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Hi all. I'm going to brisbane from another city and since i'm bored and lonesome, wanna make new friends there.
anybody wanna be my friend?
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Please, give us a feedback about yourself
Your welcome
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I'm an asian girl, studying in australia, considering to go to brisbane for the holidays
if anybody wanna be in touch. plz pm me or yim: kwdrat
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I indian , working as system engineer.
My mail id is
I am also looking for good friend.
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What is so funny AhmedbinAbdullah? I read ur posts replying to the the local girl and already hated you. You are mentally retarded and definately i did not open this thread to be friends with you. Who would? right.
Anyway, kalgi- i usually have problems with Indians, as i do not understand your accent or whatsoever, but this doesn't mean i'm racist
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Ms. LS
I thought that u r looking for friend, but he just entered and looking for friends like u, but the funny is that it was in ur subject.
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there were nothing to laught and gaze as u did, since there is nothing so funny in my subject.
About my reply to kalgi, i just said what is possible, it is not a rejection. plz think twice and understand this AhmedBinAbdullah
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hey tagalo
i thought many times !
u r a new member and looking for friends, so your subject should be in General Chat or New Members, BUT you made it in ROMANCE.
What does that mean Ms. LS
Directly mean that u r looking for romance in brisbane. This is WHY I asked you to give all the members a feedback about yourself.
Plus, your answer was only FEMALE, nothing about age, intersts, .......ext like any friend would provide.
Sure u won't find a husband here, u might want a romance in Brisbane specially in ur vication, just to save few AUD's to ur pocket.
Please, start to think logiclly idea
lol HaVe FuN lol
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LS Wrote:Hi all. I'm going to brisbane from another city and since i'm bored and lonesome, wanna make new friends there.
anybody wanna be my friend?
why do u not come to Denmark :oops:
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I recommend HP to be ur friend oops
You will have alot of FUN with HP roll
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AhmedBinAbdullah Wrote:I recommend HP to be ur friend :oops:
You will have alot of FUN with HP :roll:
Thanks man ,why not , to be honest , girls feel very happy in my company. Until and unless they know me , it is always too late for them 
my CV
MSc Love and romance management .........London Business school
1999-2000..............30 girls were dated , average cost per girl 1000 Euro
2000-2002 ........... .20 girls in 2 years
2003-2003 very bad year just 2 girls in entire year , reason was bad bank account ;(
2005-2005 girl ,i spent time in muslim country
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Oh i see. This is why u sent me a pm looser. Anyway, perhaps you're right AhmedBinAbdullah, i should have opened this thread somewhere else, but in fact i was just surfing through this forum and decided to start a new thread as where it seemed a place where people start such threads.
About the feedback thing, i said more than enough. if i make friends then i tell him/her more details. i'm not a kind of person going everywhere wring about how i look, what my interests are or my phone number etc every contact details.
I'm not looking for a husband here. Who would want a husband from this local sociaty, that everyody hates? I'm not even looking for a romance, because it is just too risky to find a good one from a sociaty full of ahmedbinabdullah-alikes.
You think wisely, and eventhough you tought many times, you still need to think again since you're just too dumb to realize what's what unless your small analizes it 100times at least. Do not consider everyone at your level. did i not tell you u're retarded?
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hey tagalo
Australians r feeding u and ur family, this is why u r here in Australia. u should appreciate this.
if u would like to know more, please book a pointment.
my mail is bellow.
PS. Don't worry I'm always RIGHT
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AhmedBinAbdullah Wrote:hey tagalo
Australians r feeding u and ur family, this is why u r here in Australia. u should appreciate this.
if u would like to know more, please book a pointment.
my mail is bellow.
PS. Don't worry I'm always RIGHT
First of all why the hell do u send pm to members of the forum? Second why they hell do u ask em to book the appointment? Do u have pimping business? Third how the hell did u get into Switzerland being an illiterate? Fourth I want an local that feeds me camel milk. Fifth whose ur mamy? Sixth the thread is locked as warning NO LONE OR LOOKING FOR FRIEND here:evil: