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Choco is my Big sister

Ok now you're scaring me!

why do you have to mention my name?

hey congratulations choco Lol
youre the most luckiest girl :laughing5:

Love is in the air... we deserve a treat :love5: .. right brisbane forum members??? :lol:
I believe in Karma what you give is what you get in return.


wooow choco..oh my god...HP is in love with u...u r such a lucky girl!!!

HP why not me?????WHYYYYYY...

im so jaloux..jewel girl...i feel u girl..lets meet up and cry on each others shoulders :crybaby: !!!!!

hahahah HP and choco sitting by the tree...kissing and la la la la la .... :love6:

so when can we expect to see some baby gorillaz with blond fur...sooo cute[Image: top_pic3.jpg]

Alcoholic Wrote:Ok now you're scaring me!

know well I have no right to love you:
But I can't stop myself from thinking of you,
Even though that's not what I intend.



Can you tell her something about Desi stuff? if so , u can even let her to have some shalwar kameez or Saari Tongue and tell her how to eat spicy food :wink:

Quote:HP why not me?????WHYYYYYY...

Dodo , u r kick boxer and i dont want to end up breaking my teeths and u know dentists r quite expensive in DK :oops:

whenever i hear Australian conversation ,i used to say "jazakallah". I heard getting married wid Australian gal is also " Sawab" . Because all the time u listen to holy verses Tongue

Now I know HP is completely off his trolley!

You been in Amsterdam too often smoking too much of that good shit for this forum dude!

Choco, I am not saying ya not worth it girl, just the way HP is on the forum. :oops:


Can you tell her something about Desi stuff? if so , u can even let her to have some shalwar kameez or Saari and tell her how to eat spicy food

I dont have any saari or salwars, & I hate spicy food... but i can certainly tell her sumthing about desi stuff...

hey choco, here is my desi advice .. keep away from HP cause .. "beep-beep-beep" (censored ) :lol:
I believe in Karma what you give is what you get in return.

No worries I've dealt with strange stalkers in the past!

r u saying your a weirdo magnet ?

HP Wrote:Love its the way i feel about you Choco
Some people say im flirty and idiot but they r wrong
Baby if you only knew how much i love you (ask from fayaz habibi)
If i could go to the end of the earth were on
i would just for you
If i could take all the pain you had in your life (slaughtering goats ,traffic )
i would just for you
So you see im not for Eastern jewel or D-Unti
Im just in love
In love with you


Dear HP we know u are flirting..
this how bad boyz do farting..

Choco will not take u serious..
she has others who are more precious..

Your efforts will go in vain..
and she will not feel any pain..


Sadly comes with the job sometimes. But it's OK so long as people are just weird from afar, when it gets up close then it gets freaky.

Alcoholic Wrote:Sadly comes with the job sometimes. But it's OK so long as people are just weird from afar, when it gets up close then it gets freaky.

well william fayaz habibi said in his latest book" love in middle east".

if you love someone,
Set her free ....
If she ever comes back, she's yours,
If she doesn't, she wast not yours

well if choco doesnt come to me in next 5 working days i ll think

if you love someone,
Set her free ....
If she ever comes back, she's yours because she coudlnt find anyone else

If she doesn't, she got someone else

this is turning into a bollywood movie...ur making me sick...
next thing we will be seeing HP dancing in colors on some mountain top singing to choco.. merry jaan hemara hula a**!

Quote:I dont have any saari or salwars, & I hate spicy food... but i can certainly tell her sumthing about desi stuff...

hey choco, here is my desi advice .. keep away from HP cause .. "beep-beep-beep" (censored ) :lol

oye gal,

i always have problem wid desi galz (indian and pakiz) ,because desi gal always recognize the flirt inside me. while my stay in Brisbane ,i made few desi friends but they left me as soon as they got my bad intentions Tongue.

well i am seriously looking for marriage partner. I made registeration on and at another web site by paying almost 50 US. It ended up adding some more useless contacts on msn list :roll:

During Easter , before offering pray i promised to God that i wouldnt go close to any Girl. Now i am regretiing because i am loosing my patience . Tongue. It iz really hard to war against terror (feeling). Osman ben laden iz.............................sheesh i dont wana write some crap.

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