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Westlife concert
Victory Wrote:those canadian bands you mentioned suck asss soooo hard! serisouly sum41 are a bunch of homotards.

I tell who is a homotard. Just stand in front of a mirror and the pic u see is a homotard. Sum41 were just bunch of kids and they rose to fame with so called shitty songs but they are talented than westlife anytime. Dont tell me u hate avril, celine , you must be one of those R&B fans or marilyn manson crap

I am in Canada and I humbly declare that Celine Dion deserves to be tortured, killed slowly and then have her body dragged down the streets of all the cities and in all the nations that had to listen to her high pitched squeals.

I hate that raggedy ass bitchy whore....

I find myself cursing the camels and male Australian sword dancers in her $5 million "Australian wedding" for not having pounded her to the ground and then stabbed her incessently...


Sum41= shit

go have a cry son
Samuel L. Jackson> you

Victory Wrote:Sum41= shit

go have a cry son

SUM41 =shit-Victory = excellent.

nah u go f** urself Tongue

Nickleback is about the only decent band you mentioned. Celine = DIE BIATCH

Snype thanks for showing off you math skills but now i have headache...
ARGH!! :oops:

#23 excellent then?
Samuel L. Jackson> you

Victory excellent then?

LOL. Can't u see "-" sign there in front of ur sweet name? Failed in kintergarden maths. Then how would u have the brains to assess the beauty of the bands I mentioned above? kekeke :lol:

i assumed it was a typo cause your english is shit.
Sum41's story is no different than any other crappy ass band. metallica started in a garage, just like a ton of other bands! the only difference being Sum41 suck donkey balls (when was the last time they came up with an orginal non-generic shitty teeny bopper song?). just cause they're canadian you worship their cocks? your disgusting and stupid! i hope you choke on a big turd you dim witted shit.
Samuel L. Jackson> you

Victory Wrote:i assumed it was a typo cause your english is shit.
Sum41's story is no different than any other crappy a#s band. metallica started in a garage, just like a ton of other bands! the only difference being Sum41 suck donkey balls (when was the last time they came up with an orginal non-generic shitty teeny bopper song?). just cause they're canadian you worship their cocks? your disgusting and stupid! i hope you choke on a big turd you dim witted shit.

Don't even f** try to criticize my english. That was in logical language and shows ur ability to differentiate between english and logic. What an obtuse fag. I didnt say I am fan of Sum41 but they are good and betta than ur shit ass face and atleast have sense to speak and talk the right english. Unlike u balls - lover! :lol:

way to put in big words there! your parents must be so proud!
Sense you decided to harp on logic explain this:

SUM41 =shit-Victory = excellent.

how does that make any sense? it clearly states that Victory=excellent! i don't know what the minus is for, is it because even with out sum41 i still rock? or maybe its because you an idiot retard who shouldn't breathe! i hope your parents have the sense to clip your balls off little boy, cause i don't want idiots like swimming in my gene pool! now go watch spacetoon you little faggot! Big Grin !

You are an illogical prick! GO DIE :lol:
Samuel L. Jackson> you

Victory Wrote:way to put in big words there! your parents must be so proud!
Sense you decided to harp on logic explain this:

SUM41 =shit-Victory = excellent.

how does that make any sense? it clearly states that Victory=excellent! i don't know what the minus is for, is it because even with out sum41 i still rock? or maybe its because you an idiot retard who shouldn't breathe! i hope your parents have the sense to clip your balls off little boy, cause i don't want idiots like swimming in my gene pool! now go watch spacetoon you little faggot! Big Grin !

You are an illogical prick! GO DIE :lol:

Victory again u proved u r ignorant little IDIOT! I dont know why the hell u call urself Victory when u r trying to imitate urself as an western music audiophile. I feel pity for ur mom as she has to bear the regret everyday why did she give birth to such a prick! I won't even try to explain u the logic cos u wont get it anyways cos u r porn and gay ball lover! :lol:

After this u want to continue the argumetn of sum 41 then I have an advice for u

go f** ursel and enjoy ur balls and yes enrol urself in good school and get a life :lol:

you still havent explained the logic behind that equation you cocksuker.

and you just proved your english is shit by the way! Big Grin !
go suck your dads cock you shit!
Samuel L. Jackson> you

This IS amusing but I beleive that someone should transfer this part of the thread to the fight club lest we want censorship troubles...
Just my little opinion... :oops:

Victory Wrote:you still havent explained the logic behind that equation you cocksuker.

and you just proved your english is shit by the way! Big Grin !
go suck your dads cock you shit!

Again Victory proved he is c**s**. This 18 yr old laid out teenager fellates and does fellatio on his kin! OH DAMN. SO Sick! Get a life if u r doing this for monnie you would have asked me I would have given u some charity. As I told u , you wont even get the logic. I have taken so many logic courses that I know some ppl dont even get the basic logic even after taking the course 4 times! And unfortunately u r one of em.As far as english is concerned, I can teach u and ur 3 generations how to talk and speak decent english. Victory has love for c*** mmm I guess he is gay. poor guy stuck in Brisbane where ppl are homophobic. Suddenly i am feeling pity for this guy. 18 yr old, mentally disturned, homo and sick really sick. :lol:

you wrote all that and said shit all...that's sad
Samuel L. Jackson> you

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