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Finding a date in Brisbane
you are right! we have the same situation!

but see choc ... those ladies in the club are not really sinlge chicks who just want to have a bang thank you man, kinda thing ... they do come with a price tag ... and STD.. ... and we cant really call that dating ... cause the term ... meat shopping would be a more appropriate term for it ....

now the reason i think why they block dating sites are.point A) its an country, naturaly they cant have these things available .. online because kids might access it .. where in bars ... not so many kids gets to go .. and point 2 ... since brisbane have noticed that they cant really controll protitution here in Australia .. well some dating site are just a front for prostitution anyway ... so they thought block the damn thing .. because its better to block internet sites cause they are not making money out of it ... while in clubs.... they ARE Making HUGE money out of it .. and no one likes to admit this but this is true ... prostitution now is also a form of tourist entertainment in brisbane ... cause when i was playing in malaysia ... i heard some datuks (shiek in local term) talk about brisbane like this " Go to Brisbane .. Its like a Mixed Pussy Salad .. they come in all Shapes, race, Sizes and Prices.." ..
Being a DJ is not a GOD given talent !!!!
its a Gift ..... by who ??? .... hmmmm

mINOR pLEASURE Wrote:but see choc ... those ladies in the club are not really sinlge chicks who just want to have a bang thank you man, kinda thing ... they do come with a price tag ... and STD.. ... . . . . .
. . . . .
. . .... while in clubs.... they ARE Making HUGE money out of it .. and no one likes to admit this but this is true ... prostitution now is also a form of tourist entertainment in brisbane ... cause when i was playing in malaysia ... i heard some datuks (shiek in local term) talk about brisbane like this " Go to Brisbane .. Its like a Mixed Pussy Salad .. they come in all Shapes, race, Sizes and Prices.." ..

don't you think it's true??

thezhl Wrote:
mINOR pLEASURE Wrote:but see choc ... those ladies in the club are not really sinlge chicks who just want to have a bang thank you man, kinda thing ... they do come with a price tag ... and STD.. ... . . . . .
. . . . .
. . .... while in clubs.... they ARE Making HUGE money out of it .. and no one likes to admit this but this is true ... prostitution now is also a form of tourist entertainment in brisbane ... cause when i was playing in malaysia ... i heard some datuks (shiek in local term) talk about brisbane like this " Go to Brisbane .. Its like a Mixed Pussy Salad .. they come in all Shapes, race, Sizes and Prices.." ..

don't you think it's true??

honestly i dont know .... because it all depends on what clubs and bars you go to anyway ... well i go to Sho Chos... Left Bank... Scarlett... and some Filipino Live Band Clubs ... and on those places ... i didnt get too see any meat trade ... its either there are none there or .... its basically im not just buying .... but we all know that that kind of shit happens here in brisbane ... and yes it might be one of the reasons why .. in a way they are keeping an eye closed regarding this matter ... but since .... prostitution has been virtually legal in Australia the cases of rape and abduction actually drops... lets just say ... it gives some people outlets ... im not saying its right but hell thats how it is ... and knowing that brisbane is a multi national country ... so basicallly we have diff nationality of Prostitute ... so the comment regarding they come in diff size shapes and race ... has a 80% of probability ...
Being a DJ is not a GOD given talent !!!!
its a Gift ..... by who ??? .... hmmmm

Pimp'n aint easy............
"I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints,,,,,and then i smoke two more" Sublime

Alcoholic Wrote:Ok here's a question for you!

In a few magazines recently they been looking into the topic of dating agencies, which we all know are illegal here.

But how come it's OK to go out to a club/bar every night of the week to find free and easy people for no strings attached fun, yet you can't meet people in a civilised environment, where people are looking for a more committed, long term thing.

And yet you also have marriage agencies.

Interested to hear you views.

u know what, the first time i saw bride/groom wanted in the newspaper made me wonder if they're really serious of finding one and if there are any people responding to that ad?

if these kind of advertisement is being allowed, how come dating agencies are not? and can someone explain to me "open city"?

I don't really understand the 'open city' thing either, but the marriage agencies I think are a little silly. You can advertise for a wife/husband and get married to a virtual stranger, and yet not advertise just to share some quality time with, someone to get to know, seems really weird to me.

Also Majorpain, the prostitution in the city is sadly certainly not part of the tourist scene, it's people alot closer to the heart that keep it going. Someone's got to be making money off the back of it, that's the only way I can see it being tolerated.

