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Hurricane Katrina
I didn't know where else to post this.

New Orleans and the American South and all of the world had just witnessed one of the worst natural disasters in human history while our Tsunami wounds are still fresh.

My thoughts and prayers go to every American in Brisbane worrying about a family member or a friend, and to the people of the United States.

"We shall overcome"

Distressed Wrote:I didn't know where else to post this.

New Orleans and the American South and all of the world had just witnessed one of the worst natural disasters in human history while our Tsunami wounds are still fresh.

My thoughts and prayers go to every American in Brisbane worrying about a family member or a friend, and to the people of the United States.

"We shall overcome"

Thanks Distressed! Smile

My Mother, Step Father and Sister all reside around Biloxi. My mother place is fine and they are fine. My Sister, she is fine but they have not been allowed back to see her home, we fear the worse.

I am forced to wait for my business partner return before I can leave for the states to help... :x So if everything goes right, I will be US bound this coming week, inshalia.

Again thanks for your concerns and preyers.

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thank.. my grandma and family are in mississippi. can't get through to them- last we spoke to them the roof of the bedroom andl living room were ripped off and the porch was gone.. that was 2 days ago, so still worrying..

hope everyone else is ok.
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Stainless ..

It's good to hear ur intouch with ur family and that they're fine. I hope your sister's place was spared.

JimmyHarter ..

God! I can't imagine being in your place bro, hope you get through to them.. Be strong!

psst, i'm a girl 8) but er, thanks. just have to wait i suppose
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JimmyHarter Wrote:psst, i'm a girl 8) but er, thanks. just have to wait i suppose

Hi Bobbie,

I am heading back to Mississippi, this coming week to help out with the situation. Since, I promised you the flowers or twisty cane planet :wink: Do you need me to take anything back with me? Hum... come to think about it I should open this as a new subject, just in case there are others. Not that I don't want to put you first or anything. Big Grin

PM me or email me at brisbaneforums (h)@ (REMOVING (h) for the address.)

Take care and hope that your Grand mother and rest of the family are ok.

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my prayers go out to all who are in distress over this

stainless Wrote:
JimmyHarter Wrote:psst, i'm a girl 8) but er, thanks. just have to wait i suppose

Hi Bobbie,

I am heading back to Mississippi, this coming week to help out with the situation. Since, I promised you the flowers or twisty cane planet :wink: Do you need me to take anything back with me? Hum... come to think about it I should open this as a new subject, just in case there are others. Not that I don't want to put you first or anything. Big Grin

PM me or email me at brisbaneforums (h)@ (REMOVING (h) for the address.)

Take care and hope that your Grand mother and rest of the family are ok.


Thanks stainless- can't send anything that'll be of use really... still waiting to hear if they're ok. Thank you though. Hope your family is well and healthy. Have trip
Push the envelope.

The U.S and its people have always been at the forefront of support and aid for people stricken with tragedy and disaster, expecting nothing in return. Now is the time we repay this proud and determined people, and offer whatever we can for help.

Please donate here:

Distressed Wrote:The U.S and its people have always been at the forefront of support and aid for people stricken with tragedy and disaster, expecting nothing in return. Now is the time we repay this proud and determined people, and offer whatever we can for help.

I wouldn't be too flattering .. remember the tsunami aid fund when the US goverment only pledged $35 Million ? and the international community was outraged so it was increased to $350 Million ?

Anyway, I just thought of that when i read what u posted.

I am really surprised at how the world is reactiing to Katrina, although we are at a point in time where the US-love inWakerleyator is at an all time low. over 50 countries have pledged help including Sri Lanka (!!) .. I hope the goverment will appreciate that and stop trying to take over the world 8)

This was just a side note, Go on people donate !

