09-12-2006, 02:05 AM

Hello everyone. My name is Phil (Pip for short) and my wife is Chloe. We are looking to move to Australia from Hampshire in England and would like some advice. I have been hairdressing since 1998 (With a short break) and would like some advice from people on what's the best way to emigrate.
I have spoken to someone who said that I need 6 years experience in hairdressing and need 1 full years work in hairdressing before I can begin the process. Chloe is 22 and i'm 37, so sooner is better than later for emmigration.
What is the possibility for us to move out next year under an employers sponser? I don't know what it implies completley, but would do anything to move.
We would be greatfull for any advice from anyone who has done this before or who is thinking of emigrating themself.
Thanks for reading this and hope to hear from you soon.
Pip & Chloe Gaskin