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Attract Women with the Right Body Language
Attract Women with the Right Body Language (advice, tips and hints)

Your body language tells people around you about your state. People read body language subconsciously, in fact it is one of the most important areas to know when it comes to being social.

We as humans, communicate a lot using our body language. Quiet often, we don't even realise this. Let's try an exercise: assume a sad posture, put your head down, look at the floor and try to smile and say "I am a happy person!" I bet you can't even do it as it's physically impossible and feels wrong. Now, stand straight, look up, smile and say "I am very sad!" Seems weird, right? You see, the reason why you feel this way is because your state is affected by your body and your body is affected by your state.
So if you are stuck with body language problems and don't know how to correct it, here are some quick ways to start eliciting positive body language signs:
Change your posture, stop slouching and keep your back straight. Keep your feet wide apart when standing. Use more space when you sit, lean back, get comfortable, take all the space you can, just don't be rude to others in doing so.
Avoid crossing your arms as it makes you look angry or displeased.
Start smiling more, but do not have a frozen smile on your face, animate it.

Soon, you will start noticing positive changes. People will start treating you with more respect, your confidence will start to climb and overall, you will feel much happier deep down. The trick here is, the more you go by these guidelines and use them everyday, the sooner you will "inherit" these body language traits for good.

Taken from: FREE tips on dating and relationships

All the women I attract have the wrong body language!

Nothing i haven't heard before. Its true though!

"Change your posture, stop slouching and keep your back straight. Keep your feet wide apart when standing. Use more space when you sit, lean back, get comfortable, take all the space you can, just don't be rude to others in doing so." <--- come across rude and full of yourself as far as i'm concerned...which to me is a big turn off... Wink

"Start smiling more, but do not have a frozen smile on your face, animate it." <--- could be confused as a street mime Tongue

jfish: lol yeah blame is on the girls Tongue Wink
"I've never seen anybody really find the answer -- they think they have, so they stop thinking. The need for mystery is greater than the need for an answer.” - Ken Kesey

Actually, I think I learnt body language down a cave!
I was a tourist guide at a cavern in the UK; an insecure 17 yr old earning a few pence at weekends. I had to control parties of visitors, including the omnipresent obstreporous teenagers. The head guide taught me how to look confident and in charge. It still got exciting at times!

jfish1936 Wrote:It still got exciting at times!
How exiting?
up to MMA Fights? Big Grin
Brisbane, Oz

There were no lights in the cavern's 600 metres of passageway shown to visitors. Each two visitors had a candle, and the guide had a huge carbide lantern (acetylene) and a dustbin-lid style reflector.

One day, at the end of a trip, as we turned to face the 300 steps back to the surface, I realised four teenage youths were missing. one chamber back up, I passed my lamp and my party to the next guide, and followed them up the side passage they were exploring. I knew it well enough not to need a light, just followed the gleam of their candles. Being teenagers, they soon blew out each others' candles, giving me the opportunity to walk up to them in the absolute darkness and order them out. They obeyed!

Was that exciting enough?

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