Its crazy how slow the response has been from within the states, was watching the NBC coverage (is it just me or is NBC the anti-Fox? ie; they lean as much to the other side), and it just smacks of the political machinery just falling apart...ineffective leadership federally, and Bush's response just seems so shallow, even when he was visiting the site, it seemed like a PR campaign...supposedly a large number of buses and aid workers were sent that way, but no one has seen the numbers purported to be there! Well at least its picking up now, a little too late for some people though...The scenes were quite horrific, something like that should not happen in the US!

The Democrats have been quick to criticize as well, and they're fully justified I think, cannot think of a more egregious lapse in responsibility than this.... one of the Democrat members of the house had a stark message for Bush 'God is not happy at what has happened'

they had a message from the mayor of New Orleans, and boy was he pissed, they had to bleep quite a few words, he literally told the government to get off its ass

when someone ask from G.W.Bush , so many ppl r dying in Iraq , he used to answer "

there are few deaths and injuries but its not that serious ...........

i am sure he must be saying same for US! I am sure he would blame to osama ben laden for this mishap.........

Nik Wrote:Its crazy how slow the response has been from within the states, was watching the NBC coverage (is it just me or is NBC the anti-Fox? ie; they lean as much to the other side), and it just smacks of the political machinery just falling apart...ineffective leadership federally, and Bush's response just seems so shallow, even when he was visiting the site, it seemed like a PR campaign...supposedly a large number of buses and aid workers were sent that way, but no one has seen the numbers purported to be there! Well at least its picking up now, a little too late for some people though...The scenes were quite horrific, something like that should not happen in the US!

The Democrats have been quick to criticize as well, and they're fully justified I think, cannot think of a more egregious lapse in responsibility than this.... one of the Democrat members of the house had a stark message for Bush 'God is not happy at what has happened'

they had a message from the mayor of New Orleans, and boy was he pissed, they had to bleep quite a few words, he literally told the government to get off its a#s
Look guys, I don't want this to turn into a political debate... But I want to point out a few FACTS; 9/11 Rudolph W. Giuliani handle a situation in a city of over 11 million people. He was not given one, two or three days notice, he was given ZERO notice. He took the bull by the horns and handled the situation, period. What can we say about New Orleans... the mayor had several days of warning, he has less then 2 million people to deal with, for that matter only about 200k at this point. We know that he is a person whom expect other to do, versus doing, he lacks leadership as he should have been providing guidance, hope, and getting what he needs for the people versus complaining. Within New Orleans there are at least 5 water bottling companies... he could have easily sent the cops to cut the locks and get that water distributed but did he? The media should NOT go after George Bush but this mayor and governor for not handling the situation themselves, that is why we pay local, city, county, and state tax!

I AM NOT George Bush fan, I didn't vote for him. But it is NOT his fault, it takes days to call up national guards, the guard is nothing more the US citizens that volunteer and go out one weekend a month for "practice"... at the same time, you have to clear road ways, secure the area, clear the airport landing strips, get generators in place, wiring, etc... this is NOT a 24-48 job, but closer to 72 hours.

And the whole black thing... don't even get me started on that. 62% of New Orleans is black, of course you going to see mostly poor blacks on camera. What I hate is the so many of them are LAZY, look at India, Sri Lanka, etc were the people have so much less and they band together to solve this type of problem. These people... "Give me, give me give... you owe me!" BULL SH!T, get off you lazy as@es and get together to fix the problems versus complaining about it.

The main reason I am not freaking out is because my step father is a "Good'Ol Boy" and he built the two story house him and my mother live in and its very nice, has his own garden, hunts, fishes etc... he is resourceful... not rich but resourceful and I know that he will rebuild everything if required, while providing basic necessities for my mother, himself, etc.

So as an American, I really get PISSED when I see people complain like this... put them in the middle of Africa, India, Sri Lanka and see how long they live. My money would be on less then a week! So many of them are lazy c*nts that expect the government to take care of them, and most of these people don't pay taxes. But boy they are so quick to say its a color, poor, etc issue, when in fact it is a personal issue with themselves.

