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your views about love
HP Wrote:
Quote:Yeah that was with a donkey but this animal named zaynab is female homo sapiens :lol:

i didnt make luv wid u , did i Tongue !! well she can try my luv if she doesnt like , money back gurantee :oops:

PS" where are Brisbane and mINOR pLEASURE now a days? "

Yeah Yeah. Since when did monkeys have money? Ah those money collected in the zoo while "monkeying around" eh? :lol:

zaynab Wrote:There is a boy, smart, handsome and kind, yes girls that's exists!
BUT I don't know really it's very hard to understand my story. I think he loves me but he is afraid of marriage. He told me he is lost and I told him it's finished. He did not call me for 2 weeks. Do you think he has another girl in his life?
Many reasons that are riWakerleyulous for me are:
* he is American and I'm french (from an Australian country)
* he is very attached to his country
* religion: his family is very practitioner (do you know the 2 branches in islam). Sorry because I'm very tolerant and I don't like making divisions between people.

I know this relation is very complicated and the distance between us does not improve all

BUT I'm fond of this man and I can not love nor marry another man I'm sure of this. So I think I will stay alone with my love for him.
There is a friend who told me: "love is better than be loved"
I was ready to make sacrifices for him maybe I did not show him but now I think it's unusefull.
Please could you tell me your views? your advices are welcome.

PS: sorry for my horrible english
Hey Zaynab, don't be so upset it is life and life has to move on. Life won't stop for you even if that man has gone from your life forever. My Girl Friend has left me I thougt I would die when love for her ends, but mostly strangely I live on. So please don't be so despaired, allow time to cure all your wounds.
BTW, I am single and handsome :wink:
Ignorance and bsaence of discipline are the cause of man's trouble.

yall come with crazy advice..girl zaynab...just go knock on his door and tell his parents that u r carrying his child(put a pillow under ur shirt) and i guarantee u that his u will marry him..if not..then pay a guy to date u and go the same places that ur ex goes to so u can rub it in his face..if none of this works..then take formula 1..

anyways..about wearing a scarf(hijab) for a guy to think that u have become a better person...DONT ..cuz u should only do it if u feel that it is right for YOU..otherwise i bet u will regret it and feel stupid that u have sacrafised so much for him..

and i bet u will sit in a year or so and laugh at this..cuz u will realize that u r better and u deserve ditch the bitch..and keep ur dignity..

Quote:yall come with crazy advice..girl zaynab...just go knock on his door and tell his parents that u r carrying his child(put a pillow under ur shirt) and i guarantee u that his u will marry him..

hahahaha how innocent , again I don’t have good relationship with the Sweden ,otherwise I would have been nominated you for noble prize of “ genius girl". Tongue

Quote:if not..then pay a guy to date u and go the same places that ur ex goes to so u can rub it in his face..if none of this works..then take formula 1..

why to pay ? guys are always ready to date no matter how ugly a gal is hehehe , she can save some money Tongue am i right skat?

HP Wrote:
Love doesn’t exist , if it exist,it never exist in middle east .Have you ever read any romantic book written by local author ? they mostly write “ idiot’s guide to suicide bombing “ 101 ways to kill Jewish” Camel racing with kids “ etc etc ,so just leave that local guy.
cummon HP, lets not start racial comments please, i think you can do much better. and... This is called Brisbane forum, if you don't like Australians don't come to their countries and don't talk here.... ( I wonder how moderators do accept such racial comments) beside, yo don't read Australian so don't make assumptions about Australian romantic stories.

Zeinab, just a question, might be stupid, but from what i hear it is long distance relation? am i right???? but anyway, if it is, then don't worry, he is not a perfect person, usually you can think this guys is amazing online, but you actually didn't meet or didn't have day to day interaction to judge on his personality, your relation is just some letters on each others screen... sorry if i made it so bsatract.

Cheer up, you already took your decision, but, just don't have in mind that you are not good for him, i can see you were willing to do many sacrifices so you did all you can, he should move the extra mile and do the rest.

So, Have a clear conciounce dumping him.

Cheers and good luck with your life.

yshimy Wrote:cummon HP, lets not start racial comments please, i think you can do much better. and... This is called Brisbane forum, if you don't like Australians don't come to their countries and don't talk here.... ( I wonder how moderators do accept such racial comments) beside, yo don't read Australian so don't make assumptions about Australian romantic stories.

Zeinab, just a question, might be stupid, but from what i hear it is long distance relation? am i right???? but anyway, if it is, then don't worry, he is not a perfect person, usually you can think this guys is amazing online, but you actually didn't meet or didn't have day to day interaction to judge on his personality, your relation is just some letters on each others screen... sorry if i made it so bsatract.

Cheer up, you already took your decision, but, just don't have in mind that you are not good for him, i can see you were willing to do many sacrifices so you did all you can, he should move the extra mile and do the rest.

So, Have a clear conciounce dumping him.

Cheers and good luck with your life.

Many thanks yshimy
But what has gone on is a bit different compared to what you can guess.

You know, this story is totally riWakerleyulous and I can not understand -- that's very funny.

