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End of days ......when she is appearoffline
kids are innocent and so were i ..... i was fallen in love wid my classfellow girl when i was hardly able to know how to count from 1 to 100 ....i think i was in 8th class :oops:
i started writing letter to girl , as that was not the time of technology and e-mail was not even commercial. I started writing a letter to her by "unknown" name and giving her different hints about myself.
One of my class fellow guy , who was my friend ,caught these letters and got know that i was the person.

I had to do his home work from that day ;0(. Once i refused to do and he was such a idiot that he said to me " look i am quite nice guy and u know i can tell to all people " .......i became scared .....It took me one year to got rid of blackmailing of that guy ......

my second love was my class teacher , she was really nice lady. She used to pull my cheeks without knowing how much i used to enjoy her hands on my face :oops:

when you are kid , you always have innocent feeling ,you dont think about lust ,flirt thats why kids'condem are not available at shops Smile.

I used to dream about a beautiful girl ,who will come and love me without any condition. My half of life has been passed and still i am waiting for huny-buny. Now white hairs are replacing my black hairs.......and it is hard to see a person sitting at the distance of 10 feet.....

I wish i could sign up God on my MSN list to send him "Nudge " , why are u keeping me on waiting list ;0(. I understand my differences with you God but it doesnt mean that you make all beautiful girls appear offline on my real life :roll:

God send me a cute girl , and please make it sure that she can cook because i am tired of eating eggs and potato everyday ....thats what i always have on my menu. Oh oh dont worry i can wash for her Smile.

God look........ people at Brisbaneforums are tired of my posts , there is no way to leave this forum until and unless i dont find a cute girl or admin doesnt ban me again . If you dont accept my prayers atleast accept the prayers of Choco or Brisbane :roll:

God i know that you are very buzy in Iraq and palestine but please think about me ....Please check my all e-mails which i had sent to you and i am sure you havent checked them up , if u do ,please respond me as soon as possible ...... HP cant wait anymore .........

take care

Your own

HP :cry:

What is the point of this???

And why commit blasphemy by referring to having God in your MSN.

C'mon HP, I know you are a good Muslim and love your faith. Don't commit blasphemy like that.

Smile and God Willing, you will get what you want one day inshallah.

U think He will read this? :? U think He uses Internet? Have u watched Bruce Almighty too much? Tongue

He is everywhere and knows everything. Of course He knows what HP has typed... He even knows how many times you typed the letter A in all your posts in Brisbane Forums.

I dunno what Bruce Allmighty is all about...

Brisbane Wrote:I dunno what Bruce Allmighty is all about...

Its a movie with Jim Carrey and Morgan Freeman, where Carry has been given the powers of God and sees the prayers of everyone in the world via Email :wink: A very funny movie Tongue

I didn’t know until and unless I didn’t reach at the end of topic that I copied the movie” bruce almighty “. It is funny movie with lot of lessons and i always say

" Thanks God my all prayers were not answered" :oops:

If hollywood can copy each other then why can i not copy them ......
Look at shanghai noon and shanghai knight ...... and Rush hour 1 and Rush hour 2 .........The idea of Rush hour was stolen from shanghai noon an knight. In the same way King Kong is 85% like the old version of king kong,even the author didnt bother to change the ending.......u can find lot of other examples Smile . :wink:

Defo Wrote:
Brisbane Wrote:I dunno what Bruce Allmighty is all about...

Its a movie with Jim Carrey and Morgan Freeman, where Carry has been given the powers of God and sees the prayers of everyone in the world via Email :wink: A very funny movie Tongue

Hmmm.... I may go to Ransome to get myself a copy... Smile

HP Wrote:I didn’t know until and unless I didn’t reach at the end of topic that I copied the movie” bruce almighty “. It is funny movie with lot of lessons and i always say

" Thanks God my all prayers were not answered" :oops:

If hollywood can copy each other then why can i not copy them ......
Look at shanghai noon and shanghai knight ...... and Rush hour 1 and Rush hour 2 .........The idea of Rush hour was stolen from shanghai noon an knight. In the same way King Kong is 85% like the old version of king kong,even the author didnt bother to change the ending.......u can find lot of other examples Smile . :wink:

Okay... so who do u want to copy now? :?

Quote:Okay... so who do u want to copy now? :?

Man i dont copy ,its people who copy me Smile. I am jst doing hard to find a cute gal Smile. I heard that God even gives food to birds but not in their nest , they have to search.

After reading this quote , i dowloaded MSN messenger 7.5 Beta version and though to search for a cute gal over the net. The first girl waisted my 2 months over net , according to her " she ws understanding me ". Though i was tired of acting like Mr Nice but if u do little bit bad over net ,girls go to the next guy on waiting list.

She never showed any picture of her . I had a very cute picture of her in my mind. We decided to meet at a train st. She had my number but she didnt give me her own.

The first paki gal passed by and looked at me and i though she was her. I went to her and asked her " i was waiting for u" , she said " excuse me". I told her she gave me the time. She said it was someone else. :oops:

well usually girls always come late ,she came 30 minutes late .When she came in ,she started looking around and i prayed " oh God she must not be the gal who supposed to meet me". But it was her.

This was the first time ,i hated technology. :cry:

Why dont u try looking for girls off the net. I mean, talk with some in clubs, join a sport club, ya know :wink: Then u can actually see who u talking with...

Defo Wrote:U think He will read this? :? U think He uses Internet? Have u watched Bruce Almighty too much? Tongue

heheheehe i love this movie its funny and touching both ways !!! heheehheehe
Being a DJ is not a GOD given talent !!!!
its a Gift ..... by who ??? .... hmmmm

Defo Wrote:
Brisbane Wrote:I dunno what Bruce Allmighty is all about...

Its a movie with Jim Carrey and Morgan Freeman, where Carry has been given the powers of God and sees the prayers of everyone in the world via Email :wink: A very funny movie Tongue

yeah and he made everybody win the lottery hahahahaa
Being a DJ is not a GOD given talent !!!!
its a Gift ..... by who ??? .... hmmmm

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