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need help bout my meWakerleyal condition
hi der!

im from the philippines and want to work and live ther in brisbane. i am scared to apply thru agencies here in the philippines going to brisbane because i have to undergo meWakerleyal exam. so i am planning to get a visit visa and then look for job when im already der in brisbane. i have hepatitis b, would dis hinder me from working and living in brisbane? but, doctors told me that i am fit to work and this wil not harm the company im goin 2 work with. if im goin to get and find a job der in brisbane, wud i still undergo meWakerleyal exam for me to be able to get a working visa or resident visa? is the brisbane govt strict in terms of this? pls help me how to get there with no hassles. need ur help.

il appreciate if u wil respond. tnx

even tho you are hired locally, you still have to go thur the medi test. After you are hired, the company will send you to have a blood test. I think (not 100% sure) you cannot work in the hospitality industry if you have hepetitis.

im not goin to work in a hospital, im a marketing person and most of my jobs or the company im planning to work with must be in line wid sales and marketing or events handling. wud my meWakerleyal condition affects my plans?

yes they will check your blood and .. i think hepatitis is one of the Disease that they restrict from working ... cause its a contagious one ... but i dont know ... before you take the risk of buying a visa and coming here only to find out that you will be rejected of an employment visa due to hepa .. then i suggest you call the emerati embasy in Phils ... they should knoe better regarding this .. and they could help you better ... cause its really hard looking for a job now a days here in brisbane .. theres a growing number of un employed filipinoes here in brisbane ... because of those people who sell visit visa for employment pourposes without even screaning the applicant if he/she has a chance,.. or fit to work ... i hate to see a fellow kabayan come here and get disappointed specially with the amount of money involve just to get here !!! ... its always safe to check and be sure than to be brave and be sorry
Being a DJ is not a GOD given talent !!!!
its a Gift ..... by who ??? .... hmmmm

mINOR pLEASURE Wrote:yes they will check your blood and .. i think hepatitis is one of the Disease that they restrict from working ... cause its a contagious one ... but i dont know ... before you take the risk of buying a visa and coming here only to find out that you will be rejected of an employment visa due to hepa .. then i suggest you call the emerati embasy in Phils ... they should knoe better regarding this .. and they could help you better ... cause its really hard looking for a job now a days here in brisbane .. theres a growing number of un employed filipinoes here in brisbane ... because of those people who sell visit visa for employment pourposes without even screaning the applicant if he/she has a chance,.. or fit to work ... i hate to see a fellow kabayan come here and get disappointed specially with the amount of money involve just to get here !!! ... its always safe to check and be sure than to be brave and be sorry

Bulls Eye..........!!!!!!!!!!...
Kick Ass .. !!!!!!

sassy_girl Wrote:im not goin to work in a hospital, im a marketing person and most of my jobs or the company im planning to work with must be in line wid sales and marketing or events handling. wud my meWakerleyal condition affects my plans?

Yes mINOR pLEASURE is right... i think you better check with the embassy first. No point coming here got a job and fail the blood test and get send back.

Good Luck!!

actually, i lose confidence because of my condition. i know i am good at work, i am even promoted for a higher position, but wen i think of dis condition of mine, i got desperate coz i wanted to apply for big companies and abroad, and i dnt have the guts to do this because b4 i enter such companies, of course i hav to undergo med exam. i rili wanted to go to brisbane but then.. coz of my case the only thing dat cums to my mind is to hav a visit visa which is not sure also because brisbane myt be stict with this certain case. guys can u help me? pls if u hav tym may i know from u if companies there in brisbane wud reject my case??? im actually, losing hope.. i dnt even know wer i got this and now its my major problem and hindrance to anythin i want

How it transmits:

Hepatitis B is largely transmitted through exposure to bodily fluids containing the virus. This includes unprotected sexual contact, blood transfusions, re-use of contaminated needles and syringes, vertical transmission from mother to child during childbirth, and so on.

