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Can sex really wait?
They have tried to ingrain the idea of bsatenance in my head since 8th grade Health class. "Wait til you get married" is sounds like a good idea, but with music, movies, commercials, and books focusing soo much on sex, is it really an option anymore? Should they focus more on practicing safe sex?
"I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints,,,,,and then i smoke two more" Sublime

Pumpkin Escobar Wrote:They have tried to ingrain the idea of bsatenance in my head since 8th grade Health class. "Wait til you get married" is sounds like a good idea, but with music, movies, commercials, and books focusing soo much on fun, is it really an option anymore? Should they focus more on practicing safe fun?

Virginity in any case must be treasured.
you ougtha know me...

In a perfect world it's a great idea. But across the globe, youngsters are doing it left right and centre. There should be a greater emphasis on being safe and educating people. Look at the problems in Europe, you have babies having babies, I think the youngest is 12 or 13!!!!

If you're encouraged by what you see on TV etc, then I'm sorry that just shows week of mind - don't blame the media.

Alcoholic Wrote:If you're encouraged by what you see on TV etc, then I'm sorry that just shows week of mind - don't blame the media.

yeah right, cuz in whateva, it's your choice.
you ougtha know me...

I didnt say I was influenced by the media, although I do try to fornicate as much as possible, it's a personal choice :wink: . I am saying that they try to teach kids that having sex isn't even an option, and that is not reality. The reality is that alot more kids are having sex, so based on that, should they instead try to focus on reducing the damage by practicing safe sex alternatives.
"I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints,,,,,and then i smoke two more" Sublime

Alcoholic Wrote:In a perfect world it's a great idea. But across the globe, youngsters are doing it left right and centre. There should be a greater emphasis on being safe and educating people. Look at the problems in Europe, you have babies having babies, I think the youngest is 12 or 13!!!!

If you're encouraged by what you see on TV etc, then I'm sorry that just shows week of mind - don't blame the media.

WELL media is one main influence on the teenagers cos they try to emulate the pop stars and other junk stars. And also pressure from the society (i.e. friends etc) Example they tease you if you are virgin. And sex education doesnt really solve the problem.

True, male machismo wont let a guy be a virgin. It is like an elusive quest that guys must accomplish or be ridWakerleyuled by their peers. I know I felt that pressure, nobody ever wanted to admit they were ever a virgin, which is riWakerleyulous. But as I got older, I wasn't sorry about not waiting(actually I was happy I popped my cherry!!! :lol: ) but I wished I knew more about how to be safe and what not to do. I assume it is very different for females though. They NEVER give in :wink:
"I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints,,,,,and then i smoke two more" Sublime

I hate the double standards, if you're a bloke, you're encouraged to 'Sow your wild oates' as they used to put, but for a woman to do the same you're branded a slag - what the heck is that all about - and the difference is?

But also you have to look at the way the world is changing and attitudes to marriage, many people these days don't want to get married, but are happy to have a long term partner and maybe children within that relationship, and with 1 in 3 marriages ending in divorce many peole just don't see the point anymore afterall what difference does a piece of paper make? If 2 people are committed to one another and have chosen to share their live however they see fit, why can't they. If they're going to cheat they'll do it in marriage anyway.

Plus careers and other influences mean people are settling down alot later in live, the average now is probably early 30's as opposed to early 20's.

I think it's very good if you have your morals and wish to stick by them and you shouldn't let anyone make fun of you for it.

But for many people to get into a relationship or marriage with someone without knowing what they're like in the bedroom is a chance they're not willing to take.

Good point about marriage Choco!!! It would rather just be with someone forever, than get married. It is just paper anyway, what matters is if the love is there. Plus none of the legal troubles if you split up.

In my younger years I was guilty of branding girls, as Choco put it,"slags". But as I got older,I understood it is very hippocritical to label a female just cus she wants to get her rocks off too. It all comes from that image of girls being more sensible than guys and haing a better hold on their urges. Plus the theory that girls get "loose" doesnt help either. That is a bogus claim that girls get "loose" from shagging. But it is that stigma that guys have stuck in their heads. Ugly, but true.
"I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints,,,,,and then i smoke two more" Sublime

*looks around innocently with virgin eyes* 8)
Push the envelope.

There are many different kinds of fun.
And sex is not one of them.
Today's world is confused by what fun is.
Lets say you had sex with somebody and she gets pregnant..or get pregnant. Its not very funny anymore now, is it?

NOw you are stuck with a problem for your so called "fun".
Become a parent before your time and throw away all the real fun...OR kill an innocent baby who did nothing wrong. Your baby.

Its a bad thing to have sex with someone other then your spouse.
If a guy does that, he is selfish to the core. It is his own fleshy needs above all things.
And for a girl to spread them legs is..I will use Pumpkin's word " slags".
Because there is simply no other explainations.

Just remember the guy that is shagging you have no feelings for you other then your sexy body. Thats all they want. And ofcourse if you want that too...then...."slag" it is.

I am not sorry if I go against the world's view of safe sex. And we should all vote to ban that "Use a condom" ad on MTV.
I am banning my kids from MTV even thou I personally edited a few of them. MTV=EVIL
"I did not come for the righteous, but to call the sinners to repentance." -Christ Jesus

bsa, are we so insecure that we can't you the word - sex?!

and I actually think that MTV are being VERY responsible with their adverts. Teenagers will always be having sex not matter how much you preach and complain about it and I'd rather that if they're going to do it, they do it safely! Using condoms is the only way to protect yourself against sexually transmitted diseases and the spread of HIV.

Banning your kids from watching MTV is riWakerleyulous they come into contact of sensual images in every form of media, you might as well pluck out their eyes!

People should always practice safe sex and use contraception too, as you can sometimes have accidents.

And what is wrong with a woman wanting to enjoy herself as much as a man? Double standards or what?

Things are always better in a loving relationship, but hey many people aren't lucky in that department. I have girlfriends that would give most guys a run for their money in the prowling department.

Please drag yourself into the 21st century.

amen to that choco!

women in the 21st century knows how to have fun and rock!! simply because we are empowered, confident, intelligent and self-sufficient compared to the old version as they say...

as to the topic, offcourse you can get fun anytime u like... it's all a matter of choice as what mary told. i started having fun when i was in my teenager - - i think it's pretty normal because most of us are excited to explore world's wonder plus the thougt of u and ur friends doing it the first time together...and if ur values is not strong enough it can really get you into trouble. believe me these troubles comes in vaious shapes and weights... it can even affect some of the major decisions in one's life.

what i'm saying is that GO AHEAD GET MOST FUN IN YOUR LIFE. but be ready for all the risk that comes with it... anyways. it's our life, it's our choice.

Its my first post .. mmm.. well no comment at the momento !! all i can say its interesting so far !! i'll be posting my openion later !!

but FUN is not FUN all the time !!! if u know what i mean !! and believe me what i realised here so far ( Australia ) .. fun has a different meaning !!

hasta luego

Feel Free .. Live Free .. Do what eva u think right .. if not GET A LIFE THEN ;)

Just go ahead and enjoy life!!!

SKY Wrote:Just go ahead and enjoy life!!!


I'm more into "before buying a car, you need your driving license first"...

Were in 2005, it's time to accept that women and men are the same, I even think women are worst than us, they're just more "diplomat".
Oh la la...

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