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HP some words of comfort
Keep trying HP, in the meantime i have mailed you some tissues, you must be heartbroken, public rejection is hard, but you braved it well.


gangster Wrote:Keep trying HP, in the meantime i have mailed you some tissues, you must be heartbroken, public rejection is hard, but you braved it well.


Thanks man , though tissues are scarce resources in Brisbane ( as most people dont use them in toilet across Australia or for wiping the tears,they usually use water, thats why public toilets are always floody) .

I dont know why do the people from middle east are using such a harsh words against innocent people who live in Denmark .....i didnt make the cartoon of eastern Jewel ...thanks God protests are not allowed otherwise eastern j culd burn the Royal Danish embassy in Brisbane.

Eastern J

In order to judge someone u have to walk in his shoez for miles ,well u can not walk in my shoez as u wear sandles. I must tell u that i am very shy and it is hard for me to tell u how innocent , cute , nice i am .

I was thinking to get married with u and having some kids and nice family life in Allenby freezone .Just imagine ,i come to home after construction work and u cook buryani and round chappati (indian bread) for me. We culd also go at tora bora afghanistan for honey moon and u culd buy some stuff from down town kabul Smile.

But you made me sad with harsh HP appears sad and he may not smile for the rest of week .

there are many a forumer out there tonight with tears in their eyes HP, EJ will succumb eventually i think


Hold on a minute.....................................

HP you were in love wiv da Choco not that long ago.

Confusedhock: Confusedhock:

gangster Wrote:Hold on a minute.....................................

HP you were in love wiv da Choco not that long ago.

Confusedhock: Confusedhock:

No man thats was not real love , choco got the alexander the great ,i mean Greek boy friend and second i dont want to have white kids .

Third ,i am from Pak and East is from india , we can make the relationship strong between two countries . I think President of Pakistan was right " we always try to shake hand wid indian but they come up with harsh word". Can u see the way Eastern J slapped me Sad.

everyone has gone but HP is waiting for u ........... :roll:

Okayy.... Confusedhock:

Btw, Easternj's post was just hilarious Big Grin Tongue

Sorry HP Tongue

Everyone easy on HP - we dont want to tip him over the edge, he is suffering huge rejection at the moment

I said we all have a "be nice to HP week"


gangster Wrote:Everyone easy on HP - we dont want to tip him over the edge, he is suffering huge rejection at the moment

I said we all have a "be nice to HP week"



HP will probably take revenge then, and have a 'Be a meanie to everyone'-week (which is probably nothing unusual for him Tongue )

Maybe we are seeing a new HP now that he is in lurveeeeeeeeee

:? :?


Hey man how r ya spending your valentine day? dont tell me u are going at uncles club Tongue why do u not send a e-mail to Brisbane and send him valentine card Tongue


what about ya ? Well i wouldnt angry on anyone , it is really hard for me now a day to irritate people . By the way where are u from and whats ur plan for tomorrow?

kelly 1966

u know i hate girls from south east asia , they are so rough tough ,thats why i am still not married :wink:

well from now on i wouldnt mention the name or reference of eastern Jewel in any of post (love hurt wink) ....let leave her alone :roll: "

HP, I reckon she's just being coy and playing hard to get. It's just a test of your devotion to see if you're worthy.

I think you're in there mate... and especially when she sees the size of your wad Big Grin !

GoodBai Wrote:HP, I reckon she's just being coy and playing hard to get. It's just a test of your devotion to see if you're worthy.

I think you're in there mate... and especially when she sees the size of your wad Big Grin !

convincing her is same as convincing God to send rain in Brisbane in june :0). Well i told her that i not gonna distrub her anymore , so i am leaving her alone, whatsoever :roll: . i was trying to nice wid her but , life as not as nice as we see in the movies of julia roberts ;p

Kelly 1966 writes in her book" enduring love"......" .....

"dont cry for someone who is not worth and someone who is worth , he/she wouldnt let u to cry" :oops:

GoodBai Wrote:HP, I reckon she's just being coy and playing hard to get. It's just a test of your devotion to see if you're worthy.

I think you're in there mate... and especially when she sees the size of your wad Big Grin !

I reckon GB is spot on ther HP - EJ deffo just playin hard to get

:lol: :lol:

happy valentine day everyone and please dont make too much love , its tuesday and its working day 10 minutes i gotta catch the train :oops:

arnigang ,lets her play hard ,cauz now she has no one to play Tongue though HP has dead but his soul is still wandering over brisbane forums Tongue

now this is what i call "forum distance relationship LQ" Big Grin
"Darkness is d bsaence of Light and Light is d bsaence of Darkness"

once again

i really apperciate the white community of brisbaneforums , who wiped my tears unlike my muslims and local fellows of brisbaneforums. jacky habibi and Brisbane didnt even ask" how are u HP after earthquake" .

I really apperciate , otherwise i was planning to commit suicide last day , it was damn cold and i postpond the idea of jumping from window 95 of my house .

but now i am thinking to delcare myself as Gay , so might be i ll arrange a press conference in copenhagen :oops:

well now i will go at home , i think i have some thing cooked from last 2 days , the office time is over Tongue

taa taa

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