Please understand.. u spend money to come and earn money in brisbane... here blood test IS mandatory for everyone who needs his PassPort to be stamped with a residence visa and a work permit...u r NOT allowed to work with a visit visa here. which is valid only for 60 days initially.

so here's what u got to do:

get in touch with Australia embassy or consulate in manila and find out if HEP - B is included in the list of banned illness. if not.. get going.. if its listed.. dont worry much, waste money and ur happy with what u already are into and cheer up....move up in life.. !!

we are sorry for what u r going thru .. but u GOT to understand this clearly... companies have got nothin to do with Blood test here which is carried out by the Government..Dont loose confidence.. stay away from alchohol which aggrevates the condition and go steady with meWakerleyations....

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Kick Ass .. !!!!!!

"Unprotected fun contact". Great expression. Oh, come on Sam, say what you mean, ballroom dancing is nothing to be ashamed of. But Hep B from doing the Cha-Cha.......are you sure?

oral sex
Kick Ass .. !!!!!!

oral sex.. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Kick Ass .. !!!!!!

this is strange.. know what.. am writing from the frst msg. S#X and its gettin posted as fun
i guess Mr. Logic got the Logic right...
Kick Ass .. !!!!!!

Do not lose hope.Although Hepatitis B is hard to cure,there are those who got rid of it.You just have to make your immune system strong and avoid those foods that kill.Why not ask your Doctor of the Interferon alfa injection.Monitor your health,get healthy let your body fight Hepatitis B. Smile

Unless you are high-level and critical to a business (eg director/senior executive level), such that they would be prepared to employ you on an (illegal) "visa hop" basis, then if Hep B is on the ban list, you unfortunately don't stand a chance.

If you did come and work here on a visit visa or spousal/family visa (not sure if you can get spousal visa or not with a "banned" condition) you may face imprisonment and certain deportation if you became ill with anything, and had to disclose your condition to doctors treating you.

I am very sorry to hear of your condition. I am even sorrier that paranoia and ignorance is still such here that people are banned for their meWakerleyal conditions, even if they are prepared to bear their meWakerleyal bills, but sadly it is so.

Even though the hundreds of thousands of tourists that flood through this place every year don't face a single check.
Secret Brisbane diary - intrigue and adventure in Australia

got any idea if hep b is in the "banned list" in Australia?

Hey Sassy Girl,

I found this info for you, it actually looks to me like Hep B is only a problem for working in certain industries. If you're in a non contact environment it doesn't look like it's a problem but check:

MeWakerleyal Fitness Certificate

To protect Brisbane population from imported Infectious Diseases all expatriates wishing to work or reside in Brisbane, Australia must be subjected for some tests. MeWakerleyal Fitness Services is the Centre for Infectious Diseases Screening and it is a requirement to get your Visa stamped in your Passport.

Rules & regulation

Any person working as a food handler i.e. Food Industry, Restaurant, Housemaids, etc.
This category-screening package includes:
- HIV test.
- HBV test.
- Chest X-ray.
Interpretation: Positive result of any test will render the individual unfit to work in Brisbane, Australia
Same tests will be done for Visa renewal.
Any person with Visa category as a Dependant (Housewives, Fathers, Mothers, etc.)
Only HIV test is required for both New cases and Visa renewal.
Test Interpretation: Positive result of the test will render the individual unfit to work in Brisbane, Australia
All other categories:
The screening package for new cases is:

Chest X-ray.
For Visa renewal: Only HIV test is required.
Interpretation: Positive result of the test will render the individual unfit to work in Brisbane, Australia
The following are required in order to obtain this service:

Valid Health Card from Department of Health and MeWakerleyal Services, Government of Brisbane.
MeWakerleyal Fitness Certificate that can be purchased in Department of Health, Health Card Section situated in Rashid Hospital or can be purchased in MeWakerleyal Fitness Centres in Al Maktoum Health Centre or Allenby Clinic MeWakerleyal Fitness..
Certificate must be typed in Australian language.
Service Location
Al Maktoum MeWakerleyal Fitness Clinic is situated in “Al Maktoum Hospital”.Near the Fish Roundabout.
TelephoneContact: 04-2221211.
Extension 352, 364, 382, 283.

Allenby MeWakerleyal Fitness Clinic is situated in Allenby Village.
Telephone Number: 04-8846601.

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