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Month of Return to ........?????
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the ninth month of the lunar calendar, beginning with the sighting of the new moon.

The fourth pillar of Islam is fasting.

Allah prescribes daily fasting for all able, adult Muslims during the whole of the month of Ramadan,

Exempted from the fast are the very old and the insane. On the physical side, fasting is from first light of dawn until sundown, abstaining from food, drink, and sexual relations. On the moral, behavioral side, one must abstain from lying, malicious gossip, quarrelling and trivial nonsense.

Those who are sick, elderly, or on a journey, and women who are menstruating, pregnant, or nursing are permitted to break the fast, but must make up an equal number of days later in the year. If physically unable to do so, they must feed a needy person for each day missed. Children begin to fast (and to observe the prayers) from puberty, although many start earlier.

In addition to the fast proper, one is encouraged to read the entire Quran. In addition, special prayers, called Tarawih, are held in the mosque every night of the month, during which a whole section of the Quran (Juz') is recited, so that by the end of the month the entire Quran has been completed. These are done in remembrance of the fact that the revelation of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was begun during Ramadan.

(Laylat al-Qadr). To spend that night in worship is better than a thousand months of worship, i.e. Allah's reward for it is very great.
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Why is Ramadan called the month of forgiveness - Zakir ...

Ramadan has always been a positive turning point in the lives of many Muslims.

Narrated by Abu Hurairah, May Allah be Pleased with Him said:

أنَّ النَّبيَّ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّم صعِد المِنبَرَ فقال: ( آمينَ آمينَ آمينَ ) قيل : يا رسولَ اللهِ إنَّكَ حينَ صعِدْتَ المِنبَرَ قُلْتَ : آمينَ آمينَ آمينَ قال : ( إنَّ جِبريلَ أتاني فقال : مَن أدرَك شهرَ رمضانَ ولَمْ يُغفَرْ له فدخَل النَّارَ فأبعَده اللهُ قُلْ : آمينَ فقُلْتُ : آمينَ ومَن أدرَك أبوَيْهِ أو أحَدَهما فلَمْ يبَرَّهما فمات فدخَل النَّارَ فأبعَده اللهُ قُلْ : آمينَ فقُلْتُ : آمينَ ومَن ذُكِرْتَ عندَه فلَمْ يُصَلِّ عليكَ فمات فدخَل النَّارَ فأبعَده اللهُ قُلْ : آمينَ فقُلْتُ : آمينَ ) (ابن حبان وصححه الألباني)

Interpreation of the Meaning: "The Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) ascended the Minbar (Pulpit) and said: “Ameen, ameen, ameen.” It was said: ‘O Messenger of Allaah, you ascended the Minbar (Pulpit) and said, ‘Ameen, ameen, ameen.” He said: “Jibreel (Peace be upon him) came to me and said: ‘If Ramadaan comes and a person is not forgiven, he will enter Hell and Allah will cast him far away. Say Ameen.’ So I said Ameen. He said: ‘O Muhammad, if both or one of a person’s parents are alive and he does not honour them and he dies, he will enter Hell and Allah will cast him far away. Say Ameen.’ So I said Ameen. He said: ‘If you are mentioned in a person’s presence and he does not send blessings upon you and he dies, he will enter Hell and Allah will cast him far away. Say Ameen.’ So I said Ameen.”

Narrated by Ibn Hibbaan, 3/188; classed as saheeh by al-Shaykh al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Targheeb, 1679.

This means that Ramadan should be a turning point in the life of every Muslim: a turning point from sins to repentance, from negligence to diligence, from deviation to guidance and from leaning on the life of this world to hastening towards the Paradise of the Hereafter.
هل تريد ان تثبت ان القرآن خطأ؟ شاهد الفيديو - ذاكر نايك

Zakir Naik

مريم جزء من الثالوث طبقاُ للقرآن وهذا خطأ - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik

Convert To Islam Dr. Volker Enders [Physicist]

Month of Return to allah

Indeed, the Holy Qur’an is the most precious guidance to every Muslim and Recitation of the Holy Qur’an is the greatest treasure which drives us to make full advantage of time to increase our rewards. Virtues of Recitation have been approved in the Holy Qur’an and Noble Sunnah as well. The Messenger of Allah (Prayer and Peace of Allah be upon him) said:

