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Hello there,
Im sure many of you know about Park Brisbane. We have been working for months to put together a site that is going to show every possible aspect and information of this skyscraper. It is still under developement and there will be tons of information and photos added, but i hope you will still enjoy it 
What you can already see:
-Construction photos
-Park models, ads, plans
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I have right to submit my opinion though most people hardly subscribes to my ideas ;0). The background color is quite dim and doesnt bring fist sight attraction. Why do u not add some animation too ? You dont need to make a Caption Park Brisbane skyscrapers........... Ads of google in the middle of page , reveals amateur web site.
First think and think again what are we going to do and how to put all information at right place to attract the people .....
I thought u started last night though u claim that u guys had been doing for one month :x
let me show u a pic
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Hello HP,
Background: imo the colour fits the page, the main goal is the content, not really the layout
Animation: might be in the future
Ads: factually its not in the middle. The purpose of the ad is that we have invested nearly 100$ in the host+domain. And as you can see the size of it is quite small. It also gives relevant sites which might be interesting for some, i dont think its a disadvantage to have it for visitors.
We have not started last night. If its possible to make a design and collect the information under one night, please tell me how.
Infact we have started it about half a year ago.
Take a look on "big sites" on the internet which have over million visitors each week, many of them using adsense as well.
As for being amateur or not, think, it is an unofficial site, or you can call it fansite, that wants to give information about a skyscraper.
Thanks for that render, but we had a discussion about it, and we agreed that it has been stretched, which makes a fake visual impression.
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Nice site, one suggestion though if possible, stick a live webcam on the construction site, I think that would help you attract visitors. Everytime i look out my window it feels like they have another floor on the thing.
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jacky, i would gladly do that, but i doubt Emaar would allow it.
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Quote:Background: imo the colour fits the page, the main goal is the content, not really the layout
well layout is the first impression , when u walk out and look at the gal ,the first thing is LOOK or her layout and subsequently you notice the other attributes. Make it look professional and try to distinguish it from others.If you remember the bubbles ,everyone at that time , started e-commerce by immitating each other without really having a strategy.We are at 2005 and competition is "skyrocket" . You have to bring people to you web site .........In online world their is no damn loyalty ,its jst one click and customer moved to another site ....damn i am writing my course articles hehehe
Quote:Animation: might be in the future
think again , dont show the under construction site to the people ,they wouldnt come back ........make it complete and present it before the people. The world is very buz one ll give u a second chance .
think and do
when i click on dost tell me who u guys are and whats purpose this web site serve . rather u talk about competition , jst tell me why would i be interested in competition as a visitior.
on news section , u can talk about some news of construction related industry .
when i click on forum ,a new window opens ,it shuldnt be like that ,no one really like to go at new window to check the forum.
i am not hurting u but i am jst coming up wid my own ideas ;0) ,i culd write a 30 pages report but again ..........who cares
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visit this web site , and see how he has managed the pictures ,might u get some clue ........
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First, thanks HP, this is what i needed objective criticism, your first post was much more like a dissing, not really constructive, so thanks for this second one!
1. About layout:
The basic design (in .psd) was done by my Ironiah friend (see credits at the info page), so i am not judging my own layout. I think its quite unique and serves its purposes. If i wanted it to look more professional then i would need to invest hundreads or even a few thousand dollars, as im very far from being a webdesigner. And to be honest this site is not about business, not about competition, its to show the developement via (mainly) construction photos.
2. Showing the site too early:
With this point a do agree, BUT  , the ones that are interested in architecture are going to check the site for the new photos, and i know it for sure. There is a nice community at Skyscraperscity (that is why i have the forum link to the current Park topic), and these people want to see the photos and other information collectively, not in party in a forum that has 500 pages to go through to find single photos in single posts.
3. Competiton?:
If you read that article, you would realise its about a possible competitor for Park, its about a MILE high skyscraper that might be built, altough i myself highly doubt it. I do think it is a relevant article. The facts page will show the other possible competitors as well (and to get back to your point, yes i should have started advertising later, although this is the first place i wrote about the site..).
4. Forum:
As i said that forum is the home for most of the people who come to my site (currently), and if everything goes ok, we will have our own forum.
You should realise that its a professional PHP site, my site is a plain html, and as i said earlier i would need a lot of money to make such site, and it wouldnt worth it FOR NOW. Just before Park gets built in 2008 i might consider investing in it, but for now it wouldnt be a clever step imo.
Again, thanks for posting HP.
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Quote: And to be honest this site is not about business, not about competition, its to show the developement via (mainly) construction photos.
