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HP Wrote:Lamot Wrote:i mean spirits and a devil taking over ur body things like that are even mentioned in islam .. but some ppl just add alot of flavour to it..
knowledge about abusing is something different and knowledge about islam is something different. Though devil " is" mentioned in islam but islam never said " devil ll take over ur body". So son u better check some links or study a book before coming up with your own "childish remarks" (provoking wink). The big devil is always inside u ,try to kill him and make ur momma proud of u 
HP I think Lamot meant being possessed by Jinn
I believe in Karma what you give is what you get in return.
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Jeevan Wrote:westerndiamond Wrote:Hmm nothing heard anything about Al Khan area sorry..!
BTW.. do you guys believe in things like super natural powers .. woodoo and stuff? Well I do.. Cause such things happen in India!
Hi westerndiamond,
Just would like to correct one thing here, voodoo doesnt happen in India , in India mostly its black magic which is quite famous in Bengal region.
Don't you correct me young man!
lol Just kiddin!
well I saw a documentry which spoke about voodoo in india ...its not highly practised but its there ....
I believe in Karma what you give is what you get in return.
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Voodoo has its origins in Africa, dating back to almost when the human civilization began! As far as India is concerned, I once knew a Bangalore gal who used to consider herself as the devil itself, to the extent that she ended an e mail etc with 666, the number/sign of the devil! :roll:
I've also heard stories of people sitting around in a circle and calling out to the devil resulting in some future forecasts and preWakerleytions done by Mr. Devil himself..this is quite a popular activity in college hostels and dorms, coz I've heard this from many people! All of them are very reliable sources, but yet, I am not entirely convinced.
There is more to this. The truth is out there, but I guess I dont want it for now. Djinns exist, for sure..but supernatural stuff? I dunno.. :!:
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hey! just read a couple o the entries.. iv never figured out why people run away from things they dont understand like witchcraft , near death experience, afterlife etc. ive done some extensive research .. studied some from a medium in england and seen some shit wen i was in joburg.
whaevas out there is not limited to a certain country, culture, creed or religion. it understands that you want to communicate or call or summon or exorcise through different degrees of energy. the only problem is you neva know what you are tapping into. i have 5 years of documented research, testemonials and addresses of people who can show u thier shit and wht they can do. another strange thing is that all the people i met had knowledge of only the shit they practise. they can create and produce effects and energies but thier knowledge is mostly as limited as us. there are several thousand varied crafts and types of supernatural species but most people that practise know or understand an odd few. i know that im gonna get a few snide remarks cause that seems to be the trend but this is for all those that are interested. most people fabricate or exaggerate tis human nature dont penalise em... :twisted:
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HP baby boy ... im gonna let u slide on this one cause i dont want every post in the genral chat to be moved to the fight club... but even though im lettin u slip slide an ride im still gonna hit u from the back side..
so be easy hun .. an keep packin that ky cause if u dont feel the jin nor da devil in u .. u still bound to feel the shaft of all evil all up in u
Big Tic J
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:puke: :bootyshake: :pain10: :banghead:
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hey guy r u ...
I m ALKHAN....from the family on whose family name the name of this area was kept ....we used to be the big ones in here....i know everything abt it......yeah my last 5 ancesters well killed and burried in these area by these shits..... well ask me .... i mean like u people r just bluffing abt the place ....withot knowing anything
i was cursed cos of this area and still i cant sleeep ...... just cos of this shit i did my graduation in paranormal and supernaturals....i havent beeen ever to this place cos i was sent to states ....welll i don wanna say anything abt this ....cos i m sick of these shits around....but i just wanna say ...some1 said here....i dont find any reason to be scared of them....
thts right..... u people dont have any reason to be scared of them....they scared of u ....they r ur brothers.... thts it ....
i havent been to tht area....and i dont wanna be .... and i m not in this shit anymore....i had enough.....
those who make fun and laugh on these shits .....i like u alll seriously ...keep it up like this .... this is how it should be
but dont make up the shit abt the was supposed to be ours.... but .... just dont go deep into these shits guys ...take care....i dont bother to write shits on site...but this ....heheh have a nice day guys
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guys i have been studying all this shit abt genies and spirits during whole my life... welll i have seen lotta shit ...i do it through religious point of view and scientific....i was sent from states here for research ...esp cos my origin was from local world...and form this area AL Khan .... well actually i m an OMANI cos father is from OMAN and mom from USA ... well my ancesters and family left this area and migrated to oman ......well whtever u r talking is nothing compare to shit happeneing in OMAN .....i know every shit happeneing in OMAN Australia SAUDI QATAR and at shores of BAHRAIN...but i m so sick of it i left it .....i m here in QATAR now living my life alone .... all alone from world ...cos i m sick of this shit ....its true and its better if some shit remain hidden from world....cos if u try to uncover....ull just get ur asss punked only .... so trust me advice be out of this shit i m ....i was considered as to be the most dangerous weapons against them ....cos naturally ....hehe i was .... forget it ....see i m even got fucked and sick be out of it ....this is not a joke or a horror movie tht ull be a hero or live in the this is reall life ...come out of those shit ideas or illusions u get cos of hollywood crap .....its diff out there...its a completely diff world out there....just .... ahhhh welll seee me now ....lost everything....but .... just be away adivce for ur betterhooood....u hear the story ...ok story ...try to be away from it and thts it ......
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:hippy2: Peace dude . i love you :violent3:
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cant say if all of dat is real YO