مَنْ قَرَأَ حَرْفًا مِنْ كِتَابِ اللهِ فَلَهُ بِهِ حَسَنَةٌ، وَالحَسَنَةُ بِعَشْرِ أَمْثَالِهَا، لاَ أَقُولُ الْم حَرْفٌ، وَلَكِنْ أَلِفٌ حَرْفٌ، وَلاَمٌ حَرْفٌ، وَمِيمٌ حَرْف
(Interpretation of meaning):
“Whoever reads a letter of the Book of Allah will have one hasanah (good deed) for it, and the hasanah (good deed) brings a tenfold reward. I do not say that ‘Alif-Laam-Meem’ is a letter; rather Alif is a letter, Laam is a letter and Meem is a letter.”
Narrated by at-Tirmidhi, 2910. classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in (Saheeh at-Tirmidhi).

This great virtue encourages us to devote our time for Recitation continuously, which sustains us to become more closer to Allah the Almighty and to be well-prepared for the day of Judgement via increasing our rewards. A Muslim should be wise to recognize that this life will end and good deeds will be a great help after death. We make Duaa to Allah the Almighty for granting us the blessing to be among righteous Muslims who follow the guidance in the Holy Qur’an. Praise due to Allah the Almighty, Prayer and Peace of Allah the Almighty be upon the Prophet Muhammad, his Family and all his Companions.

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Narrated Abu Hurayrah: Allah's Apostle said, "Whoever observes fasts during the month of Ramadan out of sincere faith, and hoping to attain Allah's rewards, then all his past sins will be forgiven." (Bukhari 2:37)

The month of forgiveness has arrived. This is the month of abstinence from the worldly pleasures, the defiance of desires and the month of pure intentions. Allah granted us this month to purify our wayward hearts from the blackness of sins we have inflicted upon it. It is a month to renew and refresh our life to start worshipping Him. It is a month where we should return and repent to Him and beg Him for salvation

What is Ramadan
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and the month of fasting for Muslims. Fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam; the others are confession of faith, five daily prayers, Zakah (almsgiving) and Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah).

Ramadan starts upon the sighting of the moon.

Why Muslims Fast

Fasting in Ramadan is a main pillar of Islam that helps Muslim grow closer to the One God, Allah. According to the Qur’an “Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed to those before you, so that you may learn self-restraint”. Fasting, which is recognized for its health, spiritual and psychological benefits, is considered by Muslims as a means to improve their moral characters and provides an opportunity for a spiritual renewal.

Purpose of Fasting

The real purpose of fasting is not to make us hungry and thirsty, or to deprive us some of our comfort and conveniences but to be conscious of Allah. It is to do one's best to live by His commands and to avoid His prohibitions, fear of Allah, worship of Allah, sincerity in faith, and avoid the disobedience to Allah. Fasting is an invisible act. Only Allah and the person who is fasting know whether he or she is fasting or not. Fasting teaches how to control and discipline our desires. During fasting we learn how to say "no" to things that are otherwise permissible and good, but are forbidden during fasting. When one learns how to say "no" to that which is generally permissible, then one can easily control oneself to avoid that which is forbidden. Through fasting we taste—to some extent—the pain and suffering of those who are poor and destitute. Fasting teaches empathy and sympathy, and it takes away some of our selfishness and self-centeredness.

How Muslims Fast

Muslims fast from early dawn to sunset every day throughout the month (approximately 17 hours a day). The fast requires Muslims to abstain from food, drink, marital relations and ill-conduct during the fast.

Who Fasts

Fasting in Ramadan is compulsory on all physically and mentally healthy and mature Muslims. Those exempted from fasting are the sick, old, pregnant and menstruating women and travellers. Pregnant and menstruating women and travellers make up the missed days by fasting at a later time.

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Is Ramadan Taraweeh 8 or 20 Rakats? - Dr. Zakir Naik | HD |

Laylatul Qadr

The importance of this night is also mentioned in hadith, which are the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad as remembered by his companions:
Whoever establishes the prayers on the night of Qadr out of sincere faith and hoping to attain Allah’s rewards (not to show off) then all his past sins will be forgiven.

Hadith, Bukhari Vol 1, Book 2:34.