One thing is undeniable: he LOVES me (he is even in love). So, we are both suffering. He told me somethings that I can not reveal in public :wink: but it will remain in my heart all my life.

Let me explain to you my thoughts about it. If a girls tells you: "choose between your family and me ?" What will you do, I don't think you would say "ok, I choose you because I love you". I'm not saying that I told him to make a choice. But in my views if he accepted to marry me that's like he renunce to his family (who is very conservative people).

In addition we was both student and our rooms were not far from each other. So I know him maybe more than his former gf (he stayed a long time with her). Indeed we saw each other mostly everyday.

What I liked from him is his respect for people, his open mind, his practice of Islam, etc. Don't wory he has defects: he is nervous, irritable and macho (a real man so :cry: !).

I also want to say to HP that I have always wanted to wear Hijab so that I want to be with a real muslim man Smile

Sorry I made a mistake I wanted to leave a message to kPax (see the last sentence of my post) not HP. I think because HP tried to irritate me.

hey zaynab..

zaynab wrote:

Quote:I have always wanted to wear Hijab so that I want to be with a real muslim man

what u r saying about wearing the hijab is similar to what im saying..u r doing it for a not trying to judge u..but think about it..u have to do it for your self and not for anybody else.. ..but best of luck hope u get the man of ur dream

ps. about the two branches of islam..i know how u sister is going through the same shit..and i think that we have to fight for it and not let it be the reason for not approving the marriage..


kPax Wrote:hey zaynab..

zaynab wrote:

Quote:I have always wanted to wear Hijab so that I want to be with a real muslim man

what u r saying about wearing the hijab is similar to what im saying..u r doing it for a not trying to judge u..but think about it..u have to do it for your self and not for anybody else.. ..but best of luck hope u get the man of ur dream

ps. about the two branches of islam..i know how u sister is going through the same shit..and i think that we have to fight for it and not let it be the reason for not approving the marriage..


So you agree that it makes no sense. Even some of my friends told me I'm wrong not to give up this relation owing to religion.

As regards the Hijab, I think you don't understand me.
If want to wear that's for God and only for God.

Hope your sister will marry this man and have a lot of childs :love8:

Quote:I also want to say to HP that I have always wanted to wear Hijab so that I want to be with a real muslim man

I don’t understand the logic behind covering the hairs of head. Scarf should mean to cover all body with proper dress, so that no one can feel sexual attraction toward a female ;0).

Most of muslim girls get scarf in inheritance and use as a family value, it is the same as you put some weight on donkey and donkey walks and walk as long as someone is have Stick in his hand. The stick is family.
When someone wear scarf we conclude that she is practicing Muslim ?

somewhere else you mentioned about having boy friend ,just pondering if boy friend of such kind of relationship exist inside islam? a real muslim doesnt enjoy free trial with different girls before chosing the last Tongue

so stop mentioning Islam ,scarf and real muslim in your topic and dont bring more shame on the name of Islam , just chose your own way and be happy Tongue

sorry if i hurted u

I am free of all prejuWakerleyes. I hate everyone equally

HP Wrote:I am free of all prejuWakerleyes. I hate everyone equally

You are one ignorant SOB...

HP Wrote:I am free of all prejuWakerleyes. I hate everyone equally

You hate yourself first that' s why you hate everybody
What a pity for you!

HP you shouldent be talking...after all look at ur subject: romance option

and since when did u become an imam telling about how hijab is supposed to be ..

damn what an ignorant!

kPax Wrote:HP you shouldent be talking...after all look at ur subject: romance option

and since when did u become an imam telling about how hijab is supposed to be ..

damn what an ignorant!

A person doesn’t need to have bear or title of “Imam “ to make certain comments as long as it is not so called “ fatwa”. I made some comments concerning scarf without issuing any Fatwa.
Look at the topic in hand instead of browsing other threads.

now lets look at the statments of zynab

Quote:In addition we was both student and our rooms were not far from each other. So I know him maybe more than his former gf (he stayed a long time with her). Indeed we saw each other mostly everyday.

What I liked from him is his respect for people, his open mind, his practice of Islam, etc. Don't wory he has defects: he is nervous, irritable and macho (a real man so !).

I also want to say to HP that I have always wanted to wear Hijab so that I want to be with a real muslim man

Here is the part which forced me to write something about scarf , zynab's Boyfriend and his practice of islam and decision of zynab to wear Hijab. So read the topic in-hand and analyze my input ;0)

Quote:damn what an ignorant

i think i pressed the right button ;0). If i am ignorant then look at your own comments "

Quote:kPax writes

yall come with crazy advice..girl zaynab...just go knock on his door and tell his parents that u r carrying his child(put a pillow under ur shirt) and i guarantee u that his u will marry him..if not..then pay a guy to date u and go the same places that ur ex goes to so u can rub it in his face..if none of this works..then take formula 1..

Im not really suprised by HP's comments. You only have to read his comments on this forum and realise that he is few cans short of a six-pack. What I am suprised by is the people giving him the attention that he truely does not deserve. Let him be and hopefully he might let us be...........

My first and last post on this matter.

There are three types of people in this world, those that can count and those that can't.

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