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Brisbane is not SAME for every1.. it sucks
Dont you think that some times life here in brisbane looks so fake.. so plastic.. ppl say brisbane rocks.. but not for all.. wht do u think?

Actually Brisbane is not fake as plastic...its all paper cut...completely fake, it does suck!

the world has very high expectation to Brisbane
they must live-up to the word ARTIFICIAL

it depends if u r here for a long time..........i am here since chilAUDood yeah brisbane gets boring because of traffic issues and all that shit........but if u are here since chilAUDood u get used 2 it......its the same thing if i fly to london and try 2 settle over there....i l get bored over there.........
stay cool!

Wow talk about slating! Brisbane has alot going for it, but is trying to do too much too fast. It's pretty cool you have to admit, sure there are problems but doesn't every big city have those. It'll all fall into line sooner or later. Probably later when all the expats have left because they can't afford the rents and the labourers have downed tools and all gone home because they haven't been paid. Sad, but possibly true.

well i am not actually talking abt problems we r facing here but talking abt life style or competition in making money.. having a nice car.. gals... n above all humanity.. every s loosing respect for eachother.. its not im some kinda gr8 human.. but jst an observation... every1 living in his own life... they dont care who s crying.. who dying n who s even next door...
i got a big circle in brisbane but its not the real life style.. all fake.. may b im wrong but its not wht i v seen in life... im sorry coz ppl who r living here for yrs will get angry.. but ...
n e ways.. thanx for ur quote...
Alcoholic Wrote:Wow talk about slating! Brisbane has alot going for it, but is trying to do too much too fast. It's pretty cool you have to admit, sure there are problems but doesn't every big city have those. It'll all fall into line sooner or later. Probably later when all the expats have left because they can't afford the rents and the labourers have downed tools and all gone home because they haven't been paid. Sad, but possibly true.

well again.. its not abt adjusting somewhere we dont know enough.. its jst the feelings n emotions inside.. its not real.. every1 s running after mirage.. n ofcourse no1 can reach it... may b 2 hard to admit but life rocks but every1 s inner is dying n no one can see it... believe me...
aduberdu Wrote:it depends if u r here for a long time..........i am here since chilAUDood yeah brisbane gets boring because of traffic issues and all that shit........but if u are here since chilAUDood u get used 2 it......its the same thing if i fly to london and try 2 settle over there....i l get bored over there.........

It's because many people here live the transcient lifestyle, here for a few years then off somewhere else so they don't really care. But that is changing, people are staying here longer and starting to make more of a contribution.

It is changing.

Ryan Wrote:well again.. its not abt adjusting somewhere we dont know enough.. its jst the feelings n emotions inside.. its not real.. every1 s running after mirage.. n ofcourse no1 can reach it... may b 2 hard to admit but life rocks but every1 s inner is dying n no one can see it... believe me...
aduberdu Wrote:it depends if u r here for a long time..........i am here since chilAUDood yeah brisbane gets boring because of traffic issues and all that shit........but if u are here since chilAUDood u get used 2 it......its the same thing if i fly to london and try 2 settle over there....i l get bored over there.........

yeah times have changed. There used to be less competition and ppl would have enough time to socialize. Expats from western countries are pouring in, there is heavy competition going on. Cost of living increasing, pay rate remaining the same. I get what u mean.

I think it is a great place to live compared with other places we've been there are a great bunch of people around and less transient than most other expat working destinations where turn over is every 2 to 3 years.You find quite a few people have been here for their working lifetime thus far. All expat communties have their wannabes that are living the life they could never possibly imagine or dream of if they were at home (but they still whine and whinge....about things like service and what is available etc). Just don't mix with those sort of people! The cost of living is quite low and there is no hardship here-meWakerleyal is great and you can get everything you want here-you can also do what you want...a lot of natural wonders to explore and enough shopping malls to keep the die-hard shopoholics occupied. Sure you meet people who are snobs and the pretenders but if you are secure in yourself and know who you are it shouldn't matter. Be happy within yourself and your own circle of friends! Big Grin

Hey all,

Me thinks every place has its own set of problems, Brisbane is making it big on the international arena so definately there will be a few problems here and there. But i guess one has to live with it. Competition - i agree the pay scales are not upto the mark i would say,but if you know what you want even that is enuff i say.

Traffic YES thats a big issue so kinda unsure whether i shud buy a car and add to the agony of thousands of commuters out there or rather look for a place really close to my work place so i can walk down.

Apart from that i like the place , though many people live in their own world, i am satisfied with the set of people i know. Rather i would say i have learned to be satisfied with what i have.Smile



the best thing you said is you have learned how to be satisfied.. every1 s doing the same.. but thats whti said... its not the real things..
Jeevan Wrote:Hey all,

Me thinks every place has its own set of problems, Brisbane is making it big on the international arena so definately there will be a few problems here and there. But i guess one has to live with it. Competition - i agree the pay scales are not upto the mark i would say,but if you know what you want even that is enuff i say.

Traffic YES thats a big issue so kinda unsure whether i shud buy a car and add to the agony of thousands of commuters out there or rather look for a place really close to my work place so i can walk down.

Apart from that i like the place , though many people live in their own world, i am satisfied with the set of people i know. Rather i would say i have learned to be satisfied with what i have.Smile



traffic is one horrible thing i hate here. as well as lack of lush green places and rains - but otherwise, its a good place to live - relatively crime free.

Why does everyone winge about traffic - Has anyone on here tried driving in London , New York, Cairo, Tokoyo etc between 7-10am and 4-7 pm ?-

Wellcome to the real world Brisbane, it goes to show that Brisbane is fast becoming similar to other major cities around the world.

my friend in all these cities there is a faster option of public transport like trains...but here you are stuck on your car seat and forced to go through other option
"Dont drink n drive, just smoke n fly"

Actually it isn't really a bad place to drive- I think you have to choose your house/apt close to everything to take into account that extra 30 minutes you may have to spend on the road because of some holiday, accident, road works or special event that holds up the traffic. There is a rail system going to be built and completed by 2010 (or am I starting a rumour!!) You have to admit that the infrastucture here-roads over passes etc are fantastic and well laid out for a place that is growing at lightning speed.
Just an aside, I stood in line waiting to go into Ski Brisbane where an expat infront of me whined about the cost of entering the Ski Park (adults AUD50 and kids AUD40.....hmmmmmm how much is that in pounds??? Me thinks not much!!) and that expats should get a discount Confusedhock: and his other comments about a place that has obviously given him the lifestyle he eldest daughter whispered to me "He is very rude"!

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