Lailatul Qadr (Arabic: لیلة القدر‎) also known as Shab-e-Qadr,is the Night of Destiny, Night of Power, Night of Value, the Night of Decree or Night of Measures,

It is the anniversary of the night Muslims believe the first verses of the Quran were revealed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

Allah says in the Holy Quran:

We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power:
And what will explain to thee what the night of power is?
The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.
Therein come down the angels and the Spirit by Allah's permission, on every errand:
Peace!...This until the rise of dawn!
—Sura 97 (Al-Qadr), āyāt 1-5

Therefore Allah himself puts this night better than a thousand months.
So worshipping on this night is better than if you worshipped for a thousand months (that’s about 83 yrs, and 4 months)! SubhanAllah!
Thus it would be foolish to miss this Night of Power.

Also the ayah 4 means that on this night, God’s decrees for the next year are brought down to the earthly plane. It is true that everything has been determined since the beginning of eternity and written down in the Preserved Tablet, but it is said that during this night, the Angels are informed of the destinies of the worshippers for the following year. It is a blessed Night. So, everything will be decreed on this Night. It is a night when fates are determined and it is a night of high standing.

Another important factor related to this night is that in it every decreed matter is conveyed as mentioned in the Holy Quran:

We sent it (Quran) down on a blessed Night. We were to warn [mankind]. Therein (in that Night) is decreed every matter of ordainment. Amran (i.e. a command or this Quran or His Decree of every matter) from Us. Verily, We are ever sending (the Messenger) (As) a Mercy from your Lord. He is the Hearing, the Knowing. Ad-Dukhaan 44: 3-6

Laylatul Qadr In Quran

Verily! We have sent it (this Quran) down in the night of Al-Qadr , And what will make you know what the night of Al-Qadr (Decree) is? The night of Al-Qadr is better than a thousand months. Therein descend the angels and the Ruh by Allahs Permission with all Decrees, Peace! (All that night, there is Peace and Goodness from Allah to His believing slaves) until the appearance of dawn.

[Al-Qadr 97:1-5]

The night of Al-Qadr is better than a thousand months

[Al-Qadr 97:3]

When is Laylatul Qadr?

Narrated by Aishah (رضي الله عنها‎) Mohammed (صلى الله عليه و آله وسلم‎) says, Search for the Night of Qadr in the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadaan.

[Bukhari 3:32:234]
Most Important Night of Ramadan: The Night of Power ...
Ten days of Ramadan

Have the advantage of a private
the night of Al-Qadr
Or 23-25-27-29

1. Verily! We have sent it (this Qur'an) down in the night of Al-Qadr (Decree)

2. And what will make you know what the night of Al-Qadr (Decree) is?

3. The night of Al-Qadr (Decree) is better than a thousand months (ie worshipping Allah in that night is better than worshipping Him a thousand months, ie 83 years and 4 months).

4. Therein descend the angels and the Ruh [Jibrael (Gabriel)] by Allah's Permission with all Decrees,

5. Peace! (All that night, there is Peace and Goodness from Allah to His believing slaves) until the appearance of dawn.

162. Say (O Muhammad): "Verily, my Salat (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists).___

It was the practice of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to strive during the last 10 days of Ramadaan like no other time, to spend the night in prayer, supplication and recitation of the Qur'an. He also used to wake his family up to do the same.
Abu Hurayrah said that the Prophet (PBUH) said: "Whoever stays up and prays on Laylat al-Qadr out of faith and in the hope of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven."
(Hadith - Bukhari & Muslim)
Thus, the Muslim should make good use of the last 10 nights of Ramadaan and spend them in prayer and remembering Allah. We do not know for certain which night Laylat al-Qadr is, but the odd-numbered nights in the last 10 days are the most likely according to the hadith:

"Seek it in the odd nights of the last third of Ramadan."

(Hadith - Bukhari)

The night of the 27th of Ramadaan (ie the night before the fast of the day of the 27th of Ramadaan) has been narrated as being Laylat al-Qadr.

100% Proof Quran is The Word Of God - Talk By Dr Zakir Naik

100% proof the Qur'an is The Word of God

رمضان يعود_ مترجم _ Ramadan Reruns


Ramadan Moon Sighting Issues | Khalid Yasin - YouTube

Ramadan Muslims - Abdur Raheem Green - YouTube

The Prophet demonstrated to his people how this world is less important than the next, and how the body is less important than the soul. In fasting, the Prophet taught them step by step how to ignore the physical demands so that the spirit reigns supreme.

