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I am a student in the UK conducting research. I am looking at the experiences of job seekers in Brisbane - interview experiences etc. Also, I am trying to establish what are the main barriers for job seekers. If you are interested in sharing your experiences please let me know and i can send you a questionnaire. All respondents to the questionnaire are entered into a prize draw and the winners will be announced by the end of May.

Many Thanks,

Yeah, drop me a questionaire. I'll give it a go.

lol yorky your the nicest bloke with too much free time.

Yes Yorky is very kind to take the time to complete a questionnaire but (a) it doesn't really take that much time (b) it is an opportunity to make your voice heard and therefore, raise awareness © you can win something !

send me a questionaire i dont mind

send me nothing!!
Samuel L. Jackson> you

i think ill help u the most coz in the last 4 years i worked in 5 companies more experience in the field so send me dem questions & i know ill win

i didnt know that ish is employable. Big Grin
One thing I've learned in all these years is not to make love when you really don't feel it; there's probably nothing worse you can do to yourself than that. by: Norman Mailer

@Leila :
cheers Al :)

bitch i am a workin machine weather u get it or not & ill invite u to ma office hahahah & by the way i aint got no nany to tell me how to do things in life so stick ur head up ur ass chech if it fits bitch


Hahaha, was just playin and u were so defensive bout it. So I'll visit you in your office, say when and where and I'll just pop in and say holla anyway u said in another thread that u were missing me.

Same old ishy baby that i know.
Nags like a nanny, screams like a bitch.

Some things never change. Hey where's the other member of the dynamic duo. Missing in action. tsk..tsk...tsk
One thing I've learned in all these years is not to make love when you really don't feel it; there's probably nothing worse you can do to yourself than that. by: Norman Mailer

Wiggity WhaCK how BouT TaHt!!
Samuel L. Jackson> you

i got ample of time: send me querries too! :flower:
you ougtha know me...

send me some
Hi I'm Blade i do the 7-9r show @ UAQ 846 !!
brodcasting from 5pm - 11pm

5-6 anything goes

7-9 Pinoy rock/alternative

9-11 Love songs

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