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Blame the parents!
Can someone tell me why parents are so irresponsible in Australia.

Never have I seen anywhere that cares so little about the safety or discipline of children.

Why aren't kids wearing seatbelts in cars - it bsaolutely makes my blood run cold, to see a small child jumping around on the back seat of a car or standing between the front two seats or even worse being held on the lap of the driver or front seat passenger. Don't these people realise the huge danger to the child?! They happily wear their seat belt, but if they suddenly break the child could fly forward through the windscreen or hit the person in front, seriously injuring or killing both - what's wrong with them!!!!

Also why aren't kids disciplined, they're rude, arrogant and most of them need a damn good slap.

Whatever happened to children should be seen and not heard!

Alcoholic Wrote:Can someone tell me why parents are so irresponsible in Australia.

Never have I seen anywhere that cares so little about the safety or discipline of children.

Why aren't kids wearing seatbelts in cars - it bsaolutely makes my blood run cold, to see a small child jumping around on the back seat of a car or standing between the front two seats or even worse being held on the lap of the driver or front seat passenger. Don't these people realise the huge danger to the child?! They happily wear their seat belt, but if they suddenly break the child could fly forward through the windscreen or hit the person in front, seriously injuring or killing both - what's wrong with them!!!!

Also why aren't kids disciplined, they're rude, arrogant and most of them need a damn good slap.

Whatever happened to children should be seen and not heard!

I was thinking the same. Parents dont teach morals and some children grow up arrogant and stupid not knowing the difference between right and wrong. Take for example Brisbane, I know his bad upbringing and now he has a bf Pumpkin, Brisbane makes Pumpkin to sit on his lap! And worse does many things which could distract other drivers thus endangering their lives! Yes you are right , choco, Brisbane should have got a smack on his face when he was mini but now he needs severe punishment... :lol:

They need to be scared of their parents. THe reason I didnt go out looking for trouble as a kid was because my mom gave me enough at home. Just that "look" was enough to make me shut up and sit down. Smile
"I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints,,,,,and then i smoke two more" Sublime

i think parents do care its just kids these days are real pain in the arse they never listen to there elders.i did some baby sitting for a aunt recently and i tell you that 5 year old would not listen to any thing i said she just did what she felt like.

if i could i would have slapped her but i think the RSPCC WOULD HAVE HAD A PROBLEM WITH THAT.

*Here..comes..the preacher..*

Use the cane! They should use the cane on their children.

The Good Book says: If you use the rod to discipline your children, they will not die from it.
If you don't ,when they grow up, they will become a menace to the society. And the fault will be on the parents.

Its useless to reason with a 3 or 4 year old when they have not the ability to understand reason. But they will understand the "rod".

Only after they can be reason with is when you stop using the "rod".

But sometimes you do bring them out again.

Children are blessings from God. Don't let them turn into "demons".
"I did not come for the righteous, but to call the sinners to repentance." -Christ Jesus

If these parents can't controll a 5 year old, how the hell do they get through their daily lives dealing with adults? THEY ARE CHILDREN, not some sort of evil genuis
"I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints,,,,,and then i smoke two more" Sublime

The Quran allows us to discipline out kids through systematic measures associated with their comprehension level. Ie. try and reason with a teenager, and slap a child but not harm the child.

The parents ought to apply what their religion allows.

I don't think beating a child is such a good thing. But the question about snacking a child is a big problem, it's against the law to smack your child in many places in Europe now and the parents are being penalised for disciplining their kids, which is riWakerleyulous.

When I was a kid the threat of a spank with a wooden spoon usually did the trick, or the glare from my mother with those immortal words "You wait till your father gets home!" Was enough to scare the poop out of me and my brother, he never had to do anything just the tone of his voice and the look on his face were enough.

Children are not stupid, I used to work in a nursery school 3 - 7 year olds and there was this 3 and a half year old and I swear, demon child. She'd hit, spit, kick and once sank her teeth into the thigh of a teacher, smash stuff up, pick on other kids etc, but you couldn't do anything if you tried to hold her to stop her hurting anyone or herself, she'd shout touching me, hurting me, telling, telling - not stupid at all!

The trouble is I think the games and things kids have these days are also a problem. A school did an experiment, they sat a class down, half watched a wildlife documentary for half an hour the other half watch a violent movie, which half do you think then went mad in the play ground?

People should be more careful that they let their children play with, watch.

Yes.. parents are to be serverly reprimanded for their bloody attitude. I think it is basically because of the ignorance of safety measures. They are fools to say the least. Never learns from their mistakes.