Abandoning food, drink, and sex was only a prelude to the next stage of greater significance: of conquering avidity and cupidity, lust and licentiousness; of liberating one’s mind from flights of passion and fits of temper. Indeed the Prophet said: “The strong person is not the one who can wrestle someone else down. The strong person is the one who can control himself when he is angry.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)

Also about the effect of fasting on one’s behaviour, the Prophet said, “Fasting is a shield, so the one who fasts should avoid obscene speech and ignorant behaviour. If someone abuses him or starts to fight with him, he should reply by saying: ‘I am fasting. I am fasting’.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)

The core of fasting according to the Prophet was one’s willingness not merely to give up self-indulgence, but to feel the need of one’s brother as one’s own. And no one was more kind-hearted and generous than the Messenger of God; and his generosity reached its peak in Ramadan. (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)

The Prophet stressed on the importance of treating people nicely when he said: “Make things easy for people and do not make them difficult, and cheer people up and do not drive them away.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)

He also said: “The most beloved of actions to God Almighty, is making another Muslim happy, removing a hardship that has befallen him, paying off a debt of his or ridding him of hunger. It is more beloved to me indeed that I walk with my Muslim brother to see to a need of his than secluding oneself in a mosque for a month…” (Tabarani)

The heart of one who sincerely fasts is open to the contemplation of the magnificence of the countless bounties of God. That is why the Prophet asked his followers to avoid gluttony: “The food of two people is enough for three, and the food of three people is enough for four.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)

Bilal Philips - Ramadan is A Secret Between You and Allah

Ramadan And Social Media ᴴᴰ #RamadanPicks Sheikh

allah is All-Merciful and He has expressed His Mercy to us His creatures through the sending of His final messenger Muhammad as an embodiment of mercy. The Prophet said: “Have mercy to those on earth so that He Who is in Heaven will have mercy on you.” (Tirmidhi)
“The believer is not the one who eats his fill when the neighbor beside him is hungry.”

So it was not surprising that the Prophet’s Companions loved him dearly, as he was the kindest of men, bestowing his mercy not only upon humans but also on other creatures of the world as well. No leader could be more considerate and solicitous of his followers than Muhammad: he never allowed any Muslim to bear any burden more than they could bear, as taught by God Himself.

For he was well aware of the infirmities of people; and this is evident from his consideration for his followers in the matter of fasting: He taught Muslims to delay the sahur (the pre-dawn meal before fasting) till a little before Dawn Prayer and not to delay the iftar (the meal to break the fast) after the call to Sunset Prayer so that no unnecessary strain is laid on the fasting person by prolonging the fast time.

During travel in Ramadan, the Prophet would either fast or break his fast; and he allowed his companions to choose between the two, according to their ability.

Similarly during times of heat or thirst they were permitted to cool themselves by pouring water on the head, and the Prophet himself did so. His example in the matter of consorting with his wives during Ramadan was not different; he disallowed only such acts that would obviously undermine the fasting.

As for the Tarawih Prayers (the supererogatory night prayers performed in Ramadan), . Thus while he demonstrated through his example that the Tarawih Prayers are better offered in congregation, he allowed leniency in the matter out of his mercy.

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The Soul of Ramadan - Dr. Bilal Philips - YouTube

It was Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, who made us raise our eyes from the dust beneath to view the glory of the starry heavens above. It was Muhammad who led us from the depths of darkness to the grandeur of the light of God.

The Prophet was the one who led us to break our stone statues and wooden gods. It was Muhammad who lifted us out of the filth of idolatry to relish the serenity of God’s transcendence.

On the Night of Power in one Ramadan, the Quran descended on Muhammad, and he received its first verses in the Cave of Hira. (Ibn Abbas)

Thereafter the Prophet taught us how to celebrate Ramadan through days of fasting and nights of prayer: to honor each day of Ramadan as a day of patient endurance through fasting, and each night as a night of gratitude through prayers.

An Unexpected Transformation

It was nothing short of miraculous how the Prophet reformed and refined those unruly tribes of Arabia and transformed them into pious, disciplined, God-fearing ascetics, who stood in prayers in the mosque five times a day seeking the guidance of God.

And imagine: these same people who once reveled in the pleasures of “wine and women” could now spend the whole month of Ramadan in fasting and prayers.

Into the hearts of his followers, the Prophet instilled the love and fear of God and love for humanity. His example was inspiring and irresistible; and each of them became eager to be his closest follower.

To them he was the sincerest and the most cordial of leaders. And his life was open before them like a book; they could see him practicing most closely in his own life what he was preaching.