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I dunno stainless obviously you know the situation better since you're more directly affected, but IMHO the federal government has a bigger responsibility here...Though 9/11 was obviously bigger in magnitude, it was still localised to an area, and the rest of New York came to the rescue; In this case the entire city (not to mention the other states affected) has been consumed and brought to its knees by this....There's nothing wrong in expecting help from outside, that's the whole point of being in the federation right? From what they showed (again can't stress enough that I have a very limited view), the mayor did seem to be doing as much hands on as he could, he was expressing his frustration coz the government was falsely claiming to be send all this aid....Good point about the bottled water bit, though I heard some companies were stopped from providing any more bottled water and told to give monetary aid instead

Have to commend you and your folks for taking all this in your stride though, do hope your resourcefulness pulls you through these tough times

Nik Wrote:I dunno stainless obviously you know the situation better since you're more directly affected, but IMHO the federal government has a bigger responsibility here...Though 9/11 was obviously bigger in magnitude, it was still localised to an area, and the rest of New York came to the rescue; In this case the entire city (not to mention the other states affected) has been consumed and brought to its knees by this....There's nothing wrong in expecting help from outside, that's the whole point of being in the federation right? From what they showed (again can't stress enough that I have a very limited view), the mayor did seem to be doing as much hands on as he could, he was expressing his frustration coz the government was falsely claiming to be send all this aid....Good point about the bottled water bit, though I heard some companies were stopped from providing any more bottled water and told to give monetary aid instead

Have to commend you and your folks for taking all this in your stride though, do hope your resourcefulness pulls you through these tough times

Thanks for the concern...

people are already pointing fingers when the problem is far from solved. Yelling, shouting, cursing is not going to solve the problem, for that matter it is counter productive! You are right that 9/11 was not on the same magnitude as this but when times are hard you need a leader that understands everyone looks to her/him for guidance and it is their responsibility to lead by example. So having these elected officials pointing fingers, cursing up a storm, etc. goes to show that there is a chink is a democracy system, not that other systems are better, but a flaw none the less. An other sample of this is the mayor of washington DC... he was caught on camera smoking crack cocaine but was re-elected after serving his time!?! Anyway, additional to all of this is the fact that the media is mostly covering New Orleans, yet... Mississippi was worse hit. So, my word to the N.O. mayor yelling, "Yes mayor of New Orleans... your city will have to wait until the harder hit areas are taken care of first and YOU sir have to front up to your plate and deal with it, until we can get around to solving your problems (being that you can't!), that is what you where elected and paid for, so do your job!"

The Federal government is the third in line to fix this type of problem, the US government is set up that way purposely, so that we don't have "communistic" country. Firstly the City has to deal with the issues it best can, at which point the County would help, then the State, and lastly the federal government. This is a CLEAR chain of command and the Federal can do anything without the request of the State and the State is limited until requested by the County or City, and the County and City responses by the people request. I know that in the end, everything will work out and Bush has already announced that bureaucracy can no longer be the limiting issue to solving these types of problems. But at the same time, we the people can not simply hand over the power to the federal government.

I hope that this clears this up for some people and Nik, please don't take this as an attack on your comments... it is just my writing style. :?

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You have a very good understanding of the problems and the US system. Now if more US people could understand it. I am from the states and have been living in Asia for the last two years. I made the same comment to friends here about the average person from the US having no clue what life is like in a large part of the world and that some people in the states are very fast on the, oh my look what happened to me, what are you going to do for me mister govermentman.

The lessons that the people of the United States of America have been learning over the last couple of years are hard ones but are ones that I hope the people are learning from.

A large amount of people in the states have forgotten what the county is built on and what made it the strongest country in the world.

“And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”

Everyone in the world needs to change the last word in the above quote from country to state, city, neighbor, and stranger. We all must help each other in the world be it just by respecting a person and/or culture, to helping by action.

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