Brisbane Forums

Full Version: do u know a Payment Gateways??
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im new to this forum
and i would like to talk abt my self first
my name is tariq and im a web and application developer
i programmed some site and right now im working in an Australian company as a web developer
the websites that i did are ( i think they stop it from working cuase i left the company there loool ) this is the company im working in now its located in Kedron

and im working these days on a new blog for me and my GF, working also on a website for a photographer.

anyway nice to meet you all ^_^

im just wondering did any one used a payment gateway different than the mashreq bank cuase in the first website i used it and its not that good .

and in the second website after i searched in brisbane for any company that do this type of payment i did not found any

i send emails to paypal and they were like we dont do work with these countries ??
so i went to 2checkout they are good in customer service but they charge alot of money on each transaction they will take from each transaction 5.5 % and i dont think its a good thing.

so any one have any ideas about tese companies please tell me

Thanks alot .