Ramadan Made Easy - Dr. Bilal Philips - YouTube

ماذا تفعل إذا كنت تحب الإسلام وتنتظر علامة؟ بلال فيلبس ...

منصور و اسئلة فتاة مسيحية عن المساواة فى الاسلام ركن المتحدثين مترجم

خير الشهور - رمضان - مترجم The Best Month - Ramadan

People use a Lunar (Moon/Hijri) calendar, and a Solar (Georgian) calendar The lunar calendar considers a full round of the moon phases as one month, which becomes either 29 or 30 days.

The lunar year is 12 months. The 9th month is Ramadan, according to Hijri calendar

Some nations are also using the lunar calendar, like China, Japan, Korea, Nepal & Vietnam; where it is used mainly to determine traditional holidays. The country which uses it as the official calendar is Saudi Arabia.

In Ramadan, adult Muslims do not eat or drink during daylight (i.e. from dawn until sunset). The action of not eating & drinking is called ‘fasting’ (단식). Again, we fast during the daylight ONLY, people eat normally after sunset.

Q: Why Ramadan?

Well, since you are reading this page, then you have an electronic device and internet connection. There is a good chance you never actually starved. Whenever you feel hungry, you always respond. Do you know how does the poor feel, feeling the hunger but finding nothing? You can imagine, you can try skipping meals, but how about trying to fast for one day, during summer, winter, fall and spring? Each season usually brings a bit longer or a bit shorter hours of daylight. This way, you will really feel it.

I know how does it feel. I experienced Ramadan in all seasons.

Hence, many Muslims respond to this solidarity by donating to the poor with money and food. Most neighborhoods in Muslim countries will have group meals every day during Ramadan for everyone. For this reason, people greet each other when Ramadan starts by saying “Ramadan Kareem”; literally “Ramadan is generous”.

Also, it has health benefits. You may search: health benefits of fasting.

Q: Sounds difficult to do, isn’t it?

At the end of the first and maybe second day, you might feel dizzy or have a headache, especially @the end of the first day (I do!). This is your body adjusting to the new diet, especially due to stopping your regular consumables during the day, like coffee. Yet the rest of the month will go smoothly.

Of course if the person will be affected negatively by fasting, like patients and the elderly, then they should not fast; if they do, then it is considered a sin! Islam tells people to take care of their bodies and conscience, hence avoiding alcohol and other narcotics.
عودة المسيح عيسى عليه السلام يوشع ايفانز مترجم



The health benefits of fasting include detoxification, faster healing, radiant skin, and secretion of growth and anti-aging hormones. It is also good for the digestive system as it boosts metabolism, lowers cholesterol levels, and reduces appetite, thereby managing weight and obesity. It provides relief from epilepsy, arthritis, and other diseases.

لمس الكلب محظور بسبب داء الكلب || ذاكر نايك مترجم

هل الله أولاً في حياتك ؟ | #مترجم ?Is Allah the Highest Priority in Your Life

I’tikaaf means staying in the mosque for a specific purpose, which is to worship Allah, may He be glorified. It is prescribed in Islam and is mustahabb according to the consensus of the scholars. Imam Ahmad said, as was narrated from him by Abu Dawood: “I have not heard from any of the scholars that it is anything other than Sunnah.”

Al-Zuhri, May Allah have mercy on him, said: “How strange the Muslims are! They have given up I’tikaaf, despite the fact that the Prophet, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him, never abandoned this practice from the time he came to Madeenah until his death.”

The benefits of I’tikaaf

There are many hidden benefits in the acts of worship and much wisdom behind them. The basis of all deeds is the heart, as the Messenger of Allah, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “In the body there is an organ which if it is sound, the entire body will be sound, and if it is corrupt, the entire body will be corrupt. That organ is the heart.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 52; Muslim, 1599)

What corrupts the heart most is distractions and preoccupations – such as food, drink, sex, talking too much, sleeping too much and socializing too much, and other distractions – which divert people from turning to Allah and cause the heart to be unfocused and unable to concentrate on worshipping Allah. So Allah has prescribed acts of worship, such as fasting, to protect the heart from the negative effects of these distractions. Fasting deprives a person of food and drink and sex during the day, and this denial of excessive enjoyments is reflected in the heart, which gains more strength for seeking Allah and frees it from the chains of these distractions which distract a person from thinking of the Hereafter by occupying him with worldly concerns.

