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This is just too funny not to share.

nice one i enjoyed that. thanks for sharing that.

usually works well when you send it to the opposite s*x. Big Grin



the damnn sound wasnt workin on it will give it a try later on..

an ohh yeah i had a question to ask you two computer freaks

u see i usually use to download music from imesh but lately the new songs i download i dont get nothin accept static when i want to listen to it same shit with kazaa.... wats up with that??? is it my computer thats trippin or these download programmes? do you know a better place to donwload music from?
Big Tic J

well it isnt your computer.
the us goverment is tring to crack down on illegal copy cd so distribute bad versions of the song to discourage you from dl it.

not much you can do but try to find a website to dl from. i will look around see hwat i can come up for you.

ahhh alright and for that fuck the american goverment

an if u find anything let a brother know i mean i would rather buy the damnn cd but then Australia goverment censors the kind of music we listen to so only way to get them is downloading them ... so its a bitch if dont work out both ways
Big Tic J

this is coming from the guy who asked Juiee to GO AND BUY the ring tone which is NOT available ,hmmm..Lamot ever heard of online shopping ,,, but then u niggas dont have a Credit card ,, say what i will let u borrow mine :wink:
cheers Al :)

Aguta Wrote:this is coming from the guy who asked Juiee to GO AND BUY the ring tone which is NOT available ,hmmm..Lamot ever heard of online shopping ,,, but then u niggas dont have a Credit card ,, say what i will let u borrow mine :wink:

Oooooooooooooooooooooo, controversial. Lamot, needs a hefty response! hahahahahahahahahaha

STICK TO THE TOPIC PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil:

hahahahaha hey ill admit when im beat ... sometimes i jst talk soo much bullshit that i forget an ppl bite me back on them ...

but the other thing is that i can come back an rip u apart with some new bullshit but this im gonna lay low an let Aguta have this one ... cause Danick wants us to stick to the topic an now the fight club can be enterd by any registerd user so we gonna have to stick to the topic up in here ... but Aguta if u think u have wat it takes to diss me like how u are dissin ish an come out on top then test me out in the fight club baby... but im a lyrical aresenal ill jst bury u with one line everytime... so dont even step sweety :wink:
Big Tic J

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