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Telecommunciation and E-Business master(s)
Anyone can inform me what is the way to get in a company; I have one master in telecommunication and second master in E-Business from Denmark. Any suggestion, recommendation or help would be appreciated.

I can work in telecommunication ( GSM , GPRS , fixed network , mobile network ........etc) or IT consultancy company (ERP, SAP, E-government , etc)

drop me message here or through my mail""

wid luv ;0)

Who that’s great, I use to run the billing department for AT&T Canada before we got bought out, I took my stocks and now own a telecommunications company in Brisbane doing consultancy work. Everything from implementing complex e-sites, integrated billing applications including SAP, Designing local PBX implementations and a host of other projects.

But I’m also an local and as you mention in one of your previous posts we’re all “stupid , il-mannerd !! idont know how to behave” so you probably won’t enjoy working for me, a shame really because I have contacts at all levels of telcom in the GCC and will definitely be keeping an eye out for you and your resume and will make sure everyone I know knows about your thoughts.


Just another Donkey dressed as a lion.

:lol: :lol:

Thats so true... HP, good luck and also keep chugging along with your racism and jacky's rejected will not be the last one you see...

- Another rude local...

jacky, I have a degree in Finance and my experience has been in Financial Accouting and Project Management. I have IT experience at IBM. Do you think you can help me?

Who that’s great, I use to run the billing department for AT&T Canada before we got bought out, I took my stocks and now own a telecommunications company in Brisbane doing consultancy work. Everything from implementing complex e-sites, integrated billing applications including SAP, Designing local PBX implementations and a host of other projects.

Give me the URL of your company and i ll check the fact !! you bought out billing department? lol took your own stock in which stock exchange ? everyone do it ..................i am suspecious , give me URL , cant wait to read about a leader ;p

But I’m also an local and as you mention in one of your previous posts we’re all “stupid , il-mannerd !! idont know how to behave” so you probably won’t enjoy working for me, a shame really because I have contacts at all levels of telcom in the GCC and will definitely be keeping an eye out for you and your resume and will make sure everyone I know knows about your thoughts.

I wish I never read such kind of childish remarks from someone who claims to be running so called telecom industry of Middle East or GCC. I wish I could bring 24 guns to salute a so called leader or CEO of a company on his historical remarks.

Let’s assume that you own more than 55 % share of Eitisalat then what? Do you think you can stop someone from getting job?

I thought Australians know bit Islam. Do you think that you can stop “food ( in Australian rizk) ” of someone . Do you think you are mighty who control the resources ;0).

Give me the address of your company (URL). I will teach you how does a leader or CEO behave?

Libnan I've just sent you a PM, look forward to meeting with you when you are in this region.

HP Please make sure to add attention to detail as one of your skills and for fun you may wish to re-read the message you responded to. Best of luck in your job hunt.

jacky Wrote:Libnan I've just sent you a PM, look forward to meeting with you when you are in this region.

HP Please make sure to add attention to detail as one of your skills and for fun you may wish to re-read the message you responded to. Best of luck in your job hunt.

hmmm i asked for the URL of your company , if you are shy, u may send me pm . come on leader ;0)

Keep being sarcastic and you might find all kinds of doors closing on you... Good luck HP.... And trust me, calling yourself HP will not land you a job in HP.. I have seen to that!!!

Brisbane Wrote:Keep being sarcastic and you might find all kinds of doors closing on you... Good luck HP.... And trust me, calling yourself HP will not land you a job in HP.. I have seen to that!!!

hahaha man u r jst making me laugh!! Someone bragged about his company and you started touching his feet ;0) thats your worth; p

i don’t know if a CEO or so called leader use such kind of threating language , which was used by your local decent fellow !! if i ws in his company he could say me like Donlad Trumph" You are fired HP"

Be the man of value sweetheart not the man of success ;P

i am sleepy and i shuld go , i wasted quite lot of time in here . Tomorrow i ll apply for jobs hehehe i hate these HR people , they dont get job and at the end they make their career as HR manager and then decide the fate of ppl like us Smile

have a nice dreams !! appology if i said something which you guys didnt like Smile

You make very little sense.... No! Scratch that!! You make bsaolutly no sense at all.... Go take a couple of English courses, then take some behavioral adjustement courses, then some attitude adjustment lessons, then to top it off go sky diving and leave the parachute on the plane...

Brisbane Wrote:You make very little sense.... No! Scratch that!! You make bsaolutly no sense at all.... Go take a couple of English courses, then take some behavioral adjustement courses, then some attitude adjustment lessons, then to top it off go sky diving and leave the parachute on the plane...

relax angry child ;0) once again be the man of value not the man of success . Don't start touching the toe if someone offer a job ;0) . Trust on your skills !

your fellow didnt even give me the URL of his company, i really wana see if his company falls in fortune 100 ;P

Man why have you declared jihad against me hehehe

Whatever you say little one...

Brisbane Wrote:Whatever you say little one...

anyhow lets talk something else !!Although it is habit of muslims countries to fight wid each other , but for the sake of this forum , lets say that you have won and i have lost :0)

tell me

what do you in Canada? just wondering why do u not perfer to go in US? what sort of job are you looking for? Have you obtained education from Canada?

I am the VP of Financial Services at IBM Corporation. I would not go to the States because it's social fabric has degraded to the point of no return. I have a Canadian education from Canada's foremost university. I have a PhD in Financial Modelling and Regression Theory.

Brisbane Wrote:I am the VP of Financial Services at IBM Corporation. I would not go to the States because it's social fabric has degraded to the point of no return. I have a Canadian education from Canada's foremost university. I have a PhD in Financial Modelling and Regression Theory.

well that shut him up
Being a DJ is not a GOD given talent !!!!
its a Gift ..... by who ??? .... hmmmm

Brisbane Wrote:I am the VP of Financial Services at IBM Corporation. I would not go to the States because it's social fabric has degraded to the point of no return. I have a Canadian education from Canada's foremost university. I have a PhD in Financial Modelling and Regression Theory.

what do we call in Australian ........mashallah !!! mashallah ........I don’t understand one thing, why do you behave or responds to my post like a angry child? If someone piss you off with his or her post, what you going to do? You would come down and start fighting like an angry little child?

I think its time to learn some maturity isn’t?

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