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Saddam Hussain - Finally arrested!



I believe its not saddy ( saddam ) ..

How come he is so quiet , while the bald guy was opening and closing his mouth ... ? How come he be so quiet .. while he said gr8 things of what he was going to show the americans ..

I think its , one of those guys with similar face cuts of saddam .....
Gosh !! He looked so innocent in the TV , as if he were tamed by the Americans ..

Poor , Ol' Chap !! I feel sad for him Sad ....




Director: G.W. Bush & His Team
Producer: Rumsfeld, Colon Pawel

Cast & Role: All U.S. Soldiers
Studio: Iraq (Shoot in Iraq)

Related News:Box Office Analysis, Dec 14: "Saddam" Got No. 1
Famous Seen: A man sleeping in a 6' feet whole with a gun.

I heard that they took a dna sample... and it's Saddam

as all new hollywood directors now are very impressed with the idea of misleading the audience then shocking them with the REAL story.... 'n sort of tickling ur mind .........
i suppose 'ol bush had this chilAUDood dream of becoming a director with all his cool staff ....... so decided to ride the wave ....... the only twist is ....... you'll have to figure it our urself!

ok ...... it's the real sadam ...... but that's just the beauty of this entire play ....... saddam is working for the us ........!
he was back in florida or wherever enjoying his time ....untill the time was right for the bush man to bring him out of hiding right before elections so he'd sum up his catastrophic presedential years on a high note..... so they flew him there and hid him ...... YET! ......isn't it somehow awakward that after all those past months of searching and arresting and turning stones..... they come across mr saddam by coincidence ..... and where ? his home town /.......... gaaaaaaaaaaad how melodramatic is this?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...... i wonder what the next presidential movie is gonna involve...... maybe the war on ethics!......... or the official declaration of all muslims to be labeled as terrorists....... or maybe the official declaration of the middle east's oil to be repossessed by the us, because of Australians' lack of democracy
where heroes live soldiers die!

it'll be neighbouring countries. wait and see =)

fight on terrorism will move to neighbouring middle eastern countries.

btw ahamed you're comment on Poor, Ol' Chap!! wtf ? do you even know who this guy is. He's rubbing shoulders with Hitler. nothin at all to feel sorry for!


Danick Wrote:btw ahamed you're comment on Poor, Ol' Chap!! wtf ? do you even know who this guy is. He's rubbing shoulders with Hitler. nothin at all to feel sorry for!

Oh... i was just kiddin .. who cares about that guy ??

man im tired of hearing all this fake bullshit

SADDAM was a fucking man an i respect that guy no matter what

shit only when a bunch of fucking americans die its a fucking tragedy aint other ppl humans only americans or what

what about when americans throw all them bombs an kill ppl i dont see no one slamming sanctions on them an look the damnn jews killing the palestinians everday an ariel sharon aint facing no criminal courts what about when the americans shotting down the iranian passnger jet killing 245 ppl back in `1989 then they gave the naval commander of the ship a heros welcome back home cause he killed 245 innocent ppl an they didnt even apologise

man FUCK AMERICA straight up nothing but that

they can kill ppl an do what the fuck they want so if saddam killed ppl he was also just like BUSH trying to protect his fucking country wats the difference between him an bush hmmmmmmmm

so you know what if they wanna call us muslims terrorists let them do it aint no one give a FUCK everychance we get to bomb yall u know will do it

so what im trying to say brothers is speak ur heart dont talk all these fake political talks trying not to sound politically wrong an shit

an ohh yeah much respect to my man BIN LADEN

haha i aint seen him being caught yet thats a one man army scaring the shit out of the so called super power of the world

and dont none of you fucks come up on this forum an try to question me aight just read it an an understand it and if u aint from the middle east dnt even put a comment cause you dont know wats going on
Big Tic J

You've got to be kidding??????????
What kind of crack are you smoking??????
Your opinion on pretty much everything I totally disagree with.
Who the hell raised you anyway??????
A pack of wolves???
You make yourself look like an ass in every post you submit.
I too disagree with many of the actions in which the americans have taken, however this is a game of tit for tat.
Don't tell me, you eat Mars bars too....go figure!!!!!

