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what to do :( I dont know :( I am now helpless
hi guys,

I am 24 years old from Pakistan , and comming to brisbane in some days , I am very frequent visitor of brisbane . I am getting married in december , and this will be my love marriege InshAllah . people from India and pakistan know that how difficult is to get married with a person you love. Now the real problem starts every thing was going very fine me till my engagment , after 4 or 5 months of engagment i was fired from my job than i treid very hard to get job but didnt get ny job . I started business but there was a real loss in the business and i was left with nothing . Every one is saying that this is because of girl , that she is unlucky for you. Many people are saying that leave the girl every thing will be alright. Some people are saying that there is magic spell on you people because some one dont want that you both get married. Me and that girl are in love and we love love each other from the deapth of our souls . I dont know what to do my marriege is fixed in december and i have nothing in hand no job, no business, and last day there was a massage from my inlaws that get the job or other wise we will break that engagment. I always think that no one is lucky or unlucky for you every thing is from Allah . I am praying to Allah and trying hard to get some thing out of my this life . Please help me guys that what to do and what can I do in this situation. I really love that girl and she really loves me SadSadSadSadSadSadSadSadSad

magicballs Wrote:Every one is saying that this is because of girl , that she is unlucky for you. Many people are saying that leave the girl every thing will be alright. Some people are saying that there is magic spell on you people because some one dont want that you both get married.
bullshit...thats what this is...pure 100% bullshit...


Pay bsaolutely no attention to what anyone is saying, very few people find true love and if you two belive that about one another, then nothing should tear you apart.

You make your own luck and your own destiny, nothing is just down to God, YOU have to make it work. Believe in yourself and your partner and what you can do together and you'll be fine. :lol:

i know what you're going thru coz i've been there but in a different way. my wife is not accepted by my family due religion thing.. we were together for 5 years but in secrecy but we no longer keep it a secret when she become fragnant so we have to come out. We were not able to enter our house so what we do is run away and proved to them that though we need their blessing on this relationship, we have to follow what we want,, now we are raising our son living happily even without our parents blessing,, but i know someday things will get better for all of us for the sake of my son.
to see is to believe

magicballs Wrote:hi guys,

Many people are saying that leave the girl every thing will be alright. Some people are saying that there is magic spell on you people because some one dont want that you both get married. I really love that girl and she really loves me SadSadSadSadSadSadSadSadSad

Well which century do u live? instead of listening so called advices from those morons ask em to help u out with money ,job etc. I dont know what kind of help u want, if u want blessing here are my blessings. If u need advice here it is. "use those bloody neurons on ur head , try hard to get a job and stop crying"

Well, if u get married, say goodbye to all your money anyway Smile
"I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints,,,,,and then i smoke two more" Sublime

Follow your heart... If you a good and true to yourself and are a good Muslim, God (Allah) will reward you....

Pumpkin Escobar Wrote:Well, if u get married, say goodbye to all your money anyway Smile

On point!

Pumpkin Escobar Wrote:Well, if u get married, say goodbye to all your money anyway Smile

Well he needs money to feed his belly, his wife's belly his coming children's belly and so on and so forth...

Snype Wrote:
magicballs Wrote:hi guys,

Many people are saying that leave the girl every thing will be alright. Some people are saying that there is magic spell on you people because some one dont want that you both get married. I really love that girl and she really loves me SadSadSadSadSadSadSadSadSad

Well which century do u live? instead of listening so called advices from those morons ask em to help u out with money ,job etc. I dont know what kind of help u want, if u want blessing here are my blessings. If u need advice here it is. "use those bloody neurons on ur head , try hard to get a job and stop crying"

for the first time i found my self on the same page as you are !!!!
Being a DJ is not a GOD given talent !!!!
its a Gift ..... by who ??? .... hmmmm

Snype Wrote:
magicballs Wrote:hi guys,

Many people are saying that leave the girl every thing will be alright. Some people are saying that there is magic spell on you people because some one dont want that you both get married. I really love that girl and she really loves me SadSadSadSadSadSadSadSadSad

Well which century do u live? instead of listening so called advices from those morons ask em to help u out with money ,job etc. I dont know what kind of help u want, if u want blessing here are my blessings. If u need advice here it is. "use those bloody neurons on ur head , try hard to get a job and stop crying"

for the first time i found my self on the same page as you are !!!!
well the other times u didnt read my posts so how could u judge on the sides to take? :lol:

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