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50 cent coming to town
yes most of you probably know.

so tell me who is going who is not. ish Lamot you guys hitting the sence or what?

i aint going.. my brother MIGHT and my friends are.
I laugh in the face of death...maybe not laugh more like a snicker...a quiet snicker, and I wouldn't do it directly in death's face so, it's more like a quiet snicker behind death's back.

yo man i was bound to be going but the word on the street spread an the nigga 50fils said that he cant share stage wit a don bigger then him... so im gonna skip this one

nahhh actually the shit is im gonna be at work on thursday i got mother fucking night duty so i aint gonna be making it though i got the ticket incase im out early but ull all catch me at the after party for sure
Big Tic J

i also cannot go... my friend is comin to Brisbane, so ive to meet him at the airport at that time.. i tried a lot to convince him about changin his arrival date but no chance Sad anyways.. 50 cent was in istanbul when i was there about 2 weeks ago, i missed that time too Smile so im used to missing him Smile does anyone know any other fabulous concert in Brisbane except blue in the last days of sept.???

Lamot, liked the way u said "50fils" lol
I laugh in the face of death...maybe not laugh more like a snicker...a quiet snicker, and I wouldn't do it directly in death's face so, it's more like a quiet snicker behind death's back.

EVEN IF I get free VIP pass I won't go to 50 Cent's concert I just hate his face(pure despicle ugly guy), Dr. Dre and Eminem made him what he is today. I've seen people getting surprised by seeing Eminem in the music video "In da club" and they're like OMG its Eminem then they sit just to look Eminem in it. I speak openly and this is me "I hate him!!" if he faces me I'll probably knock him to the ground.

damn i was listnin to that nigga from way back & i knew he is gonna make it but his shit aint gonna stay for long i personally give him 2 or 3 years & tha bubble around him is gonna pop hahahah & yea am goin there but i aint payin for his ass am gonna husstle the white boyz hahaha then am gonna grab on some butt cheeks in that seen hahahah tha don baby

good luck for that then

its going to be pure male booty that place is going to be filled wall to wall with male ass.
i'm sur eyou knew that so good luck Wink

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  just in town for a short visit Anonymous 5 10,268 08-05-2004, 04:38 PM
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