09-15-2005, 03:44 PM
Hello there..
Since 2 years .. i am looking for a girl... a nice decent one.. i am looking at the places which i assume are the right places.... i am trying to avoid all the "fishy" places and make it a respectful manner coz am serious about what i am looking for.
Why all the good girls r very much hidden here in Brisbane... or its only my eyes?!!
or is it because i am looking for a life time partner ?!! its really confusing me :?
i know its a sad-desperate question .. but...would anyone plz tell me where?
Since 2 years .. i am looking for a girl... a nice decent one.. i am looking at the places which i assume are the right places.... i am trying to avoid all the "fishy" places and make it a respectful manner coz am serious about what i am looking for.
Why all the good girls r very much hidden here in Brisbane... or its only my eyes?!!

i know its a sad-desperate question .. but...would anyone plz tell me where?