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Old bait but fresh member here
RIEL and Yorky

I think i beat both of ya's on the age front, although RIEL's clue prob means its debateable who is the oldest.
Big Grin Big Grin

Hmmmmm......very insulting!! :lol:
I do not own a first edition copy of Peter Pan!! :lol:
I am not over the hill like some :wink: but fast approaching!! Big Grin Party anyone????????? 8)
Glad to see all the oldies can still read and type!

I am reading this with my monocle and sat very comfy in my wicker wheelchair - beat that

I hope that is not a commode wicker chair! :lol: :lol:
Actually sounds pretty damn s@xy from where I'm sitting!! :lol:


noooooo, but i am still able to wheel myself over to my comode

:lol: :lol:

Ahhhhh generation X, I am getting all teary, or is that rheumy, with the knowledge that we "x"ers are out there and can actually touch type on one of those computer thingies.

I well remember when terry toweling dresses that only just covered the 'buttocks' were a thing of beauty and considered a must have accessory, ahh misplaced youth, those were the 'good ol days' :lol:

I am so old that my family lived in a town before any houses were built. We use to live in a carboard box in middle of the road, and us kids had to lick the road clean in the morning for breakfast.

Obviously, at night we had the heat of the gas lamps to read by, and keep us warm.

Beat that pmsl

:lol: :lol:

My father invented the wheel, if mother was unable to mortar and pestle our food we went hungry, I remember it being very cold and snowy for years and years and years, we drew on walls to keep us amused and used to have to hid from long toothed mammals that were very very wooly

The photograph you see to your left is a representation of what they think I may have looked like in the early '70s :wink:

Lochness and ariegang- :lol: :lol:
It took this old duck 30 minutes to find out what pmsl actually meant!! Confusedhock: :oops: Needless to say at my age incontinence is no laughing matter! Sad
Well, lochness if that is your picture in the 70's you could be mistaken as my younger sister.
gangster you are the biggest BSA of all time!! Mind you lochness ain't far behind!! :roll: :lol: You guys are a riot! Big Grin
Things used to be so much more simple in my day- people didn't get excited over rubber thongs-you just wore them on your feet, words like sick, fat, word meant different things Confusedhock:

lochness Wrote:My father invented the wheel, if mother was unable to mortar and pestle our food we went hungry, I remember it being very cold and snowy for years and years and years, we drew on walls to keep us amused and used to have to hid from long toothed mammals that were very very wooly

The photograph you see to your left is a representation of what they think I may have looked like in the early '70s :wink:

pmsl @ lockness, ok i concede, you win, your post made me laff and clearly because of the wheel issue etc, you clearly are older than me.

Although when i said we lived in a cardboard box in the road, it was on the main road from London to Manchester used by Dinosours migrating south. :lol:

RIEL - wots BSA? pmsl

I have it on "good advice"(the source of this information is confidential) that it is a type of motorcycle!! :lol:

RIEL Wrote:I have it on "good advice"(the source of this information is confidential) that it is a type of motorcycle!! :lol:

:wink: :wink:

Gosh I haven't had this much fun since Australia was colonised, and I mean by my family prior to it (Australia) breaking away from the Asian continent (obviously the real names have been changed so the 'youngsters' can understand my geography!)

:lol: Gosh, I only came as a stow away on the Endeavour!! Confusedhock:

I remember the days when me and good old Cooky ( Capt Cook) used to go down to the Wharf fer a beer
:lol: :lol:

Does this mean you are a sailor? Helllooooooooooo sailor! :lol:

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