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Brisbane Autodrome Performance Driving Courses

Has anyone taken one of these courses? Can you offer your opinion?

I'm really tempted to try it out but was wondering if any of you could share your experiences; did you think it was worth it?

Thanks in advance,

I can pretty much garantee you that when I get a job in Brisbane and I move down that this will be one of the first things that I will do!!!

I love driving perfectionment courses!!!

And for all you patsies on this list, lets have a closed race session so I whip your a$$es and make you inhale my fumes.... Besides I enjoy looking at the oppisition through my MAGNIFIED rear view mirror!! :lol:

Whooo hoo i just won a course with them, works out to ~20 laps around the track in a WRX, I'm pumped, will let you know how it goes.

Oh Libnan you'll be happy to know they raised the speed limit to 160 between Brisbane and Sidney and Sidney to Al Ain a couple months back.

Mabrooke jacky... Tell me how it goes...

And as for the speed limit... YALLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! :lol: 8) :lol: 8)

Pah, 160 is for girls! Needs to be at least +200. Its a great open road.

I finally took the level one course,

A very good group of instructors and a blast I would highly recommend it. If you earn the instructors trust they let you get a little more aggressive too. You only get to drive a manual STI in Level 3, so that was a bit disappointing, but we drove A4’s for the beginner’s course which was OK.

You are THE man,
I'm coming next week to Brisbane for good. The most top on my list is the driving courses in Autodrome. I wanna ask about how much such courses cost.

Also i'll be buying a car what would you recommend and what car you own?

Anyway, will also appriciate if there are car enthusiats gatherings.

Cheers mate, hope to see you in the mirror of my car.

Quote:hope to see you in the mirror of my car
spoken like a true driver.

the cost I thought was quite reasonable AUD 550, I don't know what something like this would cost in Egypt but in Calgary, for the same type of course would run you CDN 750.

I don't drive anything fancy, An older BMW 325 Cab, but i'm in the market for a twin turbo Toyota Supra targa (it's frustrating 'cause i can't find a manual here), hopefully by end of Jan.

Check out, they have a forum section that may be of interest to you.

Also i'm not sure if you are aware or not but next weekend are the GT races here, if you are in town definitly check that out.

See you on the track.

jacky Wrote:You only get to drive a manual STI in Level 3, so that was a bit disappointing, but we drove A4’s for the beginner’s course which was OK.

What?! You saying the Audi owns over an STi? Obviously haven't put one through its paces eh?
-Driven by Precision-

re read the post, an STI is a 100 times better than a stock A4, i was saying i wish i could have driven the STI.

Oj, apologies... I read "you only get to drive" as in you were saying its only an STi Smile

Having had a rexie/STi for 5 years I can say it shits on an A4 in every sense of the word.
-Driven by Precision-

The beemer is a nice car, i'm actually still thinking about getting a 325 cab or 330ci, but prices are high for recent (last 5 years) models. Still eager to get a Lumina SS coupe, price seems affordable. 50+K.
How is the price of Supra? model etc?

Don’t get me wrong the BM is a nice car and I’m happy with it but this is Brisbane, they are as comman as a black and white taxi in Egypt.

I’m not a fan of Lumina’s, typical American trash, sure they may have some power but go around a corner at more than 50 and you’ll realize they are only made for the straightway, no offence though just stating an opinion, I do have to admit American branded cars look way better here than they do in NA. I just would always prefer handling over power.

A Toyota Supra twin turbo will run you about the same coin as your SS but it’ll be older, a 95’ish shouldn’t cost you more than 55k in really good condition, the problem I have is finding a car that isn’t an automatic, and I’d prefer one that was originally left hand drive.

Good luck in whatever you choose, the beauty of Brisbane is, most everything is available here.

Lumina is actually a rebadge Aussie trash car - dime a dozen there, namely the "Commonwhore". Typical no taste yobo car. Good for chewing tyres but terrible around bends.

Supra not that much better... GTR anyday of the week!
-Driven by Precision-

Skylines are nice, very true. One of the guys in my building has a really sweet one but I don't know, i've just never really liked them. To each his own though.

Very much agree - to each their own. Just that when you prefer handling over power and like Supras - its just contraWakerleytory.
-Driven by Precision-

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