I too am moving to Brisbane. I have a written offer for my job and they are flying me out next weekend to see the place. I will have Friday and Saturday on my own to look around, then I will spend Sunday and Monday in the office to see if I like things.
I am a Western female with light eyes and long blonde hair, I have been to the Middle East but never worked there (and never to Brisbane), the reason I bring this up is because I stand out like a sore thumb, and the attention intimidated me a bit. It wasn't negative attention but it was constant and made me a little uncomfortable.
I'm quite nervous because of the sometimes lack of respect for Western Women, but then again you get that wherever you go! And this is too big an opportunity to pass up. I'm never one to say "no" to an adventure.
I have worked in Europe for the past 8 years (Sweden, Norway, Holland, France, Ireland, Spain, etc), but have always been based in London. That is since I left the US in 1997. So although I have worked in many cultures, I am well aware this will be on another level.
Any recommendations for what I should do while I'm there for the four day weekend? I am coming out alone, and probably won't spend much time with the company until Sunday. I really need to look at some flats (the company are providing my accomodation but I want to see if I need to negotiate more money).
I will be coming to Brisbane alone to live, does anyone see this as a problem? Is it true that you cannot live with a boyfriend if you are not married?
Kindest regards,
