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What makes you laugh?
Ok just thought it might be fun to lighten things up and find out what people's sense of humour is like. What are the things that make you laugh, as silly as you like.

You'll think I'm mad for saying this but the one that gets me every single time, no matter how many times I see it, is the episode of the Simpsons where Homer is writing his food reviews and Lisa says she won't help him anymore.

So he's sitting at the table in the middle of the night writing and talking to the dog:

Homer - 'And the bread in the er resturaunt was er er er...'

Dog - 'Ruff?'

Homer - 'Nah you've used that one too much now'

Dog - 'Chewy?'

It's the way he says chewy completely cracks me up!

Oh and the dodgy looking woman who was freaking out in the lift the other day with complete lilo lips - hilarious!

pumpkin escobar
"Dont drink n drive, just smoke n fly"

rents in brisbane Big Grin ...i thought hong kong was bad!!....but "seriously"...want does make me laugh..."Curb your enthusiasm" series by HBO...they are genius...if you ever get a chance get the DVD...will really crack you up!!....simpsons are always funny!!

I’m probably not going to explain this as well is it should be,

But one of the best Simpson’s episodes is when Homer joins a clown collage that is set up by Krusty and becomes a Krusty interpreter, Krusty owed the mob some money by betting against the Harlem Globetrotters, throughout the episode the mob is trying to kill Krusty and Homer ‘cause he is pretending to be Krusty…. In the end after several drive bys, commandeering his clown collage, the mob using the Krusty restaurant’s as loan shark outlets the old stereotypical mob boss goes I will forgive you from running from your obligation but you must pay your debt in full, Krusty goes here is a 50, the mob boss in a quirky voice goes and 2’s your change. I laughed my A$$ off.

Another couple great episodes are..

When they go to Japan and at the end they have 2 Canadian’s in a pit of scorpions on a game show wearing flannel jackets (the also have Homer on the john with a toilet bowl camera in this episode, priceless) or the one when Homer is trying to ignore Marge at the dinner table, picks up a newspaper and goes Look Marge Quebec is going to hold a referendum both those I guess are funnier for someone who is Canadian though.

Yes I’m a geek, man do I really miss the Simpsons.

Calvin and Hobbes....

Calvin rocks.... calvin is my role model.
The only way to get rid of temptation is to yeild to it....

THE SIMPSONS:....du dut du deru durur ruru...hehe that was supposed to be the music after they say the simpsons...
im LOVE IT...
and I just love fresh prince in bell air...I can see it over and over again...and still laugh...
friends is great!
will and grace is hilarious...i love jack..he is a great actor...
what else.....ohh ya...south park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! crazy about that one...

1= what made me laugh in brisbane ws when i sat beside a gal in Brisbane public transport ...... i didn't know couple of first seats are reserved for ladies (my first and last journey) ".

2= i only proposed one gal and the first thing she said to me " now all the other gals have finished , so u came to me .................

3= when jacky habibi is online ..............

4= when a gal told me she never saw a decent guy like me Tongue

5= posts of choco make me laugh .......i think she does her best but end up making fool of herself Smile

6= i had two girl friends and both turned out to be sisters Sad

1=I was talking to a Chinese student , while making my breakfast . I was telling him about Pakistan and India and our tie with china ….. after 15 minutes he inquired …what is the difference between Pakistan and philistine .

2= The other day , Chinese came to me while having Pork in two plates ,he inquired if I culd taste and tell him, which one has good quality.

Ah HP, I don't laugh with you, I laugh at YOU!!!!

Quote:= i had two girl friends and both turned out to be sisters

Were they your sisters? Actually for you even that might be unattainable, were they twins and attached to each of your wrists? Was one called Leftina?

Quote:Were they your sisters? Actually for you even that might be unattainable, were they twins and attached to each of your wrists? Was one called Leftina?

Man u look so serious and offended , cheers up , can i consider it a joke? Tongue


What is great in great Britain ?

Simpsons - when they had to go into protective custody and change their identity. FBI dude keeps telling Homer his new identity and tries to talk to him, after a few times H nudges another FBI guy and whispers "I think he's talking to you..." classic.
-Driven by Precision-

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