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Full Version: " FIRST KNIGHT" Victory'S CUT
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If some punk came up into my castle all like " bow before me bitch"
I'd be like " Taste my longsword homo!" then i'd kicks his ass
to lancelot " i know you been tryin to tap ma wife fool!" then i'd cut his head off and play foot balll with it
further more, when i die, i choose to be duct taped to the throne and paraded in the town square...for ever...with my wife shackled next to me, people may throw tomatoes at her if they please.
and none of that weak shit with the steeds! i'd be in a lowrider doing drive bys on peasent villages and hamlets.

that is all.
its random!
its vivid!
incredeble i love it bravo there boy bravo!
You have no class Victory my boy.

Sighhhhhhhhh, girls who still believe in virginity and chastity. Men fought with honour and chivalry. How how i wish i could have lived in those days.

The rape and pillage must have been awesome! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
vikings were the gods of raping and pillaging, they had skills![/quote]