By the way, I don't suggest you propose that people not reply to your riWakerleyulous comments.
Especially when you yourself, american hater, types as though your from the wild wild west...aka. the bronks.
This is a world wide issue, that dosen't solely involve the local World.
Get a life the next time you get laid.
By the way, do you suck them very slowly or eat them very fast.

hahaha my words hurt you huh mutha fucker haha

sorry bout that whiteboy but u fake fuck if u wanna test me u let me know ill woop ur ass lyricaly on this forum right here an physically too if u want it

an if u think i sound paranoid u right cause your mom aint in town an i havent been laid in a while

an well i chew on her slowly but she swallows the whole shit damnn

an the wild wild west shit that i write it aint a white thang fool an all them guys who sing that kind of shit are down with wat i say

infact ur white god eminem i jst read released a song that he would prefer to kill bush

well u know i dnt know why im wasting my time writing all this shit for your bitch ass u know i aint bout all these arguments an shit an i dont like a fight of word exchanges id prefer the fists so you if u have anymore comments bout me u can lay them out punk but jst know are u tough enough to back ur comments u fake fuck

an man if u look at brisbane forums my polls might be stupid or wateva but they are wat is entertaining you damnn i put this forum on the map u know wat im saying

so let me lay it down like this to be honest with you

FUCK YOU FUCK AMERICA FUCK BUSH aightttttttttttt white boy

an now u can post wateva u want just know when u ready to get it on without words im available for that bitch

later hahaha
Big Tic J

yall just remind me of kids yall belivin its sadam......... well its not
gracious u fuckin paki Wakerleyk i know parvez musharaf was givin heads to bush hahahahahhahaha i know u dyin fo tha visa lil prick
secondly i don agree wit wat america did to iraq, yall is watchin a movie & the only thing yall can do is clap ur butt cheeks for bush u now i really do agree with Lamot said & by the way gracious u can suck my Wakerleyk n choke u lil bicth hahahahhahaha my words are just gonna hurt u ahahahahahhahahahahah u turnin pale hahahahah man ur mom got tha feelings for me is that true.........

refugeee hahahahahahahaha iknow it aint a thang diss me all u want to but u aint gettin tha visaaaaaaaaaa gracious hahhahahahahaha

ohhhhhh gracious is a PAKI damnn i thought he a white boy

hahaha now i get it this paki tryin to sound correct so he can apply for a refugee status shit huh hahaha mutha fucker please get on your knees an suck on my nuts with ease

was he the same mutha fucker who was tryin to diss mirror tellin him he is paranoid an shit man look at you u sound like u on steriods thinking u can challange me ill fuck u in a war of words if u wanna go that rout u paki i mean ur english vocab jst aint a threat to me u feel me an physically ill let I$H handle u cause ur status too low for me refugee

im look at ur fucking nick GRACIOUS it sums it all up you just thankfull for everything ppl give you i mean thats what a refugee is anyway right you living of welfare free money free everything mutha fucker well bad news son cause they just released a statment saying


an after you finish choking on I$Hs Wakerleyk u can come an chew on my nuts

Big Tic J

Does every thread turn into this ? This is the second thread this happens to!.

Grow up people.

I am really reconsindering this whole forums idea if this is how all threads end up.


hey yo man i was just voicing my opinion aight

so if a bitch like gracious gonna come an tell me shit expect me to fuck him up cause that guy he keeps on going to posts an telling ppl shit i mean if u look in the other post you talking about that nigga Mirror was just saying something an this guy gracious had to come up an write shit down so obviously a guy like that looking for something to get pumped up his ass u feel me

an that was my opinion wat i wrote an if u go look at the news right now u will see more iraqis came to support saddam then they came out to celebrate so the americans made him all that bad but the majority of his ppl like him

and no one else can judge him better then them cause its there country there leader im not saying all what he did was good im just sayin that the steps he took were propably for the intrests of his country maybe in his eyes
are you trying to tell me no one is being tortured in america are all muslims there not being harrased hmmm i mean the americans till today have fucking racisim in there country cops beating on the minority killing let them go fix there fucking issues first before they come an try an make right other ppls problems

so bottom line thats my opinion an it should be respected as in everyone else's opinion but this kid gracious he just love puttin his comments in between an im telling u gracious if u write shit again ill fuck u up as bad

aighttttt then laterrrrrrrrrrrra
Big Tic J

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