No use trying to tell these people.
Hello dear friends, My name is Shravan, basically from Kerala. Now I am working for a reputed company based in Brisbane as an Administrator cum Accountant. I am looking for a change at the moment. I am searching for a better opportunity

bsa Wrote:*Here..comes..the preacher..*

Use the cane! They should use the cane on their children.

The Good Book says: If you use the rod to discipline your children, they will not die from it.
If you don't ,when they grow up, they will become a menace to the society. And the fault will be on the parents.

Its useless to reason with a 3 or 4 year old when they have not the ability to understand reason. But they will understand the "rod".

Only after they can be reason with is when you stop using the "rod".

But sometimes you do bring them out again.

Children are blessings from God. Don't let them turn into "demons".

I have to disagree !!!! using the cane ?? using ROD ??? geeeez it only gives a child a violent response to all the things that he would think wrong or irritating ... there are more ways to avoid your children from being demons !!!!! as what the old saying goes what ever the parents project thats basically what the children would be when they grow up ,.. i say we can mold our children to be god fearing, people loving citizens by showing them love and the RIGHT form of fearing GOD !! .... i dont know i was raised from a family that never used "ROD" to discipline me but i turned out to be civil and just ....

by the way such comments seems so harsh from a guy like you bsa...
Being a DJ is not a GOD given talent !!!!
its a Gift ..... by who ??? .... hmmmm

I never read it but people who read the bible speak of the over abundance of violence thats in it, so bsa response didn't surprise me.

In Islam are not to inflict pain on our children only hit them as an last resort and not to the point where they feel pain. More like to scare them into obedience of the parents.

Brisbane Wrote:I never read it but people who read the bible speak of the over abundance of violence thats in it, so bsa response didn't surprise me.

In Islam are not to inflict pain on our children only hit them as an last resort and not to the point where they feel pain. More like to scare them into obedience of the parents.

LOl look who is talking , the guy who gives the baby to smoke.- good form of discipline. ......:lol:

Your english rocks!!!

Brisbane Wrote:Your english rocks!!!

merci.... :lol:

hey laila....waz RSPCC??
I like angles....but only to a degree

ok guys ,,, well,, first i would agree with Brisbane tooo much ,, not only because he and i are muslims , but also ,, coz its important ,, the nature of one kid - for sure- is not the same of another kid . so ,, with a kid it might work just to talk to him/her ,,, with another ,, the "LOOK" might be enough - as pumpkin said - ,,, with another one ,, you may have to hit a little ,, for me ,,,, for example , my mother used to lock me in the room ,, and i think its a common thing ,, but this was enough with me ,, with my brother it wasnt ,,, my mother had to hit him .

now for allowing hitting in Islam , its allowed yes,,,but its limited you cant even call it hitting ,, its just to make him understand and realize that wrongs he made . Its tatally FORBIDDEN that you hit in the face ,,in any case its forbidden ,,, or in any place that might cause any harm to the child . hitting would be like pushing the kid with the hand more than hitting ,,, its a kind of touching ,, when the kid do something good ,, you touch him in a good way to make him feel good ,, when he does something wrong you touch him in a way to make him feel the bad thing he made . of course in certain age ,, for example you dont hit a 5 or 6 years old kid ,,,, he will become lunatic .
i will tell a story , once the prophet Muhammad pbuh - was praying ofcourse he lead people in the praying , then when he was bowing on the ground in which we call " Sujud " he took so much time so the people praying behind him thought he was dead . (( ofcourse they couldnt lift their heads up till the leader of the pray do that first )) then when he finished the pray they asked him why he took so much time ,, he said that his grand son ( i dont recall who was the grandson , Hasan or Husain , coz he had two ) his grandsone was on his back and he didnt want to make him fall if he lift up from the Sujud .

well,, its not an example of hitting ,,, but what i ment is that Islam gave too much attention to kids . not to harm them at any case , not only that the kid has his rights from the very first day , that he is born ,, the first thing is giving him a good name ,, its his right . now hitting him for behaving bad ,, is one of his rights ,, coz if we dont try to make him descipline ,,maybe he will become a very bad indiviual in the future ,, and this is happening .

now for forbidding hitting in Europe or america or whereever ,,,, why do you think they have forbiden it ???? i think coz of tooo much violence agaist kids and children !!! but on the other hand ,, preventing hitting is making the kid so out of control ,, ( and i dont mean controling his mind ) , and this is what is happening there ,,, if the parents try to make their child discipline and hit him ,, he will call the police and make them a big problem ,,, now will the police be able to make him disicipline ????? later ???

believe me ppl ,,its a relative thing according to the case itself .
dont let go your dream , insist on it.

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