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any architects around!?
hey a qualified junior architect from South Africa, looking to meet archis from around the world. i have about a year and a half to spare before i go back to studying and finish my post grad. degree. I'd like to work abroad, anywhere around the world. any suggestions?!?

errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, just exactly what is a qualified junior Architect? never heard of one before, esp if you have to go back and finsih studying!

Are they so desperate in KAAP STAD to get architects out that after 2 years of studying they let you guys leave as junior qualified architects.

Come to Durbs, we let people finish there degrees first! hahahahahahahahaha

check out this webpage..maybe it will give u some insight.
There are job listings for Junior Architects on that page.
I guess it just means you dont handle huge projects on our own.
With our building regs. in S.A we're allowed to design buildings up to 3 stories high or 500sqm, after which the plans have to be signed by a registered Senior architect. Pretty decent i think.

And its not 2 years but 3..after which you dont have to go back and study. The degree is a basis for a number of crafts within the architectural field.
Its my choice and not obligation to do a POST grad. (POSTgrad= after graduation, which generally means one is qualified in something)

So Yorky from Durbs...maybe you should do your homework before making assumptions and trying to sound like a smartass. wink

its probably best to get a experience under your belt before finishing off.
so tell me im curious what is studying like lots of art math what?
it isnt like engineering is it?

I always knew they did things differently down in Cape Town! hahahahahahahaa

Was not trying to be a smart ass!

Just for your information, and future reference, I am a qualified QS with over 20 years experience working on some very prestigious projects. One of which was the Hong Kong International Airport (CLK), now working on the new Brisbane Airport.

When I was in SA, I worked on the wild Coast casino extension and alterations, Durban/Westville Prison (no, not as an inmate), plus was looking after projects, on my own, in the Uk that you could only dream about. So, I think I have some pretty darned good knowledge of Construction, don't you?

PS: I actually applied to Durban Uni to become an Architect! Was too late with my application. :cry:

you working on the airport yorky???
What's that giant chasm about? are you trying to raise an army of undead?
If so, i want in! i can lead the pirate commando unit, i go around the country kicking people in the ass and telling them how to drive!!! if you need an over lord or general like person, i can do that as well. i have extensive experience in red alert2, warcraft2 and asskickery!
Samuel L. Jackson> you

What you are looking at there Sir, is the new cark park and LRT stations!

you'r lying, if you threw every car in Australia into that abyss you'd still have a ton of space left. if you don't want me in your army just say so! i'll make my own army, we'll be viking wizards, we'll pillage, rape, summon undead and on weekends have a BBQ! you army sucks!
Samuel L. Jackson> you

hey boys..sorry about the late reply...its been insanely hot the past few days. Been beachin' ii up taking full advantage of the weather seeing that we're goin into autumn really soon.

Spike...i guess it involves a bit of everything, so that one has a solid conceptual idea of what is being designed. The engineers call us the arty farties...but we do actually do a bit of engineering so that we structurally understand what we're designing and dont just go buttwild with killer designs only 2 have it fall apart. Oh yah...and it is definitely better to get practical experience first...u know..apply ur skill in the real world.

York...didnt mean no attack on u...just speaking my mind...u built quite a reputation for urself...good for u. Maybe i'll track u down sometime wink so i gues the late application was a good thing.
For the moment im slowly but surely climbing up the ladder. Im part of a team designing a Soccer stadium for 2010 world cup. Gonna be the biggest in Cape Town. so i guess im quite chuffed abt that!
Where u originally from?

Better make the most of it cos it's gonna start getting cold there soon! It's just starting to warm up here.

Originally from UK, but parents moved to SA when I was very young. Grew up there, went to school there and studied there to!

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