Now a days we have competition and if you done make investment than you are out of business ;0). I couldnt find if construction development has any impact on the bottom line of subject country. It is very long discussion, I skip it and come to your web site. lets assume that you would like to show us ,whats happening in construction industry in Brisbane ? If so then why? just for the sake of fun? Or u have any business idea in your mind ?
Quote:With this point a do agree, BUT , the ones that are interested in architecture are going to check the site for the new photos, and i know it for sure. There is a nice community at Skyscraperscity (that is why i have the forum link to the current Park topic), and these people want to see the photos and other information collectively, not in party in a forum that has 500 pages to go through to find single photos in single posts.
Just ponderin if you are an architet ? or trying to bring the architect community to-geather to share ? or u r planning for an e-bay of construction industry ? or planning to open a recruitment agency of architects? or might be u can posts job concerning construction business ?
Quote:You should realise that its a professional PHP site, my site is a plain html, and as i said earlier i would need a lot of money to make such site, and it wouldnt worth it FOR NOW. Just before Park gets built in 2008 i might consider investing in it, but for now it wouldnt be a clever step imo.
a guy in China used to have small e-commerce company ,jst helping industries toward international market . The site was bought by Yahoo by paying 1 billion and appointed him CEO of Yahoo China
so why not u . Lets look at bright side , one day u get a phone call from Donald Trump, who is interested to buy your site and want to appoint u as G.M of his company in Middle East .
Just wana say that u must have vision , start something for fun but never forget what can u do in fun .
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HP Wrote:Quote: And to be honest this site is not about business, not about competition, its to show the developement via (mainly) construction photos.
Now a days we have competition and if you dont make investment than you are out of business ;0). I couldnt find if construction development has any impact on the bottom line of subject country. It is very long discussion, I skip it and come to your web site. lets assume that you would like to show us ,whats happening in construction industry in Brisbane ? If so then why? just for the sake of fun? Or u have any business idea in your mind ?
Quote:With this point a do agree, BUT , the ones that are interested in architecture are going to check the site for the new photos, and i know it for sure. There is a nice community at Skyscraperscity (that is why i have the forum link to the current Park topic), and these people want to see the photos and other information collectively, not in party in a forum that has 500 pages to go through to find single photos in single posts.
Just ponderin if you are an architet ? or trying to bring the architect community to-geather to share ? or u r planning for an e-bay of construction industry ? or planning to open a recruitment agency of architects? or might be u can posts job concerning construction business ?
Quote:You should realise that its a professional PHP site, my site is a plain html, and as i said earlier i would need a lot of money to make such site, and it wouldnt worth it FOR NOW. Just before Park gets built in 2008 i might consider investing in it, but for now it wouldnt be a clever step imo.
a guy in China used to have small e-commerce company ,jst helping industries toward international market . The site was bought by Yahoo by paying 1 billion and appointed him CEO of Yahoo China
so why not u . Lets look at bright side , one day u get a phone call from Donald Trump, who is interested to buy your site and want to appoint u as G.M of his company in Middle East .
Just wana say that u must have vision , start something for fun but never forget what can u do in fun .
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Now i understand whats your point. I have visions, i have big projects in my mind, but this site has nothing to do with them. Its not for making millions, it serves the only purpose to show everything about Park Brisbane, and thats it.
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DanielH Wrote:Now i understand whats your point. I have visions, i have big projects in my mind, but this site has nothing to do with them. Its not for making millions, it serves the only purpose to show everything about Park Brisbane, and thats it. 
well if u need my help , u can share with me ,it wouldnt cost u money!!jst write the problem and i would come up with opinion as long as it is about e-business
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Hehe, well, 1. i need money 2. im waiting for .eu to start, these things you cant give 
Anyways if you have the knowledge over nameservers, i would have a few questions then
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DanielH Wrote:Hehe, well, 1. i need money 2. im waiting for .eu to start, these things you cant give 
Anyways if you have the knowledge over nameservers, i would have a few questions then
mostly the names r hidden so i never put attention to name servers.
Just wait and let me get married wid a rich girl. It is easy to find a rich gal but it is hard to spend life with them ;P If u were born poor thats your fate but if your father-in-law is poor thats your stupidity :0)
well make a solid business plan and then invite the investors to put the money on your project. Ask jacky habibi , all the possible way to make investment.
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Hi, I don't suppose you know who the architect is? i know its SOM as design architect. Do they have a local firm working as executive architect.
I'm a uk architect job hunting in brisbane at the moment and this would be great project to work on.
thanks in advance