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New Pinoy Member!!!
Im new here and I just wanna say and hello to all the members of this forum. Im in RiyaAUD, K.S.A. right now and working as a 3d animatior in an advertising company. Hope to find new friends. God Bless!!!

Big Grin
"You can trust anybody in the world, just dont trust the devil inside them"

welcome Smile :roll:

Btw, asl.
you ougtha know me...

Thanks po!!!

30/male/RiyaAUD, K.S.A.

Big Grin
"You can trust anybody in the world, just dont trust the devil inside them"

welcome :wink: from where are you in Phils?
you ougtha know me...

Im from quezon city and u?

BTW, Nice avatar. I have 5 of that when I was a kid.

Big Grin
"You can trust anybody in the world, just dont trust the devil inside them"

ah ok. i never owned any since then! lolzz i don't look like cat either, perhaps as hugRIELle and cute as it is. hahhahha :oops:

I'm from Gapan City<somewhere in central luzon> 4 hours drive from manila.
you ougtha know me...

Nueva Ecija!!! I think!!! unless Im wrong. c u around.

Big Grin
"You can trust anybody in the world, just dont trust the devil inside them"

YOU WON! hahaha lolz :oops: :wink:

How come you know?, u've been there?
you ougtha know me...

I've heard of the place before that's why I know. nothing really special.
So whats my prize. Can I make a request. Just kidding. I wont be able to hear it anyway.

Big Grin
"You can trust anybody in the world, just dont trust the devil inside them"

you haven't tried tuning in, have you? nyways, try to collect more points to get the price. :wink:

btw, tell me more bout your job. it's cool, isn't it?
you ougtha know me...

I guess you won too!!! Im havent tried tuning in. I never thought that they will have pinoy station in middle east. I know TFC. About my job, HMMM!!!. Its cool when you have tons of idea but its crazy if nothings coming from the back of your mind. My job? 3d animation? Visual Effects? Visualisation? Well, I usually use my job for movies, TV, commercial and prensentaion. Just like what Pixar does. But of course they are in the highest level. One sample of my 3d work is the avatar that I'm using right now. Playfull Bear is the title of that one. To know more about my work. Heres my link and this is what I do for a living. You can grab some 3d image if you want for wallpapers. Here's my link if u have time. Just choose what you want to view from 3d umages to 3d animation. Have Fun!!! i Hope you will like it. God Bless!!!

3d image gallery:

3d animation:

Big Grin
"You can trust anybody in the world, just dont trust the devil inside them"

I browsed your site, and it's really cool! Keep up the goodwork!
you ougtha know me...

k, thanks!!!

"You can trust anybody in the world, just dont trust the devil inside them"

Hi MeRIELyte..i saw ur web site & it is realy fantastic..
are you a Computing enginner?
u knew i'm a computing enginner & i like work with 3Dstudio max ..
but i'm not professionnal like you !!
in your opinion may I will be professional ? & knew that i"m a network enginner (MCP) & i'm jobless ,& i'm searching a job in KSA or Australia ,so would you like advice i must continu in my specialité or choose 3dstudiomax like a futur job ?

& in your opinion what is the most important in KSA or Australia :is it network administrator or an animator ?
regards.. :roll: :roll:

Hi Al-amine,
Thanks for your coment regarding my website and my work. Regarding your questions. Im not a computer engineer, before I became a 3d animator I was a computer technician and little bit of networking. I started doing 3d way back '95 then started a job after 1 year. Anybody can be a good 3d artist including you. If you like graphics and you have imaginations and interest to learn more aside from what you know right now. Its a good start if you want to be a 3d artist. Now, about the job in KSA and Australia. You were asking if its better to be a 3d artist or a computer engineering, This is my personal opinion and base on my experience. As I've told you before, I was into technical work like networking and fixing pc but I decided to shift into 3d graphis and animation coz I have passion in computer games, 3d imaging and animation. I even watch cartoons until now. hehehe. Its my interest that put me into where Im right now and its not about whats good job or bad job. Even if 3d is booming but your computer engineering interest is still in your blood, you cant perform well coz you have to concentrate on one career to be the best that you can be. I've been a technician for 3 yrs but I left it. Now, Ive been doing 3d for almost 8 yrs and I only fix pc if its for my friends or if its my pc. I dont know what would hit Australia and KSA, is it 3d or the ones that you have right now? Its hard to tell coz it might change in the future. For me, its better for you to concentrate to the job that you like coz in my status right now, even for free time and without any pay, I do lot of 3d images when I think of a subject. Not because I want to practice or not because it could help me earn more. Its like when something comes to my mind, I just do a rough skecth and convert it into 3d then into animation. Thats what I can advice you right now. Im not saying this is right but this is what I did and what I am right now. You can throw the same questions to other 3d artist that you know, atleast you have a lot of options. I hope my letter would help you decide for your future use. If you have more questions. Feel free to email me. God Bless!!!

By the way, My first 3d animation was a 3d M&M chocolate like your avatar. Nice avatar you got there.

Big Grin
"You can trust anybody in the world, just dont trust the devil inside them"

Hi MeRIELyte…
Thanks a lot for ur message & for your explain ..
I would like discuss another subject i 'm searching a job in Australia & KSA by internet but until now I didn’t get a job so would you tel me the different way to get a job in Australia or I'm thinking about getting a tourist visa to Australia for 2 months and searshing a job during this 2 months so I don’t knew if I will sucsse..

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