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over 20 and nothing better to do
every body on this forum seems to be like over 20 so why do u come on this forum.i'm not saying this forums bad or anything but surely 20+ people are really busy with studying ,partying and more partying .how do u make time to come on this site?

any way i am still on me hasn't been cut short-believe it or not compuers are avaliable world wide.(i was referring to some thing Aguta or who ever- said in a nother topic about my holiday being really short)

i really don't care if some of u don't think that my english is good enough for u but i have u know the average person in england don't know much better then me.

way past studying stage.

working instead and since my work involves the net..... put 2 and 2 together and voila ... Smile



actually this is the best past time i have .... i mean going out everday seeing the same old faces going to da same lame ass partys listening to the same old songs gettin stuck in traffic for hours .... i mean after work im home i kick back an relax an to kill time in the crib the forums is the best place to hit................. an plus the forums has even given me the oppurtunity to get to know a fine smart an beautiful woman.... so i aint complaining
Big Tic J

Dah-ling Laila u are an ass but thats a diff story ,, and dont u give shit abt avg english speaks the same as u.... puleese,,, FYI i have english blood and relatives down there and thy dont spk like u innit??!!
20+ we have responsibilties -that is WORK - u expect us to come from work and go party??? U need serious growing up!!!
cheers Al :)

Lamot -------------------------- u hv such a routine life
man its like a timetable
get up
go work
see ugly faces and engines
come back
go pick ish
party late nite
come baq home
lsn to mom yellin ---- u dnt spend time at home ... i neva get to talk to u
get all blaaaah
and sleep
then get up agen and work

god guy take a break 8)

little girl you know nothing about mylife ... an if u ever get to know a couple of little details dont share it with the entire public....... really didnt appreciate that...
Big Tic J

Lamot Wrote:...... really didnt appreciate that...

oh sorry me writin dint actually bring a smile on ur face

maybe coz tht was the whoel idea
NOT to bring ny smile on ur 'ol soooo MAN`LY face 8)

k ladyee X wat do u do amean if ur life aint routine & u got hell lotta work then wat tha hel are u doin here COMMUNITY SERVICE hahahahahh so get that phoney baloney bull u typin outta here & J why u gettin emotional like that " i didnt appreciate that" negro hahahahh wtf......

tha don

You've said it, im really so busy...workin' but I aint complainin' coz its the only thing thats giving me some good outputs, rewarding that is.

I'm almost a year now here in Brisbane and I have learned alot, I have become more bold with decisions, aggressive with opportunities, affirmed my character strength. More keen with intentions radiating from all directions.

The higher I soar, the more I dream, the more I dream the better I become. If I fail to get what I dream of, better I fall short than have stayed stagnant for a time.

I go out that's true, but coz of friends and not to look. At this stage, if it comes, it comes, if someone's plays then its the person's conscience not mine. I aint got time to play, except for the one the comes before five...hehehe just kidding and wishing....

Pardon me for writing long, im still at work and got time to share my thoughts once more. My regular disser's go ahead and diss me, Im gonna be expecting it anyway and would be disappointed if you'd be lazy to do your regular antics.
One thing I've learned in all these years is not to make love when you really don't feel it; there's probably nothing worse you can do to yourself than that. by: Norman Mailer

unfortunatly for you due to the new rules if me or smarted get to the post before u do we will delete it if its straight up dissing as usual.

Excuse me? if you think that us ppl over 20 have nothing better to do first of all i do and get lots of free time at work! AND what oh earth are you doing typing all of this in the first place? dont YOU have better stuff to do? HYPOCRITE!!! TOTALLY 8)

Excuse me? if you think that us ppl over 20 have nothing better to do first of all i do and get lots of free time at work! AND what oh earth are you doing typing all of this in the first place? dont YOU have better stuff to do? HYPOCRITE!!! TOTALLY

u'r right i am a HYPOCRITE!!! but when u have a crazy nan whose trying to make u the perfect muslim girl its kind of hard to have fun.

i just figgered that when u are 20 u will be allowed to do any thing u want.thats what my nan said i could do.

oh well i guess i kindda did deserve the slagging off.

blast from the past

Awww poor girl.

Chill and what's up with this whole nan thing?

Oooooooooooooooooo my God. WHo lwet a child lose on the forum?

Not even turned 20 yet, well blow me with a big wet fish! I gotta life and i will go toatlly with what Lamot said. We got work to do and we see the same old boring faces at work. The forum allows us to let off a bit of steam, and the regulars on this forum know that we ain't really having a go, but respect that we gotta let fly a little.

Partying would be great, but some of us have RESPONSIBILITIES!

i actually have nothing better to do.

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