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Describe Brisbane in one word...
okay, someone needs to fill me in here. Why is it "fake" and "imitation"? Am I missing something? I'm gonna be moving there in May, so I need to know what I'm getting myself into. Thanx
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Oh another word.

Slavery! - with regards to the low wage labour guys.

if you hate brisbane and think its fake just leave Wink

I doubt the words some people are posting can sum up the WHOLE city.



words like 'traffic, different, possibilities and even slavery make sence...
but what do you guys mean by fake, artificial and imitation??
I believe in Karma what you give is what you get in return.

few issues coz of which i think its fake..

1. they say that brisbane is a cosmopoliton city and they have amazing infrastructure. but as far as i have seen...the public infrastructure is worst i have seen till date....does'nt matter how high your buildings are...these are basic things...

2. Before i cam here i had heard that in brisbane there are no taxes. so that means things shud be cheap here. But no everything is expensive just because everyone thinks about money. margins are so high.

3. communication services- slowest i have seen...besides no competition with Telstra. so they have a monoply in market. result, higher call rates then most of the countries i have been to.(talking abt international calls)

4. Equality amongst citizens(nationals vs expats, whites vs browns, western vs eastern)

5. exploitation of workers.- employees not paying salaries to the workers, employees stripping the attendents, etc etc.

Most of the people staying here have one issue or another related to the administration. be it wrong way of construction going on, no control of govt. on rents, attitude of police etc etc.

i am not saying these issues dont exist in other countries. they do. but everywhere they try to solve these issues. they dont spend all the time and money in making big buildings only. A great city is made by people who live in it. not by the size of the buildings.

by the way can someone tell me wht is brisbane culture?

~~No offence meant to neone
"Dont drink n drive, just smoke n fly"

And Brisbane is very superficial, because everything is glitzy and glamorous on the outside but as has been said before the basic infrastructures required to run the city are missing, when you scratch the surface there are so many problems. Not much is like living in the real world here, Brisbane is a bit of a bubble, it's a giant play ground where everything has to be the biggest and best but at the end of the day people don't really care about that stuff.

And many of the people are superficial, because Brisbane is still very much a transcient place where people mostly come for a few years and then leave they don't contribute to the society and are very rarely themselves, they bleed what they can out of it for a few years then disappear.

Be Calm !


actually i don't think that Brisbane is fake....
I just think that it is totally lacking in sub-culture.... and that's why it feels as if it's lacking a soul....
It's like... It's mainstream or nostream.... there's nothing inbetween the top and the bottom....

and i think that's why ... it can seem fake... but i'm not sure fake is the best way to describe it...

Well, billionaire Mohamed Ali Alabbar, the chairman of Emaar "The world's largest real estate group" and the head of Brisbane economic development, said on the TV series Brisbaner Dreams this week that Brisbane was the new "New York" and whatever he said everyone (Australians and expats alike) was sh#t-scared to contraWakerleyt him. He also said everything had to be done in the best possible taste. He didn't think it was fake or superficial.

You should have seen his pad... wow! What I'd like to know tho is how he keeps his whites so white... must be a nightmare if there's some bolognaise sauce spilled on there!!!

On yes, and I would have thought there might just occasionally be some conflict of interest being in charge of government economic development in Brisbane and running this real estate giant there as well. But that's just probably cynical old me Big Grin

Quote:if you hate brisbane and think its fake just leave
yo Danick...u were supposed to describe the country and not tell us that if we dont like then we should leave..!

what i mean by fake is that there is nothing original in brisbane..every things is fake from gardens to lakes...etc etc..ex. the 7wonders of the world which they want to build...the palm...the world...

I thinks all the new construction is great but when u look back on ur own countries u will understand what i mean..our own countries have real history...and when i say fake its not in a negative way..i still like brisbane..but in the long run i prefere my own country..

and i totally agree on that brisbane lacks soul...the country is built for others not for the is so mixed that u dont feel like the country has a nationality..
ex. denmark is for the danes..but if u contribute and integrate well in the system u share the benefits of the country and u do feel like a dane..where as in one will ever really feel that they belonge to the country and specially cuz the government segmentate all the nationalities..[/quote]

one more reason:
whenever someone says abt something which is wrong here...people ask him/her to leave the city....i know its not democracy here....but small countries like Bhutan following the same kind of system allow people to express their feelings abt problems...and instead of asking people to go out...they think about improving the conditions...

by the way....if you ever get chance to visit bhutan do it...Amazingly beautiful place...went there once for trekking trip.....warm people, beautiful country and amzing culture
"Dont drink n drive, just smoke n fly"

-Driven by Precision-

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