question is what WOULDN'T they do for a bit of coin...
Congrats on the shift, you're gonna enjoy yourself here...where abouts in Tasmania are you? Hobart? Launceston?
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Hey Nik are you from Tassie??.....I live in Devonport...To exciting for me here have to move or will be overrun with excitement.....You live in Brisbane? Is it really all that it is cracked up to it a fun place to live and safe for a couple of kids??
Allison 8)
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Nope Allison life long Brisbane-ite ) Would love to visit Tasmania one day, Have a few acquaintances there now, but I remember it best for the home of the Tasmanian Devil, Ricky Ponting and David Boon )...oh and that it used to be called Van Diemen's Land )
As for Brisbane, it is a fun place to live, if a bit superficial, but one incontrovertible fact is that its very very safe, rest assured on that...I think its one of the best places to have a chilAUDood at least
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Hey Allison/Magic. I am a Tasmanian too, now living in Brisbane. Went to high school around the NW coast (grandmother lives in Shearwater) but call Hobart home...not that I've spent much time there in the past few years...
If you want to know anything about what it's like here, just ask....I can't guarantee an informed answer 'cause I've only been here two months, but I'll try!
If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with
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Hey KC, oh my god your grandmother lives in shearwater, i used to live there but now live in the big smoke of Devonport, what high school did you go to, I went to Saint Brendans Shaw College...Dont hold that against me..LOL..... :lol: Why did you move to Brisbane?? Is it as easy to live there as it is to here am scared and excited at the prospect of moving but cant wait until I finish my Degree... What do you do over there for a job and fun... any way enough questions for soon...Allison
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No way!!! When did you live there? I used to live there too - went to Latrobe High, but that was a while ago...St Brendan's was probably better now that I look back on it *L*
(For those non-Tasmanians reading this, yes, Tassie is that small!)
Why did I move here? Why not? I was already living in Japan and ready for a change. Didn't expect to get the job I am doing (I work for Ski Brisbane) and thought it would be a challenge. So far, it really is fun, although not sure if I am in the honeymoon phase still. Now that I've sorted housing I am making the effort to get out and about and meet people and find out what's here - seems like quite a lot to do - you just need to figure out what you are interested in and it is pretty much here.
Very happening night life also - could blow you away if you're coming directly from Devonport! Is that club next to the Saloon Bar still called the Warehouse???
If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with
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I am pissing my self laughing...Yes the Warehouse (or Whorehouse as it is affectionately known) is still there only saloon bar is now called spurs...and on the other side of the street up a little bit there is a night club called Billies Bar and nightclub that one is for the loosers...the nightlife in Devonport rocks..Not...How old are you if you dont mind me asking and you name (I am not trying to chat you up just wondering if I know you at all... He He...) How on earth can you have a ski club in Brisbane isnt it like 40 degrees over there most of the time..enlighten me pleeaaasssee  hock: ......How long do you expect to be living over there and how hard is it to negotiate wages and accommodation...seems really hard...Cheers Allison (Im 29 by the way big 30 this year :cry: )
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Ah yes, quality nightlife! Billies Bar? Haven't heard of that one (it's been a while). That's not the one that used to be called something else and have karaoke?? How about the Elimatta? I remember when it used to be the Warehouse/City Limits on a Friday and Jewels on Saturday! (I am 33).
I'll send you my name later in a PM (Love being anonymous) but think we must know each other. Trying to think of the St Brendan's people that used to catch the school bus - don't suppose you have a brother called Damian? I'll give you a hint - I used to live in the mud brick house in Seabreeze Avenue...
Yep, an indoor ski centre. If you can imagine it, Brisbane either has it, or is building it! (45 degrees the other day by the way..)
My contract is for 4 years (!!!!). Not sure about negotiating - my conditions were fairly set when they offered me the position, so I didn't have to do any of that stuff and my package includes accom allowance (but not enough....)
If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with
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No the Elli is not a happening place anymore.....not much is really :roll: ,I didnt live in port sorell when I was going to school only moved there a few years ago and built a house, sold it and then moved back into town.....
Have you got a family with you over there?........Did you find it hard to get working visa??Not really sure how hard it will be for a nurse to work there....or if they are in need of nurses like we are here...real shortage!!
Do you plan to come back here and live later on or just stay travelling the world??
Cheers Magic
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No family here - I moved totally on my own and not knowing anyone here. It sounds kind of intimidating put like that, but it's not been bad at all.
With the work visa, again my company made all the arrangements, so I didn't have to deal with it. Not sure about the nurse thing - do some net surfing and see what info you can find!
Future plans? No idea! I used to have plans and then I realised that I never stick to any of them anyway, so might as well just see how things go and what opportunities arise. I did come back and live in Hobart for a few years in between travels and found that quite difficult. I love the place, but nothing changes.
If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with
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G'DAy Mate
& Welcome...
surly you'll be entertained in great depth with silly sense oh humorse not to menssion stupid remarks.
>The important thing to recognize is that it >>takes a team, and the team ought to get >>>credit for the wins and the losses. >>>Successes have many fathers, failures have none.
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