04-13-2005, 02:17 PM
There are too many goddamn idiots on these forums asking idiot questions.
" hi im looking for a slut i saw on a plane. she said hi and now i know we are meant to live together forvever....im my parents basement"
Go fap to starwars concept art you dumbass
" my boy friend took all my money and left me, he said he respected me cause he didn't touch me for 3 years! we must be in love!"
people like you need to be aborted, we need a new final solution, except instead of jews we kill dumb asses!
Join the DumbAss extermination club now....idiots need not apply
" hi im looking for a slut i saw on a plane. she said hi and now i know we are meant to live together forvever....im my parents basement"
Go fap to starwars concept art you dumbass
" my boy friend took all my money and left me, he said he respected me cause he didn't touch me for 3 years! we must be in love!"
people like you need to be aborted, we need a new final solution, except instead of jews we kill dumb asses!
Join the DumbAss extermination club now....idiots need not apply
Samuel L. Jackson> you