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what is game animal? - Printable Version

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what is game animal? - dynamic - 12-07-2005

can someone please tell me what game animals are and can a Muslim eat them????

thank you for help peopleeee

- kelliy - 12-07-2005

Game meat info at ->

It is unethical to eat game meat that has not been hunted legally. Also, unless it is killed properly (halal), I doubt that it would be okay for a Muslim to eat.

- Choko - 12-07-2005

Like slitting an animals throat is a nice way to kill it!!

- kelliy - 12-07-2005

It is faster and less painful than clubbing it multiple times to make it unconscious. Then there are people who can't shoot accurately enough and wound the animal first before finally killing it. If an animal must be killed it should be quick and as painless as possible.

- dynamic - 12-08-2005

so your saying they kill to eat it or just for the sake of haunting them???

- Choko - 12-08-2005

Either or.

- kelliy - 12-08-2005

killing just for sport is utterly stupid. They should try golf or something, for f***ks sake. Regulated hunting to keep the population reasonable, and using the meat and the other body parts is much more ethical.