Just as fasting is a shield which protects the heart from the influences of physical distractions such as excessive indulgence in food, drink and sex, so I’tikaaf offers an immense hidden benefit, which is protection from the effects of excessive socializing. For people may take socializing to extremes, until it has a similar effect on a person to the effects of over-eating, as the poet said:

“Your enemy was once your friend, so do not have too many companions,

For, as you see, most diseases come from food and drink.”

I’tikaaf also offers protection from the evil consequences of talking too much, because a person usually does I’tikaaf on his own, turning to Allah by praying Qiyaam al-Layl, reading Qur'an, making Dhikr, reciting du’aa’, and so on.

It also offers protection from sleeping too much, because when a person makes I’tikaaf in the mosque, he devotes his time to drawing closer to Allah by doing different kinds of acts of worship; he does not stay in the mosque to sleep.

Undoubtedly a person’s success in freeing himself from socializing, talking and sleeping too much will help him to make his heart turn towards Allah, and will protect him from the opposite.
During the period of I’tikaaf, the Muslim is not allowed to go out except in the case of definite needs which serve to facilitate his staying in the mosque for I’tikaaf. Apart from that, he should not go out, even if it is for a permissible purpose. So – for example – he cannot go out and walk around in the market-place, even for a short time, to buy things that have nothing to do with his I’tikaaf. If he goes out to buy siwaak, this will not affect his I’tikaaf because it is something that is required for his prayer during his I’tikaaf. But if he went out to buy a gift for his wife or for one of his children, that would invalidate his I’tikaaf, because the Messenger, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him, did not go out except in the case of “human need”, as mentioned above. So how about if the person in I’tikaaf goes out to do something haraam such as smoking cigarettes for example, or to watch a satellite TV show that he usually watches? Undoubtedly this would invalidate his I’tikaaf.

So if he goes out to drink wine or to smoke, this invalidates his I’tikaaf. In general, any going out for any invalid reason invalidates one's I’tikaaf, and more so if the purpose of going out is to commit a sin. Even when he goes out for a legitimate purpose, it is not permissible for him to light a cigarette on the way.

I’tikaaf is an annual opportunity in which a person can get rid of these bad habits by repenting and turning to Allah, and by weaning himself from these sins during the period of I’tikaaf, not giving in to his desires, and getting used to this.

This continual worship of Allah requires continual patience on the part of the person in I’tikaaf, which is a kind of training for a person's will and a kind of self-discipline for the soul which usually tries to escape this worship to turn towards other matters which it desires.

There is also the kind of patience which is required for dealing with the absence of things which a person may be used to, such as different kinds of food that he eats at home but which are not available in the mosque. So he puts up with having little for the sake of earning the pleasure of Allah, may He be exalted and glorified.

And there is the kind of patience which is required for putting up with the place where he is sleeping, for he will not have a bed put in the mosque for him, or a comfortable mattress on which he could sleep. He sleeps on a very modest mattress or even on the carpets in the mosque.

And there is the kind of patience which is required for putting up with the conditions in the mosque, the crowds of people around him, the lack of peace and quiet such as he enjoys at home when he wants to sleep.

And there is the kind of patience which is required for suppressing his desire for his wife, with whom he is not allowed to have sexual relations if he goes home for any purpose; he cannot even kiss her or hug her, even though she is halaal for him. Thus the value of patience, strong will power and self-control is manifested. Through these practices and others, a person can train himself to delay many of the things he desires for the sake of things which are more important, so he puts off these psychological and material needs for the sake of earning the pleasure of Allah, may He be glorified and exalted.

(9) Peace of mind

(10) Reading the Qur'an and completing it

(11) Sincere repentance

(12) Qiyaam al-Layl (praying at night) and getting used to it

(13) Making good use of one's time

(14) Purifying one's soul

(15) Reforming one’s heart and focusing on Allah.

Seeking Laylat al-Qadr

This was the main purpose behind the I’tikaaf of the Prophet, Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him. At first his I’tikaaf lasted for the entire month, then he did I’tikaaf during the middle ten days, seeking Laylat al-Qadr. When he learned that it is in the last ten days of the month of Ramadhan, he limited his I’tikaaf to these blessed ten days.

We ask Allah to help us to remember Him, thank Him and worship Him properly.

And Allah knows best. May Allah bless our Prophet Muhammad

Meaning of itikaf is farz or sunnah? - YouTube

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