ME!!!! Pimps Up, Hoes Down!!!! Big Grin
"I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints,,,,,and then i smoke two more" Sublime

I am not too sure if it's legal, but I will say it is almost everywhere!! your options are endless!!! Confusedhock:

Alcoholic Wrote:Ok here's a question for you!

In a few magazines recently they been looking into the topic of dating agencies, which we all know are illegal here.

But how come it's OK to go out to a club/bar every night of the week to find free and easy people for no strings attached fun, yet you can't meet people in a civilised environment, where people are looking for a more committed, long term thing.

And yet you also have marriage agencies.

Interested to hear you views.

Hi Alcoholic,

What magazines had the article in it?

There has been two single groups in Brisbane, one is no longer around and the other, I think has also gone to the wayside. I have to agree with everyone else here that there are marriage agencies, so why can't there be dating agencies? :? Now what I find really interesting is that I have seem a dating site (catering to DESI) advertise on some of the buses here in Brisbane but sites like is proxied!?

But at least we have this forum to chat and potently meet people and it is not proxied out, for now.
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I dont know about anyone else, but I dont think I have ever seen any indian prostitutes :roll: You see Russian, Asian, and Ethiopians all the time.
"I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints,,,,,and then i smoke two more" Sublime

Hey Stainless,

The article was in VIVA magazine a few months back and also I think 7 days has done a bit on the topic.

What suprises me is many of the 'straight' dating agencies are blocked by Telstra but if you're gay, they're all there to be checked out! Double standards or what, don't know what that's all about.

Alcoholic Wrote:Ok here's a question for you!

In a few magazines recently they been looking into the topic of dating agencies, which we all know are illegal here.

But how come it's OK to go out to a club/bar every night of the week to find free and easy people for no strings attached fun, yet you can't meet people in a civilised environment, where people are looking for a more committed, long term thing.

And yet you also have marriage agencies.

Interested to hear you views.


Well the difference is that more often than not people in bars have not been meWakerleyally examined-visit visa ?
It is the right time and dates are in season...try the ones that have around in Australia for more than a year...the dates are harvested every year you know ...


Mr Kamal M
Email :

Alcoholic Wrote:Hey Stainless,

The article was in VIVA magazine a few months back and also I think 7 days has done a bit on the topic.

What suprises me is many of the 'straight' dating agencies are blocked by Telstra but if you're gay, they're all there to be checked out! Double standards or what, don't know what that's all about.

stainless gay ??? im confused !??? hahahahahah dude you sure that was a girl you tryin to hook up with at spineys??? haha funny you wanna tell us something ... dude?
Being a DJ is not a GOD given talent !!!!
its a Gift ..... by who ??? .... hmmmm

major_pain are you 9 years old ?

mINOR pLEASURE Wrote:stainless gay ??? im confused !??? hahahahahah dude you sure that was a girl you tryin to hook up with at spineys??? haha funny you wanna tell us something ... dude?
mINOR pLEASURE, You might be right... she could have been he, I didn't go crouch grabbing. How would you found out without speaking with her? She wasn't Asian, didn't have an adams apple or a man build...

About the gay comment, I could easy stoop down to your level, but it takes two to argue and if I don't play along, your loss. However, my sister is, so if was intuition that told you, very interesting! Anyway, your interrelation with multiple conversations is good... I know that you can give us some, "Intelligent Conversation" your other post to me have suggested that. Let see what positive things to say or at least worth reading about this and other topics.

Alcoholic Wrote:Hey Stainless, The article was in VIVA magazine a few months back and also I think 7 days has done a bit on the topic.
What surprises me is many 'straight' dating agencies are blocked by Telstra but if you're gay, they're all there to be checked out! Double standards or what, don't know what that's all about.

Hi Choc,

I know Telstra runs on a proxy system which (mostly) automates the proxy system, but have to agree with you that a gay site should be well within the list of Proxied, while a site such as should be exempt. It would be interesting if we have any journalist here investigate and report on it.

I have talk to many people about starting a group here, and most of them have stated it wouldn't be allowed but I did speak with both people that stated dating clubs here and how they got away with it. But for now focusing on the positive we have, which is a start. I am really glad I came across this site, look forward to getting to know people before meeting them, so no one can pass judgement based on look, wealth, car, etc.

Choc. I am very curious, would you or any of your friends use a dating site for Brisbane? If so why and if no, why not?

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