09-30-2005, 10:14 AM
Hi guys, I am new to Brisbane, just arrived few weeks before and I just found out that I am pregnant. I dont think I am in a position to have a baby now. What options do I have?
Trouble with pregnancy
09-30-2005, 10:14 AM
Hi guys, I am new to Brisbane, just arrived few weeks before and I just found out that I am pregnant. I dont think I am in a position to have a baby now. What options do I have?
09-30-2005, 12:13 PM
are you married?
if not, you need to head back home and deal with the situation. If you're pregnant without being married, you'll be put in prison, your baby will stay with you till he/she is 1 year old. then taken away.. don't go to the doctor..they have the duty to report to the police if a woman is pregnant and unmarried.. :? good luck
Push the envelope.
09-30-2005, 06:56 PM
rachell Wrote:Hi guys, I am new to Brisbane, just arrived few weeks before and I just found out that I am pregnant. I dont think I am in a position to have a baby now. What options do I have? You should have been thought when you used to think, using condom is same as eating chocolate with wrapper. when condoms were first distributed to Philippians, they started making balloon and played wid them ,but you shouldnt have done like that.......... Go Go Go Bobbie ,share you experience with her ![]()
09-30-2005, 08:39 PM
HP, you remind me of the bullies who shove little kids around. It's pathetic.
I've seen your posts in numerous other threads; the glaring similarity --aside from your rather limited grasp of the english language-- is that you posts are uniformly derogatory, insulting or mocking. It takes a small, small man to win that kind of praise. Your loud-mouthed, eggregious behaviour is desperate. I've seen five-year-olds with better manners. To whomever is moderating on these boards, can you please step in? With the exception of HPs consistent put-downs and insults, these are great boards with a lot of good information - but it's jerks like this who ruin them.
09-30-2005, 10:13 PM
Bobby is understating the situation. Make plans to get OUT or get MARRIED now. Actually - we're all presuming that you're not married, but that's what the tone of your post suggests? If 'home' is too far away then Acibadem Hospital in Istanbul offers a very high standard of healthcare. The typical cost of an abortion there would be about 600$, however this is a pretty traumatic procedure so you might decide to go 'home' wherever that is so that you can be amongst friends during the recovery time. Presumably you haven't got residency / work visa sorted out yet? In some ways it is fortunate that this has happened now - your employer *might* be understanding, and if not, at least you can't get banned. And although HP has got an objectionable style, you really should think about the cultural implications of being in Brisbane - read some books. HTH - Stuart
UK- 22 years
Turkey- 10 years Czech, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Romania- 1 year each Egypt- 6 months Germany, France, Spain, Italy etc- bought the T-shirts ... working in design/construction, living in Brisbane ...
10-01-2005, 06:48 AM
HP you're pathetic, you know what? Accidents can happen no matter what form of contraception you use, so why don't you go and educate yourself, you probably don't even know what your d*** is for, but judging by your posts you obviously don't have one anyway! You have no right to judge other people or their situations!
Rachell, I sympathise with you and Bobbie is correct. If you're unmarried then you need to go out of the country to sort this, in whatever way that you decide best. But do some research, talk to people, so that you are fully informed of your options as by no means any decision should not be taken lightly. But whatever you do don't make it known here that you're pregnant if you're not married as the implications are very serious. If you go to any doctor or hospital here they'll ask to see a marriage certificate if it's anything to do with pregnancy. Obviously your situation is a tough one and I wish you all the best in getting it sorted in whatever way you feel is right FOR YOU! But as has been pointed out, a little research into local laws and customs of the country you're moving to never does any harm. Good Luck, Choco
10-01-2005, 05:14 PM
Quote:To whomever is moderating on these boards, can you please step in? With the exception of HPs consistent put-downs and insults, these are great boards with a lot of good information - but it's jerks like this who ruin them. Great board with lot of good information? Good information concerning condoms , pills , illegitimate kids ? what else ? When you are in East , just learn some etiquettes instead of polluting the country with western touch......is it hard ? cum up with nice topic instead of showing .....how deep you are in a gutter........ wid little luv :oops:
10-01-2005, 05:26 PM
So by your reasoning then these problems don't exist in the middle east - get a grip, they're issues that affect everyone in every country in the world.
Having 4 wives is hardly a good example of monogamous relationships is it? Having a sexual relationship with your maid and getting her pregnant then letting her take the wrap and end up in prison is acceptable to you I suppose. Next you'll say it's always the woman's fault, well guess what it takes two! These issues have nothing to do whether you're from the West, East, Mars of flubberrubberdubber planet. Grow up HP, if you don't like the discussions and the rest of us offering advice and help to thowse that need it, go back under your rock with your riWakerleyulous biased opinions and let the rest of us get on with it.
10-01-2005, 05:55 PM
Quote:Having 4 wives is hardly a good example of monogamous relationships is it? sweetheart !! first understand example before coming up with childish comments. Many people like you are under the misconception that it is compulsory for a Muslim man to have more than one wife. Hence, Islam does allow having more than one wife, yet it has set conditions for that, which is that the husband should be fair with all his wives, and treat them equally, which is very difficult. Multiple marriages lay a heavy responsibility on men, which is why Allah (God) allowed having more than one wife only if the husband treats his wives equally. If a man has more than one wife, he must treat them all in an equal manner, emotionally and financially. For example, he has to provide separate living accommodation for each of his wives. However men are prohibited from cheating on their wives, meaning a man can't marry another woman without the knowledge of his wife. He should tell her, for she might refuse such situation, and in this case it's totally her right if she asked for divorce........... got something?
10-01-2005, 07:47 PM
how about we try and help rachell out instead of letting this develop into another pissing contest?
Push the envelope.
10-01-2005, 09:08 PM
JimmyHarter Wrote:how about we try and help rachell out instead of letting this develop into another pissing contest? Aborting is synonymous to killing. She is planning to kill and all of you are supporting her in her efforts to a planned murder. What a shameful act. You killing your child would be like as your mother killing you. I can not see how someone can come and do this to a child that they have in their bodies.
10-02-2005, 01:19 AM
Please go to the kitchen. fill the kettle with water and bring it to the boil. And make yourself a nice cup of Shut The Fvck Up Your posts are of no interest to anyone but yourself. You will probably get more interested readers if you send emails to yourself. Nobody here cares about you. You could also take the opportunity of checking out a psychiatrist, as you obviously have a problem meeting and getting to know people, and getting along with the rest of society (any society). Stuart
10-02-2005, 03:55 AM
You are hilarous. I nearly pissed myself laughing......Way to go!!!!! Give it to him, he deserves it.
10-02-2005, 06:17 AM
Ahahahaha that's hilarious! Nice one.
HP I'm not so stupid as to think it's compulsary, it was an example. And no abortion should never be undertaken lightly it's a decision that requires full information and consideration. And we're here to help Rachell not reprimand her for any decision she chooses to make. It's HER body after all. We don't know the facts of her situation and she's certainly not obliged to tell us. Why don't you try putting yourself in the same situation and see how you'd cope with it.
10-02-2005, 08:54 AM
The word is IGNORE.....
I've seen interesting debates/discussions go off on a tangent cos of some bloody morons around this place. Coming back to Rachel, I guess it would be prudent to move out of the country (probably your own) and handle it from there. Which way you'd want to go.. abort or carry on the pregnancy depends entirely on your beliefs, faith, traditions..... But for the moment I think its best to get out. Rachel.... in case you need any specific help please PM me.
The only way to get rid of temptation is to yeild to it....
10-02-2005, 09:08 AM
Too true SA.
Rachell you need to get out of Australia to deal with this. Good Luck, best wishes for you. |
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