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harry pothead and gob of mire
hey is harry potter out yet in brisbane...singapore is out already! the anticipation is killing me :oops: ...a closet fan!!...hong kong its only out in december :cry:

LOL iTS sooo not out yet but will yet you know myself when its out....rumour has it that its going to start near Chrissy so uhm its a long wait I gotta admit...
***mIsChIeF mAnAgEd***

its out here in denmark...i saw it last week..the acting was dissapointing...specially the hermione.....the story was good..just like the others...there were cute acters..krum...but he is probably too young for me..i liked the special effects..
harry reminds me somehow of frodo..a wussy
by the way someone dies in the movie!!!!
hehe hope i didnt ruin anything..

kPax Wrote:its out here in denmark...i saw it last week..the acting was dissapointing...specially the hermione.....the story was good..just like the others...there were cute acters..krum...but he is probably too young for me..i liked the special effects..
harry reminds me somehow of frodo..a wussy
by the way someone dies in the movie!!!!
hehe hope i didnt ruin anything..

"kabalm"...turns kPax into an ugly toad Tongue

sorry toadess...if there is such a word!

hahahaah costaboy...that was such a harry potter nerd joke!

Ahhhhh I love the movies, can't wait.

I read today that Daniel Radcliff who plays Harry is constantly being mistaken for Elijah Wood who plays Frodo in Lord of the Rings - poor thing!

i dont mistake him with frodo but his character reminds me of frodo...

i quite like that name "costaboy"...hmmm...radcliff is growing up so fast...i wonder if he is taking hormone replacement to stunt his growth...less they replace him with a younger guy...kinda like the "home alone kid"...child actors have a real hard life...

releases dec28 in Australia

there was a big outcry in the papers because it was only supposed to be released 28th December (6 weeks after the rest of the world - how unfair is that??? Sad Sad Sad ).
however, i heard on the radio that due to the outcry, they are bringing it forward by 1 week and releasing it on 21st December now.

dude you stole my avatar!!!! :twisted: ...anyways ...yeah guess its a wait and watch thing...i wonder why such a late release date...should be a simultaneous world wide release...i guess they are waiting to rake in big bucks over x mas and new years...

No, the official release is still the 28th December, BUT 7days and Radio 1&2 are giving away tickets to premier showings in Brisbane and Sidney, to be held on the 21st.

King Kong is out on the 14th and that's is global release date, there are no pre-shows for this movie, and King Kong is also a Warner Bros release. Same studio releases always have a 2 week window between the films being distributed, hence the gap between King Kong and Harry Potter.

And in case you didn't notice, yes I am a movie freak!

crappy movie....sfx are awesome but apart from that nothing else...

yeah...i'm not a harry pot-head fan...

just saw it yesterday...not bad..but left me with like.."hmmm where's the rest of the story"...but still awesome...i wish they did a 5 hour version of it...or a 3D version, where all the special effects fly at ya...thing of the future perhaps...

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